11 Aug 1944
  • Hideyoshi Obata passed away. ww2dbase [Hideyoshi Obata | CPC]
  • USS Tang sank Roko Maru and damaged another freighter with a total of five torpedoes, then endured a 38-minute-long depth charge attack. ww2dbase [Tang | CPC]
  • Lieutenant General Guy Simmonds of the 11 Canadian Corps called off Operation Totalize after it became clear that the expected breakthrough would not be achieved. Nevertheless the Canadian and Polish armoured divisions had advanced eight miles, against numerous well-constructed enemy bunkers which were immune to bombing, and were now half way between Caen and Falais. Whilst Simmonds blamed ther lack of success on the inexperience of the two divisions, General Maczek of the Polish Armoured Division was more realistic in stating that the troops had been given just too much to do. The Poles had lost 66 tanks and the Canadian slightly more during Operation Totalize. On the same day, US forces captured Nantes and Angers and then moved across the Loire River; in response, the German Navy scuttled 26 warships and 28 merchant vessels stranded at Nantes, Bordeaux, and in the Gironde and Seine estuaries. ww2dbase [Normandy Campaign, Phase 2 | AC]
  • In northern Burma the Chindits' 7th Leicesters fought their way into Taungni cutting the rail line. ww2dbase [Operation Thursday | AC]
  • USS Wake Island detached from Allied convoy UC-32. ww2dbase [Wake Island | CPC]
British Western Pacific Territories
  • USS Bailey arrived at Purvis Bay, Florida Island, Solomon Islands. Bailey began a repair period alongside the tender USS Dixie the included repainting Bailey in Dazzle paint scheme Measure 31, Design 6D. ww2dbase [Bailey | Florida Island, Solomon Islands | DS]
France Hawaii Italy
  • Greek 3rd Mountain Brigade arrived in Italy from French Syria-Lebanon. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • 24 China-based B-29 Superfortress bombers of US 20th Bomb Squadron attacked Nagasaki, Japan between about midnight until 0312 hours. They targeted industrial areas, but most of the bombs ended up exploding in the damp forest near Oyama and Mount Hiko. 9 homes were destroyed, about 50 homes were damaged, 13 people were killed, and 26 people were seriously injured. ww2dbase [Bombing of Tokyo and Other Cities | Nagasaki | CPC]
Marshall Islands
  • USS Alabama arrived at Eniwetok, Marshall Islands. ww2dbase [Alabama | Eniwetok | CPC]
  • Submarine USS Saury experienced a case food poisoning that affected 17 officers and men. The source was thought to be a prepared pie filling mix but the search for the cause led to the discovery a design flaw in the boat's cold storage locker. 1,000 pounds of spoiled meat was put over the side. ww2dbase [Saury | DS]
Photo(s) dated 11 Aug 1944
Major General Roy Geiger, Admiral Raymond Spruance, Lieutenant General Holland Smith, Admiral Chester Nimitz, and Lieutenant General Alexander Vandegrift at Guam, 11 Aug 1944Polish resistance fighters Wlodzimierz Denkowski (with Thompson submachine gun), Lech Zubrzycki, Jan Baginski, and Zygmunt Siennicki (with MP35 submachine gun) of the Kedyw (Directorate of Sabotage) on Stawki Street in Wola district, Warsaw, Poland, circa 11 Aug 1944Polish resistance fighters posing with a captured German 5 cm PaK 38 field gun, Krasinskich Gardens, Warsaw, Poland, 11 Aug 1944German 5 cm PaK 38 gun captured by Polish fighters, gardens outside of Krasinski Palace, Warsaw, Poland, 11 Aug 1944, photo 1 of 2
See all photos dated 11 Aug 1944

11 Aug 1944 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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Famous WW2 Quote
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You win the war by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country!"

George Patton, 31 May 1944

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