6 May 1944
  • In India, Mahatma Gandhi was released from imprisonment due to health reasons. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • British Army junior officer John Randle took out a Japanese machine gun position in Burma, then purposefully sacrificed himself to take out a bunker with a grenade. He was posthumously awarded a Victoria Cross. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • The A7M1 Reppu fighter took its first flight. ww2dbase [A7M Reppu | CPC]
  • During the day, 25 Japanese Zero fighters attacked Bishenpur, India. After sundown, Japanese troops attacked Tengnoupal, India. ww2dbase [Battle of Imphal-Kohima | CPC]
  • Rudolf Höss received orders to travel to Auschwitz Concentration Camp in occupied Poland. ww2dbase [Rudolf Höss | CPC]
  • Khaki Combat Team of US 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional) began hacking through jungle northwest of Ritpong, Burma; they encountered a Japanese field kitchen and captured braised buffalo mean, canned fish, and other foods. Meanwhile, two companies of Chinese 88th Regiment moved into position to attack the village. ww2dbase [Battle of Myitkyina | Ritpong | CPC]
Dutch East Indies Germany
  • The order for the construction of U-3538, U-3539, U-3540, U-3541, and U-3542 was issued. ww2dbase [U-3542 | U-3538 | U-3539 | U-3540 | U-3541 | CPC]
Hawaii Japan
  • In the East China Sea, submarine USS Spearfish detected a Japanese convoy of about ten cargo ships with three escorts. Spearfish fired four torpedoes into the pack of ships and four more at the merchant ship Toyoura Maru, whose cargo of high explosives disintegrated the ship with a brilliant flash. The first torpedo salvo also damaged the munitions ship Mamiya. Spearfish then endured a depth charge attack that considerably shook the boat with each of the eleven explosions. Once Spearfish evaded the counter-attack, she circled back to find Mamiya dead in the water. Spearfish executed another torpedo attack that further damaged the ship and subjected Spearfish to another boat-jarring depth charge attack. ww2dbase [Spearfish | East China Sea | DS]
Marshall Islands Pacific Ocean
  • USS Gurnard spotted a large Japanese convoy in the Celebes Sea at about 0800 hours. At about 1400 hours Japan Time, fired two 3-torpedo spreads. Destroyer Fujinami observed the wakes and reported to other escorts. The torpedoes hit Tajima Maru (sank, killing 58 soldiers, 3 crewmen, and 9 gunners), Aden Maru (sank, killing 499 soldiers, 12 crewmen, and 4 gunners), and Amatsusan Maru (started fire); the Americans claimed all six torpedoes hit. The Japanese escorts (Patrol Boat No. 102 (former USS Stewart), Patrol Boat No. 104, netlayer Korei Maru, Submarine Chaser No. 38, minelayer Shirataka, destroyer Fujinami, and destroyer Shiratsuyu) dropped 98 depth charges, but USS Gurnard survived this counterattack. At midnight, USS Gurnard attacked the burning Aden Maru with her 4-inch deck gun; still unable to sink the transport, the submarine fired a torpedo to finally sink her; 95 soldiers were killed in this sinking. ww2dbase [Gurnard | Stewart | Celebes Sea | CPC]
  • Younger workers in the Łódź ghetto in Poland began a hunger strike in protest of the watery soup that made up the bulk of their daily food intake. ww2dbase [Łódź | CPC]
Russia United Kingdom United States US Pacific Islands Photo(s) dated 6 May 1944
Loading stores on No. 5 sponson aboard USS Coral Sea, 6 May 1944US Army Signal Corps photographer Private Arthur W. Hedgo with Chinese boy Lee Ting Yow, northern Burma, 6 May 1944Normandy beach defenses, France, 6 May 1944, photo 1 of 4Normandy beach defenses, France, 6 May 1944, photo 2 of 4
See all photos dated 6 May 1944

6 May 1944 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"Goddam it, you'll never get the Purple Heart hiding in a foxhole! Follow me!"

Captain Henry P. Jim Crowe, Guadalcanal, 13 Jan 1943

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