9 May 1944
  • Japanese hospital ship Hikawa Maru arrived at Ambon, Molucca Islands and departed later on the same day. ww2dbase [Hikawa Maru | CPC]
  • 108 prisoners of the Pithiviers Transit Camp in France were sent to La Rochelle, France to build fortifications at the mouth of the Gironde River on the Atlantic coast. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • The Allies began an aerial campaign against airfields and rail lines in France in preparation for the cross-Channel invasion. ww2dbase [Normandy Campaign, Phase 1 | TH]
  • USS Mingo arrived at Brisbane, Australia, ending her third war patrol. ww2dbase [Mingo | CPC]
  • USS Makin Island was commissioned into service at Astoria, Oregon, United States with Commander William B. Whaley in command. ww2dbase [Makin Island | DS]
  • USS Segundo was commissioned into service with Lieutenant Commander James D. Fulp, Jr. in command. ww2dbase [Segundo | CPC]
  • Two companies of Chinese 88th Regiment and Khaki Combat Team of US 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional) captured Ritpong, Burma. ww2dbase [Battle of Myitkyina | Ritpong | CPC]
Dutch East Indies France Pacific Ocean
  • While retiring from her patrol area, submarine USS Tinosa made a surface attack on a large trawler believed to be a picket boat. After 12 hits from Tinosa's deck gun, the trawler was left burning and sinking by the stern. ww2dbase [Tinosa | DS]
  • Rudolf Höss returned to Auschwitz Concentration Camp and ordered the expansion of the rail platforms, the activation of Crematorium V, the reactivation of Bunker 2 (gas chamber), the digging of five pits, among other items, in preparation for the arrival of Hungarian Jews at Auschwitz. ww2dbase [Auschwitz Concentration Camp | Rudolf Höss | Oswiecim | CPC]
  • Red Army recaptured Sevastopol, Russia. ww2dbase [Sevastopol | TH]

9 May 1944 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us... they can't get away this time."

Lt. Gen. Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, at Guadalcanal

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