25 Dec 1942
  • Tatsuta Maru departed Manila, Philippine Islands. ww2dbase [Tatsuta Maru | CPC]
  • Japanese troops fell back from the eastern bank of the Mayu River in Arakan Peninsula in Burma. ww2dbase [First Battle of Arakan | Arakan | CPC]
  • 100-knot winds hit Reykjavík, Iceland, moving even anchored-down United States Coast Guard cutters in the harbor. ww2dbase [Reykjavík | CPC]
Japan Marshall Islands
  • Kamoi departed Taroa, Marshall Islands. ww2dbase [Kamoi | Taroa | CPC]
Pacific Ocean
  • USS Grayback sank four Japanese barges in the Solomon Sea with her deck gun. ww2dbase [Grayback | Solomon Sea | CPC]
  • Submarine USS Spearfish detected two Japanese cargo ships steaming in the Bismarck Sea. Spearfish fired four torpedoes with unobserved results, although postwar analysis credited Spearfish with two 7,000-ton cargo ships damaged. ww2dbase [Spearfish | Bismarck Sea | DS]
  • With the slaughter of over 12,000 horses, the Germans in Stalingrad, Russia received their last meat rations. ww2dbase [Battle of Stalingrad | Stalingrad | TH]
  • All ships of Allied convoy JW-51A arrived in the Kola Inlet near Murmansk, Russia; this convoy suffered no losses. ww2dbase [Arctic Convoys | Murmansk | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 25 Dec 1942
Signs and banners in celebration of the first anniversary of the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, 25 Dec 1942

25 Dec 1942 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"Goddam it, you'll never get the Purple Heart hiding in a foxhole! Follow me!"

Captain Henry P. Jim Crowe, Guadalcanal, 13 Jan 1943

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