23 Sep 1942
  • Armed resistance was met by the Germans during the liquidation of the Tutzin ghetto in western Ukraine. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • US Marines began to move toward Matanikau River on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands. ww2dbase [Guadalcanal Campaign | CPC]
  • In northern Germany, 83 British Lancaster bombers attacked Wismar (4 were lost), 28 Halifax bombers attacked Flensburg (5 were lost), and 24 Stirling bombers attacked Vegesack (1 was lost). ww2dbase [Bombing of Hamburg, Dresden, and Other Cities | CPC]
  • East African 22nd Infantry Brigade captured Tananarive (now Antananarivo), Madagascar. ww2dbase [Madagascar Campaign | CPC]
  • German submarine U-617 attacked Allied convoy SC-100 200 miles east of the southern tip of Greenland just after the start of the day, sinking British tanker Athelsultan at 0019 hours (51 were killed, 10 survived) and British merchant ship Tennessee at 0142 hours (15 were killed, 20 survived. At 0026 hours, U-211 sank US tanker Esso Williamsburg 500 miles south of Greenland; most of the 60 aboard were killed, and the few survivors never reached land. 580 miles southeast of Newfoundland, U-582 sank Norwegian merchant ship Vibran; all 48 aboard were killed. At 0615 hours, U-515 sank Norwegian ship Lindvangen off British Guyana; 15 were killed, 8 survived. At 1103 hours, U-515 struck again in the same area, damaging US ship Antinous. British aircraft attacked German submarine U-177 on the surface off the Faroe Islands at 1330 hours, causing no damage but killed one. At 2334 hours, U-125 sank British ship Bruyère 380 miles southwest of Freetown, British West Africa after an 8-hour pursuit; all 55 aboard survived. ww2dbase [Second Happy Time | CPC]
  • Erwin Rommel departed North Africa for a six-week rest in Germany to recover from sinusitis, high blood pressure, and other ailments linked to the North African environment. ww2dbase [Erwin Rommel | CPC]
  • HMS Cumberland on passage to Greenock. ww2dbase [Cumberland | DS]
Atlantic Ocean
  • Comandante Cappellini sighted an Allied Sunderland aircraft in the Atlantic Ocean at 1010 hours; she submerged to avoid detection. At 1135 hours, while on the surface, she sighted smoke from British freighter Bruyère, and by 1246 hours she had closed to about 7,000 meters. The Italian submarine submerged, and closed the distance to about 5,500 meters by 1400 hours. At 1402 hours, an Allied Sunderland aircraft was sighted, forcing Comandante Cappellini to dive deeper. At 1442 hours, she surfaced, and regained visual contact with Bruyère. At 2304 hours, she began making an attack run, but she also sighted a shadow nearby. At 1336 hours, two explosions took place near her, and later it would be realized that German submarine U-125 had mistaken her as an enemy and fired torpedoes at her. The Italian submarine gave up the pursuit and submerged. ww2dbase [Comandante Cappellini | U-125 | CPC]
  • Submarine USS Saury ended her fourth war patrol at Fremantle, Australia. This patrol was hampered by near constant rain and near typhoon conditions the entire nine days Saury was patrolling west of Luzon. ww2dbase [Saury | Fremantle | DS]
Black Sea
  • Soviet submarine M-60 struck a mine and sank in the Black Sea off Odessa, Ukraine. ww2dbase [CPC]
Caroline Islands
  • Shokaku arrived at Truk, Caroline Islands. ww2dbase [Shokaku | Truk | CPC]
Hawaii Portuguese Timor
  • Australian destroyer HMAS Voyager ran aground at Betano Bay, East Timor at 1830 hours as she attempted to disembark Australian 2/4th Independent Company. ww2dbase [Dutch East Indies Campaign, Java | Betano Bay | CPC]
  • Soviet 284th Rifle Division arrived in Stalingrad, Russia and was ferried across the Volga River to join the front lines as German troops attacked the landing site. ww2dbase [Battle of Stalingrad | Stalingrad | TH, CPC]
  • Tiger I tanks saw combat for the first time, operated by German 502nd Tank Battalion near Leningrad, Russia. ww2dbase [PzKpfw VI Ausf. E 'Tiger I' | Leningrad | CPC]
United States Photo(s) dated 23 Sep 1942
German troops in a foxhole covered by a wrecked T-34 tank, Stalingrad, Russia, 23 Sep 1942Damaged buildings in southern Stalingrad, Russia, 23 Sep 1942, photo 2 of 2German troops in a vehicle observing a prairie fire near Stalingrad, Russia, 23 Sep 1942A Russian soldier, sailor, and a political officer in Stalingrad, Russia, 23 Sep 1943
See all photos dated 23 Sep 1942

23 Sep 1942 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, 16 Mar 1945

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