27 Mar 1940

US Pacific Islands
  • A dredge was towed to Midway Atoll to begin work to enlarge the basin and channels between the two main islands. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
31 May 1940

US Pacific Islands
  • The US Marine Corps 14th Naval District dispatched Captain Samuel G. Taxis to survey Midway Atoll with a small reconnaissance party for the planning of building a US Marine Corps presence there. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
9 Jul 1940

US Pacific Islands
  • US Marine Corps Captain Kenneth W. Benner was ordered to continue the survey of Midway Atoll with another officer, 8 enlisted Marines, and 2 US Navy corpsmen. He was to relieve Captain Samuel G. Taxis who had been been there since early Jun 1940 on the same mission. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
1 Sep 1940

US Pacific Islands
  • The US Marine Corps Midway Detachment of the Fleet Marine Force, consisting of 9 officers and 168 enlisted Marines and approximately one-third of the 3rd Defense Battalion's equipment, was established. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
29 Sep 1940

US Pacific Islands
  • The US Marine Corps Midway Detachment of the Fleet Marine Force, under the command of Major Harold C. Roberts, arrived on Midway and began making camp and installing defenses. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
14 Feb 1941

US Pacific Islands
  • The rear echelon of the US Marine Corps 3rd Defense Battalion arrived at Midway. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
1 Aug 1941

US Pacific Islands
  • The US Navy established the Naval Air Station at Midway under Commander Cyril T. Simard. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
11 Aug 1941

US Pacific Islands
  • Lieutenant Colonel Harold D. Shannon, executive officer of the US Marine Corps 6th Defense Battalion, arrived at Midway to prepare for his battalion to relieve the 3rd Defense Battalion. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
11 Sep 1941

US Pacific Islands
  • US Marine Corps 6th Defense Battalion relieved the 3rd Defense Battalion as the garrison force at Midway. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
19 Nov 1941

US Pacific Islands
  • A ground echelon from US Marine Aircraft Group 21 was dispatched to Midway Island to prepare the island to receive aircraft. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
24 Nov 1941

Photo(s) dated 24 Nov 1941
Aerial photograph of Midway Atoll, 24 Nov 1941
17 Dec 1941

US Pacific Islands
  • A PBY Catalina flying boat led 17 SB2U-3 Vindicator dive bombers of Marine Scout-Bomber Squadron 231 from Hickam Field, Oahu, Hawaii Islands to Midway Atoll; at 9 hours and 45 minutes covering 1,137 miles, it was the longest mass over-water flight by single-engined aircraft to date. ww2dbase [SB2U Vindicator | Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
24 Dec 1941

US Pacific Islands
  • American seaplane tender Wright disembarked US Marine reinforcements at Midway. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
  • 100 officers and men arrived at Midway Atoll as reinforcement from Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
25 Dec 1941

US Pacific Islands
  • Carrier USS Saratoga launched F2A Buffalo aircraft of Marine Fighter Squadron 221, originally intended to relieve Wake Atoll, to Midway Atoll. They became the first fighters to be based in Midway, and they immediately began a daily patrol schedule. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Saratoga | Midway | CPC]
26 Dec 1941

US Pacific Islands
  • American seaplane tender Tangier disembarked men of Battery B of the US Marines 4th Defense Battalion, ground echelon of Marine Fighter Squadron 221, and additional equipment including radar at Midway Atoll. These men and equipment were originally intended for Wake Atoll. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
25 Jan 1942

US Pacific Islands
  • Japanese submarines I-24 and I-18 bombarded US Marine positions on Sand Island, Midway Atoll. The submarines were driven off by defensive coastal gunfire. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
8 Feb 1942

US Pacific Islands
  • Japanese submarine I-69 shelled Sand Island, Midway Atoll, causing minor damage to the radio towers. US Marine Buffalo aircraft of VMF 221 squadron counterattacked and damaged I-69. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
10 Feb 1942

US Pacific Islands
  • A Japanese submarine fired two rounds at American installations at Midway Atoll and then was chased away by aircraft of Marine Fighter Squadron 221. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
1 Mar 1942

US Pacific Islands
  • The United States Marine Corps established Marine Aircraft Group 22 at Midway Atoll, consisted of Marine Scout-Bomber Squadron 231 and Marine Fighter Squadron 221. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
11 Mar 1942

US Pacific Islands
  • Japanese H8K flying boats attacked Midway Atoll, causing minor damage; one aircraft was shot down in this attack. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
2 May 1942

US Pacific Islands
4 May 1942

US Pacific Islands
  • Gato-class submarine USS Silversides arrived at Midway on her way to her patrol area. ww2dbase [Silversides | Midway | DS]
25 May 1942

US Pacific Islands
  • Companies C and D of the 2nd Raider Battalion and the 37mm battery of the 3rd Defense Battalion of the United States Marine Corps arrived at Midway via USS St. Louis. St. Louis departed the same day bound for Cold Bay, Alaska. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | St. Louis | Midway | CPC]
26 May 1942

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Kitty Hawk delivered to Midway Atoll the 3-inch anti-aircraft group of 3rd Defense Battalion, 5 light tanks of a light tank platoon for mobile reserve, 16 SBD-2 aircraft, and 7 F4F-3 aircraft, all of which were of the United States Marine Corps. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Kitty Hawk | Midway | CPC]
27 May 1942

Photo(s) dated 27 May 1942
SB2U-3 Vindicator aircraft of US Marine Corps squadron VMSB-241 taking off from Eastern Island, Midway Atoll, circa late May 1942
2 Jun 1942

US Pacific Islands
  • I-168 observed Sand Island, Midway Atoll with her periscope, reporting heavy aircraft activity. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | I-68/I-168 | Midway | CPC]
3 Jun 1942

US Pacific Islands
  • I-168 circled Midway Atoll to provide weather data and other observations to the headquarters of the Combined Fleet. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | I-68/I-168 | Midway | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 3 Jun 1942
US Army Air Force B-17E bombers taking off from the airfield on Eastern Island, Midway Atoll, 3-4 Jun 1942
4 Jun 1942

US Pacific Islands Photo(s) dated 4 Jun 1942
Oil tanks burning on Sand Island of Midway Atoll after Japanese attack, 4 Jun 1942SB2U Vindicator dive bomber of US Marine Corps VMSB-241 squadron taking off from Eastern Island, Midway, circa 27 May to 4 Jun 1942D3A1 carrier dive bomber in flight over Sand Island, Midway Atoll, 4 Jun 1942Eastern Island of Midway Atoll under attack, 4 Jun 1942
See all photos dated 4 Jun 1942
5 Jun 1942

US Pacific Islands
  • I-168 surfaced 1,100 yards southwest of Midway at 1024 hours and fired 6 shots with her 10-centimeter deck gun, inflicting no damage. When she was caught by American searchlights, she submerged and evaded American return-fire. She survived two subsequent attacks, one by a patrol vessel and another by PBY Catalina aircraft, incurring no damage. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | I-68/I-168 | Midway | CPC]
6 Jun 1942

US Pacific Islands
9 Jun 1942

US Pacific Islands
11 Jun 1942

US Pacific Islands
20 Jun 1942

Photo(s) dated 20 Jun 1942
Survivors of Hiryu disembarking USS Ballard at Midway, 20 Jun 1942. Ballard rescued 35 Japanese sailors the previous day after two weeks in an open boat. One died while en route Midway and was buried at sea.
24 Jun 1942

Photo(s) dated 24 Jun 1942
Damaged and partially disassembled F4F-3 Wildcat on Sand Island, Midway, circa 24-25 Jun 1942
25 Jun 1942

US Pacific Islands
  • Saratoga delivered 25 P-40 Warhawk fighters and 18 SBD Dauntless dive bombers to Midway Atoll. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Saratoga | Midway | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 25 Jun 1942
The only survivor out of the six land-based Avenger torpedo bombers at the Battle of Midway, 25 Jun 1942, photo 1 of 3The only survivor out of the six land-based Avenger torpedo bombers at the Battle of Midway, 25 Jun 1942, photo 2 of 3The only survivor out of the six land-based Avenger torpedo bombers at the Battle of Midway, 25 Jun 1942, photo 3 of 3Pensacola at Sand Island, Midway Atoll, disembarking Marine reinforcements, 25 Jun 1942; at the foreground was the lone surviving land-based Avenger of Midway battle
4 Jul 1942

US Pacific Islands
  • The US Navy Pacific Fleet established an advance base for submarines at Midway Atoll. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
17 Jul 1942

US Pacific Islands
  • A detachment consisted of 225 men and 4 officers of the US Navy 5th Construction Battalion arrived at Midway Atoll. The remainder of the battalion would arrive during the following month. They were to build an airfield and an underground hospital on Sand Island. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
19 Jul 1942

US Pacific Islands
  • Gato-class submarine USS Silversides refueled at Midway before continued on toward her patrol area. ww2dbase [Silversides | Midway | DS]
25 Jul 1942

US Pacific Islands
15 Aug 1942

US Pacific Islands
19 Sep 1942

US Pacific Islands
11 Oct 1942

US Pacific Islands
23 Oct 1942

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Pollack arrived at Midway Atoll, refueled, and departed for her fourth war patrol in the Truk, Caroline Islands area. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Pollack | Midway | CPC]
14 Jan 1943

US Pacific Islands
2 Feb 1943

US Pacific Islands
16 Feb 1943

US Pacific Islands
17 Feb 1943

US Pacific Islands
20 Feb 1943

US Pacific Islands
27 Feb 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Wahoo arrived at Midway Atoll, refueled, and then departed for her fourth war patrol. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Wahoo | Midway | CPC]
28 Feb 1943

US Pacific Islands
11 Mar 1943

US Pacific Islands
18 Mar 1943

Photo(s) dated 18 Mar 1943
US B-24D bomber approaching Eastern Island, Midway Atoll for landing, 18 Mar 1943; note albatrosses in foreground
24 Mar 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Tunny departed Midway Atoll after a brief stay to replace her periscope. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Tunny | Midway | CPC]
4 Apr 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • US Navy 50th Construction Battalion arrived at Midway Atoll to relieve the 5th Construction Battalion. It was to continue the work to lengthen the airstrips and to build oil storage tanks on Sand Island. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]
6 Apr 1943

US Pacific Islands Photo(s) dated 6 Apr 1943
BM 3rd Class Donald O. Smith at the conning tower of USS Wahoo, Midway Atoll, 6 Apr 1943
7 Apr 1943

US Pacific Islands
18 Apr 1943

US Pacific Islands
23 Apr 1943

US Pacific Islands
25 Apr 1943

US Pacific Islands
27 Apr 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Tunny departed Midway Atoll for Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Tunny | Midway | CPC]
6 May 1943

US Pacific Islands
7 May 1943

US Pacific Islands
9 May 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Whale arrived at Midway Atoll and received repairs to her hydraulic system and her air search radar. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Whale | Midway | CPC]
10 May 1943

US Pacific Islands
11 May 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Flying Fish arrived at Midway Atoll, ending her fifth war patrol. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Flying Fish | Midway | CPC]
  • Submarine USS Saury stopped at Midway to top off her fuel tanks and then continued west toward her assigned patrol area. ww2dbase [Saury | Midway | DS]
23 May 1943

US Pacific Islands
27 May 1943

US Pacific Islands
2 Jun 1943

US Pacific Islands
8 Jun 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • Submarine USS Saury arrived at Midway. ww2dbase [Saury | Midway | DS]
9 Jun 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Snook departed from Midway Atoll for her second war patrol. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Snook | Midway | CPC]
  • Submarine USS Saury departed Midway bound for Pearl Harbor, Hawai'i. ww2dbase [Saury | Midway | DS]
17 Jun 1943

US Pacific Islands
19 Jun 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • Submarine USS Tinosa completed her first war patrol and arrived at the Midway submarine base. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Tinosa | Midway | DS]
7 Jul 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Harder arrived at Midway Atoll, ending her first war patrol. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Harder | Midway | CPC]
  • Submarine USS Tinosa departed Midway on her second war patrol bound for the Japanese shipping lanes south of Guam. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Tinosa | Midway | DS]
8 Jul 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • Eight US Army B-24 bombers from Midway made the first land-based air strike against Wake Atoll. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Midway | TH, CPC]
18 Jul 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • Submarine USS Saury stopped at Midway to top off her fuel tanks and departed the next day to continue west toward her assigned patrol area. ww2dbase [Saury | Midway | DS]
1 Aug 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • Submarine USS Spearfish arrived at Midway, ending her seventh war patrol. ww2dbase [Spearfish | Midway | DS]
6 Aug 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Wahoo arrived at Midway Atoll, refueled, and then departed for her sixth war patrol. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Wahoo | Midway | CPC]
  • USS Haddock arrived at Midway, ending her fifth war patrol. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Haddock | Midway | CPC]
8 Aug 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • Submarine USS Saury arrived at Midway. ww2dbase [Saury | Midway | DS]
9 Aug 1943

US Pacific Islands
10 Aug 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Tunny departed Midway Atoll. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Tunny | Midway | CPC]
  • At Midway, submarine USS Spearfish had a change of command with Lieutenant Commander Joseph W. Williams relieving Commander George A. Sharp. ww2dbase [Spearfish | Midway | DS]
25 Aug 1943

US Pacific Islands
2 Sep 1943

US Pacific Islands
3 Sep 1943

US Pacific Islands
13 Sep 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Wahoo departed Midway Atoll, starting her seventh war patrol. Based on the poor performance of the Mark 14 torpedoes on his earlier patrols, Wahoo captain Commander Mush Morton specifically requested to outfit his boat for this patrol exclusively with the new and not combat-tested electric Mark 18 torpedo. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Wahoo | Mark XVIII | Midway | CPC]
27 Sep 1943

US Pacific Islands
28 Sep 1943

US Pacific Islands
29 Sep 1943

Photo(s) dated 29 Sep 1943
Supply ship SS Nira Luckenbach, submarine tenders Bushnell and Sperry, and submarines Sunfish, Haddock, Tarpon, Seahorse, and Swordfish at the submarine base piers on Sand Island, Midway Atoll, 29 Sep 1943.
4 Oct 1943

US Pacific Islands
7 Oct 1943

US Pacific Islands
8 Oct 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • Submarine USS Saury arrived at Midway. ww2dbase [Saury | Midway | DS]
  • Submarine USS Spearfish departed Midway bound for Pearl Harbor, Hawai'i. ww2dbase [Spearfish | Midway | DS]
9 Oct 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • Submarine USS Saury departed Midway bound for her assigned patrol area in the Philippine Sea. For the first time, Saury was no longer armed with the problematic Mark XIV torpedoes but carried the newer Mark XVIII electric torpedoes. ww2dbase [Saury | Midway | DS]
16 Oct 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • Submarine USS Tinosa arrived at Midway at the end of her third war patrol. For his performance on this patrol, Commander Daspit received the Navy Cross. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Tinosa | Midway | DS]
17 Oct 1943

US Pacific Islands
20 Oct 1943

US Pacific Islands
6 Nov 1943

US Pacific Islands
10 Nov 1943

US Pacific Islands
16 Nov 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Cero arrived at Midway Atoll, ending her first war patrol. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Cero | Midway | CPC]
26 Nov 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • Submarine USS Saury ended her eighth war patrol at Midway. ww2dbase [Saury | Midway | DS]
7 Dec 1943

US Pacific Islands Photo(s) dated 7 Dec 1943
Crew of USS Snook holding up the submarine
8 Dec 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • Gato-class submarine USS Silversides arrived at Midway on her way to her patrol area. ww2dbase [Silversides | Midway | DS]
9 Dec 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • Gato-class submarine USS Silversides departed Midway for her assigned patrol area. ww2dbase [Silversides | Midway | DS]
13 Dec 1943

US Pacific Islands
21 Dec 1943

US Pacific Islands
  • Submarine USS Saury departed Midway for her ninth war patrol assigned to an area north of Okinawa. ww2dbase [Saury | Midway | DS]
25 Dec 1943

US Pacific Islands
27 Dec 1943

US Pacific Islands
3 Jan 1944

US Pacific Islands
15 Jan 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • Gato-class submarine USS Silversides arrived at Midway, ending her eighth war patrol. Her commanding officer, LtCdr J.S. Coye, received his second Navy Cross for his actions during this patrol. ww2dbase [Silversides | Midway | DS]
16 Jan 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Flier ran aground near Midway Atoll. USS Macaw attempted to pull Flier free, but Macaw would also run aground in the process, causing her to sink. She was eventually pulled free and put into Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii for repairs. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Flier | Midway | CPC]
29 Jan 1944

Photo(s) dated 29 Jan 1944
PB2Y-3 Coronado aircraft of US Navy squadrons VP-13 and VP-102 in the submarine basin of Sand Island, Midway Atoll, 29 Jan 1944
3 Feb 1944

US Pacific Islands
5 Feb 1944

US Pacific Islands
14 Feb 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • Submarine USS Saury arrived at Midway and began making repairs. ww2dbase [Saury | Midway | DS]
16 Feb 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Archerfish arrived at Midway, ending her first war patrol. ww2dbase [Archerfish | Midway | CPC]
17 Feb 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • Submarine USS Saury departed Midway bound for Pearl Harbor, Hawai'i. ww2dbase [Saury | Midway | DS]
19 Feb 1944

US Pacific Islands
20 Feb 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • Gato-class submarine USS Silversides departed Midway for her assigned patrol area. ww2dbase [Silversides | Midway | DS]
21 Feb 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • Submarine USS Growler arrived at Midway Atoll for refueling before departing on her eighth war patrol. ww2dbase [Growler | Midway | DS]
2 Mar 1944

US Pacific Islands
3 Mar 1944

US Pacific Islands
13 Mar 1944

US Pacific Islands
14 Mar 1944

US Pacific Islands
16 Mar 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Tang departed Midway, starting her second war patrol in the waters near Palau Islands, Caroline Islands, and south of the Philippine Islands. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Tang | Midway | CPC]
  • USS Archerfish departed Midway, starting her second war patrol. ww2dbase [Archerfish | Midway | CPC]
4 Apr 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • Submarine USS Spearfish stopped briefly at Midway to top off her fuel tanks before resuming her eleventh war patrol. ww2dbase [Spearfish | Midway | DS]
11 Apr 1944

US Pacific Islands
3 May 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Golet arrived at Midway Atoll. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Golet | Midway | CPC]
  • USS Proteus arrived at Midway Atoll and joined Submarine Squadron 20. ww2dbase [Proteus | Midway | CPC]
6 May 1944

US Pacific Islands
15 May 1944

Photo(s) dated 15 May 1944
Submarine tender USS Proteus with submarines Bang, Pintado, and Pilotfish at Midway Atoll, 15 May 1944
20 May 1944

US Pacific Islands
21 May 1944

US Pacific Islands
23 May 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Parche arrived at Midway Atoll, ending her first war patrol. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Parche | Midway | CPC]
  • Submarine USS Spearfish stopped briefly at Midway before continuing on toward Pearl Harbor. ww2dbase [Spearfish | Midway | DS]
28 May 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Golet departed Midway Atoll with Lieutenant James S. Clark as her new commanding officer. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Golet | Midway | CPC]
17 Jun 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • Submarine USS Bowfin arrived at Midway en route Pearl Harbor, Hawaii following her fifth war patrol. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Bowfin | Midway | DS]
25 Jun 1944

US Pacific Islands
29 Jun 1944

US Pacific Islands
3 Jul 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • Submarine USS Saury arrived at Midway, made some minor repairs, and departed again bound for her patrol area in the Philippines. ww2dbase [Saury | Midway | DS]
6 Jul 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • After repairs, submarine USS Saury departed Midway to resume her tenth war patrol. Boarding at Midway was Lieutenant Commander John C. Nichols who sailed with Saury on this patrol as the boat's prospective commanding officer. ww2dbase [Saury | Midway | DS]
11 Jul 1944

US Pacific Islands
12 Jul 1944

US Pacific Islands
13 Jul 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • Submarine USS Growler made a nine-hour refueling stop at Midway Atoll on her way to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. ww2dbase [Growler | Midway | DS]
15 Jul 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Archerfish arrived at Midway, ending her third war patrol. ww2dbase [Archerfish | Midway | CPC]
1 Aug 1944

US Pacific Islands
7 Aug 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Archerfish departed Midway for her fourth war patrol. ww2dbase [Archerfish | Midway | CPC]
14 Aug 1944

US Pacific Islands
15 Aug 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • During a stop at Midway Atoll, submarine USS Growler formed a wolfpack with submarines USS Sealion and Pampanito with Growler’s captain, Lt. Cmdr. Thomas B. Oakley, Jr., in command. ww2dbase [Growler | Midway | DS]
17 Aug 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • Submarine USS Growler and her wolfpack departed Midway Atoll bound for the waters around Formosa (Taiwan). ww2dbase [Growler | Midway | DS]
19 Aug 1944

US Pacific Islands
22 Aug 1944

US Pacific Islands
26 Aug 1944

US Pacific Islands
31 Aug 1944

US Pacific Islands
23 Sep 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Croaker completed her refitting at Midway and began her second war patrol. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Croaker | Midway | CPC]
27 Sep 1944

US Pacific Islands
18 Oct 1944

US Pacific Islands
29 Oct 1944

US Pacific Islands
4 Nov 1944

US Pacific Islands
23 Nov 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • Gato-class submarine USS Silversides arrived at Midway at the conclusion of her eleventh war patrol. Her commanding officer, LtCdr J.S. Coye, was awarded the Legion of Merit for his actions on this patrol. ww2dbase [Silversides | Midway | DS]
29 Nov 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • After six very successful war patrols, LtCdr J.S. Coye was relieved of command of the Gato-class submarine USS Silversides at Midway. Cdr J.C. Nichols assumed command. ww2dbase [Silversides | Midway | DS]
1 Dec 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Proteus departed Midway Atoll. ww2dbase [Proteus | Midway | CPC]
11 Dec 1944

US Pacific Islands
20 Dec 1944

US Pacific Islands
21 Dec 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • Tambor-class submarine USS Tautog arrived at Midway on her way to her thirteenth war patrol. ww2dbase [Tautog | Midway | DS]
22 Dec 1944

US Pacific Islands
  • Gato-class submarine USS Silversides departed Midway on her twelfth war patrol in company with submarine USS Tautog. ww2dbase [Tautog | Silversides | Midway | DS]
24 Dec 1944

US Pacific Islands
30 Jan 1945

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Spot arrived at Midway Atoll, ending her first war patrol. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Spot | Midway | CPC]
11 Feb 1945

US Pacific Islands
12 Feb 1945

US Pacific Islands
  • Gato-class submarine USS Silversides arrived at Midway at the conclusion of her twelfth war patrol. ww2dbase [Silversides | Midway | DS]
16 Feb 1945

US Pacific Islands
9 Mar 1945

US Pacific Islands
  • After completing a post-patrol refit at Midway, Gato-class submarine USS Silversides departed on her thirteenth war patrol. ww2dbase [Silversides | Midway | DS]
24 Mar 1945

US Pacific Islands
30 Mar 1945

US Pacific Islands
1 Apr 1945

Photo(s) dated 1 Apr 1945
Aerial view of Eastern Island, Midway Atoll, 1 Apr 1945Aerial view of Midway Atoll, 1 Apr 1945
24 Apr 1945

US Pacific Islands
  • Gato-class submarine USS Silversides arrived at Midway to conclude her thirteenth war patrol. ww2dbase [Silversides | Midway | DS]
25 Apr 1945

US Pacific Islands
  • Gato-class submarine USS Silversides departed Midway bound for Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. ww2dbase [Silversides | Midway | DS]
26 Apr 1945

US Pacific Islands
30 Apr 1945

US Pacific Islands
20 May 1945

US Pacific Islands
21 May 1945

US Pacific Islands
16 Jun 1945

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Ray arrived at Midway Atoll, ending her seventh war patrol. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Ray | Midway | CPC]
27 Jun 1945

US Pacific Islands
23 Jul 1945

US Pacific Islands
10 Aug 1945

US Pacific Islands
  • USS Segundo departed Midway Atoll for her fifth war patrol in the Sea of Okhotsk off the Kurile Islands. She was tasked to monitor Soviet activity in northern Japan. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Segundo | Midway | CPC]
16 Aug 1945

US Pacific Islands
23 Aug 1945

US Pacific Islands
15 Jun 1974

Photo(s) dated 15 Jun 1974
RF-8G Crusader aircraft of US Navy squadron VFP-63 at Naval Air Station Midway, 15 Jun 1974
17 Jan 1990

Photo(s) dated 17 Jan 1990
Aerial view of Sand Island, Midway Atoll, 17 Jan 1990
8 Jun 2008

Photo(s) dated 8 Jun 2008
5-inch 51-caliber naval gun mount in coastal defense role, Midway Atoll, 8 Jun 2008; note Laysan Albatross

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"Among the men who fought on Iwo Jima, uncommon valor was a common virtue."

Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, 16 Mar 1945

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