23 Sep 1945

French Indochina
  • In southern French Indochina, British Major General Douglas Gracey armed French prisoners of war in Cochinchina, French Indochina as recommended by French commissioner Jean Cédile; in the evening, these French troops, bent on revenge, stormed and captured the Saigon City Hall and other administrative buildings from the Viet Minh, killing many innocent civilians and burning down homes during the process, critically damaging public trust in the European administration which had already been waning. Meanwhile, in northern and central French Indochina, several leaders in civilian spheres sent a joint message to the Vatican, asking Pope Pius XII to support for Vietnamese independence. ww2dbase [Saigon, Cochinchina | CPC]
  • Chinese forces entered Luang Prabang, Laos and disarmed French troops in the name of maintaining peace between the Lao and French peoples. ww2dbase [Luang Prabang, Laos | CPC]
  • The leftist political party Democratic Alliance staged a large rally in Manila, Philippines, demanding reforms, release of Huk leader Luis Trauc, and justice against war time collaborators. ww2dbase [Manila | CPC]
United States Photo(s) dated 23 Sep 1945
Devastated city of Sasebo, Japan, 23 Sep 1945

23 Sep 1945 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"With Germany arming at breakneck speed, England lost in a pacifist dream, France corrupt and torn by dissension, America remote and indifferent... do you not tremble for your children?"

Winston Churchill, 1935

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