Bose file photo [610]

Subhash Chandra Bose

Given NameSubhash Chandra
Born23 Jan 1897
Died18 Aug 1945


ww2dbaseSubhas Chandra Bose was born in Cuttack, Orissa, India. Because of His influential father Janakinath Bose, a wealthy public prosecutor, he was able to attend Cambridge University in Cambridge, England, United Kingdom. In 1920, he entered public service in India, but resigned only a year later due to his belief that India should gain her independence from Britain. Not entirely agreeing with Mahatma Gandhi's non-violent protests, he joined Chittaranjan Das' Swaraj Party in Calcutta, India. Later in 1921, he was arrested for organizing a boycott of the celebrations for the visit of Prince of Wales. In the 1920s, he was repeatedly arrested and imprisoned for organizing against British rule, but on 25 Sep 1930 he was able to become elected as the mayor of Calcutta. In the 1930s, he was exiled by the British to Europe, where he took the opportunity to push forth the notion of an independent India. In late 1930s, he returned to India and was elected in the Haripura Indian National Congress and then the Tripuri Congress Session, but because of political differences with Gandhi, both men eventually resigned. He established an independent party, All India Forward Bloc, to further his political goals. Although his political viewed differed greatly than Gandhi, the two Indian leaders had a mutual respect for each other; in 1942, Gandhi was quoted in calling Bose the "Patriot of Patriots", and in 1944 Bose returned the respect by calling Gandhi the "Father of Our Nation".

ww2dbaseWith Britain distracted by WW2, Bose believed the time to fight for independence had come. In his eyes, the British were highly hypocritical: while fighting a war under the banner of freedom and democracy, Britain was at the same time refusing to give India the most basic of rights. He first called for a mass civil disobedience after Britain's decision to have India declare war on the Axis powers without consulting the Indian people. Then, believing that foreign aid must be found to support the Indian independence movement, he slipped out of the country in Jan 1941 by means of a dramatic journey across Afghanistan and Russia. After stops in Moscow and Rome, he reached Berlin and was reunited with his wife of German ethnicity, Emilie Schenkl. In Berlin, he continued his struggle for a free India; he created the Indian Legion out of the 4,500 Indian Commonwealth soldiers captured by German and Italian forces in North Africa, and the legion was officially under the German chain of command. When the British learned of his intentions to ally with the Germans, they were so alarmed that the Special Operations Executive plotted a failed assassination attempt on Bose. Bose's plan to persuade German leaders to back an independent India did not bear fruit, however, and the disillusioned Bose returned to Asia via German and Japanese submarines around the Cape of Good Hope. In Singapore, he found support from the Japanese, and was given by Rash Behari Bose control of the 85,000-strong Indian National Army fighting under the banner of the Provisional Government of Free India. Some of his troops fought alongside the Japanese in battles in Burma and northeastern India, including the siege of Kohima and Imphal. With a Japanese loss in the campaign for India, Bose's dream to establish a foothold in India also diminished. In 1945 when Japan surrendered to the Allies, Bose and his Indian National Army also surrendered.

ww2dbaseThe public opinion on Bose greatly differed. On one hand, he was a patriot who fought for the independence of his people, but at the same time, he also sought collaboration with Germany and Japan, none of which had truly shown respect toward their collaborative states. Post-war, Gandhi said that Bose had been "foolish in imagining, that by allying himself with the Japanese and the Germans, who were not only aggressive powers, but also dangerous powers, he could get Indian freedom". None could argue that he had a passion in what he set out to do, however. "Give me blood and I shall give you freedom", he said in Jul 1944.

ww2dbaseOn 18 Aug 1945, shortly after his flight took off from Matsuyama Airfield in Taihoku (now Taipei), Taiwan, the aircraft crashed. The accident killed the pilot, the co-pilot, and Lieutenant General Tsunamasa Shidei. Bose and his assistant Habibur Rahman survived the crash, but Bose suffered serious burns. He was brought to Nanmon Military Hospital south of Taihoku for treatment, where he was treated by Dr. Taneyoshi Yoshimi, a Dr. Tsuruta, and a Dr. Ishii. After slipping into a coma, Bose passed away between 2100 and 2200 hours local time. His ashes were eventually brought to Renkoji Temple in Tokyo, Japan. Later, many believed no such crash had taken place; some supporters of this theory cited that authorities in Taiwan and Japan were not able to produce any records about such a crash on that date. Whether he had gone into hiding, was interned by another power such as the Soviet Union, or indeed died in the air crash would remain a point of debate among some.

ww2dbaseOn 23 Aug 2007, Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe hailed Bose during a visit to Kolkata (Calcutta), West Bengal, India. "Many Japanese have been moved deeply by such persons of strong will and action of the independence of India like Subhas Chandra Bose", said Abe in a speech.

New York Times

Last Major Revision: Aug 2007

Subhash Chandra Bose Interactive Map


Subhash Chandra Bose as a child, 1906; this photo was cropped from a portrait containing other members of his familyPortrait of Subhash Chandra Bose as a student at University of Cambridge of England, United Kingdom, 1920Subhash Chandra Bose, India, circa late 1910s or early 1920sMohandas Gandhi and Subhash Chandra Bose at the annual meeting of the Indian National Congres, Haripura, India, 1938
See all 28 photographs of Subhash Chandra Bose

Subhash Chandra Bose Timeline

23 Jan 1897 Subhash Chandra Bose was born.
1 Feb 1941 Subhas Chandra Bose arrived in Kabul, Afghanistan.
2 Apr 1941 Subhash Chandra Bose arrived in Berlin, Germany.
8 Feb 1943 Subhash Chandra Bose departed Germany for Japan via submarine.
11 May 1943 Subhash Chandra Bose arrived in Tokyo, Japan.
2 Jul 1943 Subhash Chandra Bose arrived in Singapore.
4 Jul 1943 Subhash Chandra Bose took command of the Indian National Army and assumed the leadership position of the Indian Independence League.
30 Dec 1943 Subhas Chandra Bose declared an independent India at Port Blair, Andaman Islands; his Azad Hind government was heavily reliant on Japan.
8 Jul 1945 Subhash Chandra Bose attended the foundation stone laying ceremony for the Indian National Army War Memorial in Singapore.
18 Aug 1945 Subhash Chandra Bose boarded a Japanese passenger aircraft at Matsuyama Airfield (now Songshan Airport) at Taihoku (now Taipei), Taiwan for a trip to Japan. The aircraft crashed immediately after takeoff and Bose was seriously burned. He was rushed to a military hospital near the airfield, but the doctors were not able to save him.
20 Aug 1945 Subhash Chandra Bose was cremated in the main crematorium of Taihoku (now Taipei), Taiwan.
23 Aug 1945 Japanese news agency Do Trzei announced the death of Subhash Chandra Bose.
7 Sep 1945 Subhash Chandra Bose's ashes were brought to Tokyo, Japan by Lieutenant Tatsuo Hayashida.
8 Sep 1945 Rama Murti, president of the Tokyo Indian Independence League, received Subhash Chandra Bose's ashes in Tokyo, Japan.
14 Sep 1945 A memorial for Subhash Chandra Bose was held in Tokyo, Japan.

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1. Anonymous says:
24 Aug 2007 10:01:46 PM

The death of Bose is a subject in itself. One may have a look at the following to get a glimpse of this controversy. The Govt of India refused to declassify extensive documents pertaining to Bose of 1940s to 1990s vintage for fear of causing law and order problem in India.
2. P.PANDEY says:
3 Jul 2008 03:31:29 AM

if netaji subhash had been alive and active then India would have been far more powerful ,corruption free.



3. Arun panwar says:
31 Aug 2009 03:47:47 AM

no one can be compared with neta ji Subhash chandra bose. he was a real freedam nehru no gandhi......only neta ji.
neta ji amar rahe........
india is great......may god bless my country, and save this from these corrupt politicians.
4. das says:
12 Apr 2010 01:49:12 AM

In First World War, Japan was an ally of British. Before Second World War Japan-US trade war and political war started, this led to actual war between US and Japan. So British became an enemy to Japan by diplomatic manipulation as US - British alliance was there. So it is a printing mistake in the pages of history that Japan became an ally to azad hind. Japan was a wrong ally of azad hind. They were having their own imperialist agenda. They became an ally of Netaji and azad hind by mistake of history. After the Second World War, Japan revived their old connection with British via spies. Japanese spies and British spies were enough linked before second world war. Japanese spies agreed to kill Netaji. Motive was to appease the British and purchase security for Japan royal family. So Japan killed Netaji. Because they are the killer so they spread the lie regarding his death. The false news of air crash was Japan’s fabrication. Any murder case, liar is to be suspected first. As Japan told the lie first so Japan is to be suspected.
5. Asit Guin says:
17 May 2010 10:06:27 PM

Japan agreed to eliminate Netaji

In WW-I, Japan was an ally of British. Before WW-II, Jap-US trade war and political war started, this led to actual war.So British became an enemy to Japan by diplomatic manipulation as US - British alliance was there. After the WW-II, Japan revived their old link with British via spies. *** spies and British spies were enough linked before WW-II. *** spies agreed to eliminate Netaji. Motive was to appease the British and purchase security for Japan royal family. Thus, Japan sold Netaji to British and British eliminated him. The false news of air crash was Japan’s fabrication. In any controversial case, liar is to be suspected first.
Netaji’s plan to start Second Independence War with the help of USSR was known to Japan. There was enough scope for British and *** spies to develop a common minimum program against pro-communist agenda of Netaji. Why should *** imperialism agree to patronize emergence of independent India as a permanent communist ally? Is it not more logical to fulfill British condition and purchase favor from old ally British even after defeat in WW-II?
6. Manish Nagdev says:
13 Aug 2010 11:43:56 PM

the info over here is good which was very useful for me.
7. Anonymous says:
9 Oct 2011 07:14:01 AM
pls visit this site and send your comment
8. ajit vadakayil says:
2 Sep 2012 06:34:45 AM

Find out how the Japanese ate thousands of INA soldiers for food.
Find out where Bose was hiding in India.
Capt ajit vadakayil
9. ajit vadakayil says:
3 Sep 2012 04:55:35 AM


punch into google search RUDOLF HESS , A HONOURABLE MAN- VADAKAYIL.

find out who wanted the 2nd world war at all costs , and who tried desperately to stop it.

we must NOT have victor's version of history and kangaroo court's analysis of war judgements.

capt ajit vadakayil
10. Anonymous says:
3 Mar 2017 02:20:17 AM

what a lad
11. Yamashita says:
19 Aug 2017 12:29:08 AM

The story of the death of Subhas Bose is not correct. Pl see this BBC news item rejecting the aircrash theory based on direct evidence from Taiwan.
Kindly correct your entry in the interest of historical correctness for posterity.
12. sribatsa Panda .Ex IAF says:
13 Nov 2017 01:53:13 PM

You have given false information regarding death of Netaji. NO proper investigation or manipulated report.Go by recently opened pages. Subhas died as Gumnami Baba lateron. Have adebate with Historian. Change it.
13. Kapil says:
23 Jan 2018 08:47:33 AM

As you wrote above died on 18th Aug. 1945. On same day he was in Indonesia and his date of certificate came up in 1987, How can he die in aircraft crash when he never boarded over the that aircraft ? And what about treasure ?
14. Dr. Gorachand Ghosh says:
25 Feb 2018 12:56:31 AM

Netaji died in the plane crash on 18 August 1945. The main conspirator was Nehru. He and Lord Mountbatten fooled the Indians to implement the License Raj by REPLACING the British Raj by diving our Mother India and using the BRITISH CREATED SECRECY ACT. I have writte TWO books on Netaji by using 50 rare ohotos of Netaji and unpublished articles received from Dr Hiroyoshi Yajima whose father was a graduate of Tokyo and Cambridge University. He was appointed as the Interpreter then personal secretary of Netaji by the Japanese Government. The CONGRESS party led by cha-cha Nehru was the main culprit for the present situation of Netaji. He knew everything but he betrayed our Mother India. JAI HIND BANDE MATARAM.
15. Bhushan Patil says:
4 Jun 2018 05:49:16 AM

This is congress agenda ,congress is looted india since 1945, congress party leader Naheru know how to become first prime minister of india thats whay he was murdered the great indian leader Subhash ji . if Subhash ji was live more then he was definitely became india first prime minister.this is pre planned murder and i am sure congress was definitely involved in this.
16. Dr Ardhendu Sekhar Chatterjee says:
30 Dec 2018 09:02:58 AM

Probebly Netaji was assassinated in Kohima,or killed as RashBihari, or after surrender, but to avoid final revolt, Gandhiji playa the role of Judhisthira of Mahabharata. Second matter is the ash claimed as of Chandra Bose is of another Bose's, the teeth is true, but quite simple it is of another Bose's.
17. Dr Gorachand Ghosh says:
15 Jun 2019 08:01:28 PM

Masayoshi Kakitsubo (MK), a Tokyo and Cambridge Uni graduate started his career as Vice-Consul under Foreign Ministry of Japan in 1936 at Calcutta. Subsequently, he was an interpreter and PS of Netaji since his arrival in Tokyo on 11 May 1943 until his death on 18 August 1945. MK was always with Netaji in the period of WWII. Some Indians can not believe that Netaji had Japanese PS. In 1995, I met with MK and his son Dr Hiroyoshi Yajima in Tokyo. On that time I was learned that Netaji had two enemies>> 1) The Congress Party of India, led by Nehru and 2) The Bose-Brothers at Calcutta. Gandhi, Nehru and Bose-Brothers did not believe the death of Netaji. Moreover, Nehru claimed "Netaji as war criminal". Interestingly, the British Govt. did not support it. There are a lot of educational, research articles about Netaji and the partition of India maintained by the UK Govt archive. Here Netaji gave message via radio from Burma and Imphal in 1944 to the people of India to kill and burn Gandhi and Nehru since they were FALSE and DISCREDITED leaders. As per his advice, I have written an eBook and a hardcover book>>"UNKNOWN FACTS OF NETAJI: JAPAN and SOUTHEAST ASIA" published by amazon on 19 Sept 2017 and by M Ghosh in December 2017 by using his snapped rare 50 photos of Netaji in Japan in the period of WWII. The congress stooge, genetic of Nehru, Mr Anuj DHAR has written FOUR/FIVE books on Netaji as Gumnami baba (killer kaptan baba) for defaming our greatest patriot and freedom fighter Netaji since 2001. In any advanced country he is supposed to be in jail now for defamation Netaji without having a single proof of evidence.
18. Anonymous says:
30 Aug 2019 11:27:41 AM

Who's over has written this article has false information and is a stupid person. Netaji never surrendered. He went to Russia
19. Anonymous says:
16 Sep 2020 01:34:20 AM

Is there any documentary evidence that Nethaji met Gen Tomoyuki Yamashita just before the plane crash on 18th?

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Subhash Chandra Bose Photo Gallery
Subhash Chandra Bose as a child, 1906; this photo was cropped from a portrait containing other members of his family
See all 28 photographs of Subhash Chandra Bose

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