LST file photo [3331]

LST-class Landing Ship

CountryUnited States
Laid Down10 Jun 1942
Displacement1,780 tons standard; 3,880 tons full
Length328 feet
Beam50 feet
Draft8 feet
MachineryTwo General Motors 12-567 diesel engines, two shafts, two rudders
Speed12 knots
Armament1x76mm, 6x40mm, 6x20mm, 2x12.7mm machine guns, 4x7.62mm machine guns
Troop Capacity150
Boats2-6 LCVP


This article refers to the entire LST-class; it is not about an individual vessel.

ww2dbaseThe LST, short for "Landing Ship, Tank", came about after the Dunkirk evacuation demonstrated a dire need for large seafaring transports for large vehicles. The first attempt at building such ships was done by converting three tankers from Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela with bay doors; they were used during the Operation Torch landings in Algeria in 1942. Meanwhile, experts from both Britain and United States' navies gathered requirements. In 1941, the name LST was born with preliminary specifications. Within a few days, John Niedermair of the US Navy Bureau of Ships completed the first sketch of the design. It called for a large ballast system that could be filled with sea water to give the ship a deep draft for seafaring, or emptied so that the ship could sail very close to beaches to unload its cargo. The design was accepted by the US Navy, then was sent for approval with the Royal Navy on 5 Nov 1941. Almost immediately, the Royal Navy accepted the design and asked for 200 to be built for Britain under the Lend-Lease program. The first LST keel was laid down at Newport News, Virginia, United States, and the first production LST set sail four months later in Oct 1942. From the very first moment, the construction program for LSTs took a very high priority. In some instances, even heavy industry plants inland such as steel yards were converted for LST construction.

ww2dbaseThe first action that saw LSTs in service was the Solomon Islands Campaign in Jun 1943, and almost immediately they were used in the Sicily landings in the Mediterranean. Although slow and unwieldy, they were tough enough to absorb a tremendous amount of damage. In fact, despite being a valuable target for carrying large amounts of cargo, only 26 were lost in action; of the 26, only 13 were actually sunk by enemy fire. While almost every landing operation employed LSTs, they were also versatile enough to serve in other roles. Some were converted to become repair ships, others into floating barracks for 200 officers and men, while 38 LSTs were converted into hospital ships. In Jun 1944, converted LST hospital ships brought 41,035 wounded men from the Normandy beaches in the first couple days of the invasion.

ww2dbaseAfter the war, hundreds of LSTs were scrapped or sunk, a few were sold to civilian organizations, and most of the remainder were mothballed. 1,051 LSTs were constructed during WW2, 670 of which were built by 5 major inland locations, with the largest being Evansville, Indiana, United States. Of the LSTs exported from the US, Britain was the largest customer with 113 LSTs in service during WW2.

ww2dbaseSource: Wikipedia.

Last Major Revision: Apr 2007

LST-class Landing Ship Interactive Map


LST-1 underway near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, circa Dec 1942LST-1, probably near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, circa Dec 1942M4 Sherman tanks being loaded onto LSTs for Operation Husky, Pêcherie, Bizerte, Tunisia, 7 Jul 1943LCVPs from APAs Barnett and Monrovia unloaded supplies onto the beach near Gela, Sicly, 10 Jul 1943; note LST-344 and LST-338 in background
See all 94 photographs of LST-class Landing Ship


Okinawa Invasion Beach Scenes

LST-class Landing Ship Operational Timeline

25 May 1942 The construction of LST-412 was ordered.
24 Sep 1942 The keel of LST-412 was laid down by the Bethlehem-Fairfield Shipyard in Baltimore, Maryland, United States.
16 Nov 1942 LST-412 was launched at the Bethlehem-Fairfield Shipyard in Baltimore, Maryland, United States.
14 Dec 1942 LST-1 was commissioned into service.
26 Jan 1943 HMS LST-412 was commissioned into service with Lieutenant Commander Patrick Richard Brown in command.
13 Mar 1943 HMS LST-412 departed New York, New York, United States with refinery equipment, sailing for Curaçao.
6 Sep 1944 H. D. Bittleston was made the commanding officer of HMS LST-412, replacing Lieutenant Commander Patrick Richard Brown.
14 Aug 1945 Lieutenant Commander Hugh Patrick Davies was made the commanding officer of HMS LST-412, replacing H. D. Bittleston.
23 Jan 1946 HMS LST-412 was decommissioned and returned to the United States Navy.
20 Mar 1946 LST-412 was struck from the US Naval Register.
21 May 1946 LST-1 was decommissioned from service.
16 Dec 1947 LST-412 was sold to Northern Metals Company of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States for scrapping.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Alvin A. Hess says:
12 Aug 2007 10:28:20 AM

About the LSTs, I was on LST 357 during the war.reat.
2. C. A. BUDZIL QMQ1C says:
11 Jun 2009 07:42:35 AM

3. Dan Walters says:
13 Apr 2010 11:24:19 AM

My father was on an LST in World War II. How do I find out and get info on which ship he was on>
Thank you.
4. Dr. T Barnes, M.D. says:
29 Apr 2010 04:01:53 PM

My dad was also on an LST as a Lt.JG, off Peleliu and the Paluas Fall, 1944. How do I find info on which LST? He returned with a Japanese officers sword (as many did) ... I am researcing for a book on the subject. Any info would be helpful...Thanks, TB
5. DCC (SW) Rhett Sease USN RET says:
8 Jul 2010 06:41:42 PM

I was stationed on the USS Boulder LST-1190 from 1978 - 1983. I made chief on her and also picked up surface warfare. It was one of the best duty stations of my career. I now volenteer on the LST-393 in Muskegon Mi.g
6. Anonymous says:
29 Jul 2010 07:07:08 PM

My uncle was on one of the LSTs in the second wave at Utah beach on 5 June. Where do I find the name of the LST he was on?
7. Clark E. Parks says:
20 Aug 2010 08:57:20 AM

I was a SM 1/c on LST 740 and have set up a web site showing photos, telling the story and the history of the ship.

I hope you will take a look and link it to this site.

8. Anonymous says:
4 Sep 2010 05:37:51 AM

MY Grandfather who recently passed was on the LST 25. IS there a website where I can find a photo of this ship?
9. M.D. Austing says:
15 Sep 2010 04:52:38 AM

My father, G.L. "Bud" Austing, was assigned to USS LST-818 in the Pacific in 1945 and 1946 until she was decommissioned in Seattle, WA. The 818 was built at Evansville, IN laid down 8 Sep 44 by MO Valley Bridge/Iron Co sponsored by Mrs. Roscoe H. Huffman commissioned 9 Nov 44 with Lieutenant j.g. Robert B. Bradley in command. Among other service in the Pacific Theater of Operations, she took part in the assault & occupation of Okinawa from March through June 1945 returned to CONUS, was decommissioned 16 Jul 46 struck from the Navy List 28 Aug 46 was sold to Consolidated Builders, Seattle, WA 17 Sep 47 and scrapped. She earned one battle star.
10. john says:
18 Dec 2010 09:37:47 PM

my father was a pow and left england for new york on may 29th, 1945 aboard a us navy LST. Is there anyway to find out the lst number
11. Ernie says:
28 Dec 2010 12:13:27 PM

My late Father was on LST # 833. He was a twin anti-aircraft gunner,frogman and served in the battle for Okanawa Gunto. I would like to find a photo of 833 and maybe someone else who has info also. Thanks
12. Ernie says:
4 Jan 2011 06:18:42 PM

My late father was on LST#833 plus he was assigned to LCT (6) #1397 and in the group #62. Wish I had wrote down his stories before he passed away. Hopefully someone out there will share info with me.
13. Anonymous says:
29 Jan 2011 04:41:23 AM

When did they start naming LST's?
14. Valerie says:
16 Mar 2011 01:18:28 PM

My grandfather was on the LST-76. He says in 1945 (he has Alzheimer's and Dementia so remembering can be fuzzy at times). I have been searching for a actual picture of the LST-76 and the list of the crews names to see if I can find more pictures. Any Ideas? I have googles- LST-76 the date 1945 his name...

Thank you for any help,
(John Hugh Taylor, Jr.'s Granddaughter)
15. Anonymous says:
17 May 2011 10:09:00 AM

My grandfather was on an LST during WWII. I can't think of the number right off. I'm trying to find more information on the LSTs. if anyone can help me please email me familyhistorydigger79 at thanks
16. Anonymous says:
20 Jun 2011 09:48:05 AM

My father served on the LST 25. I would be interested to hear more from the person whose grandfather served on that ship and recently passed away. As was the nature of those who served in WWII, there wasn't much ever said about that time. I may have some pictures of my dad with other sailors on that ship.
17. Alden Whalen says:
12 Oct 2011 05:33:25 PM

My brother S/1c Richard E. Clark served on LST 818 in 44-45 in so South pacific.He passed on in 1982. I believe he told me his ship shot down one japanese plane.
18. Savid Bigwood says:
20 Nov 2011 12:24:57 PM

My father, Clifford Bigwood, served on LST 704 in the Pacific.
19. gerardo botticini says:
3 Feb 2012 05:35:18 PM

after WWII my father sailed as merchant captain LST 1104 Samba under panamenian flag to argentina and were sold . Do you have some information abaut american quarterman corporation and this ship?
20. John J. McKenna says:
23 Feb 2012 07:47:27 PM

My aunt's husband, GM1c Walter Baranick who was on LST-314. Survived Sicily and Salerno Invasions, survived D-Day Jun 06, 1944. On the second trip, sunk by torpedoes from a German Schnell Boote (pt boat), died, buried in England. The British Destroyer that picked up the survivors was HMS Beagle.
21. Randy Johnson says:
24 Feb 2012 10:19:03 PM

My father, George Johnson, served as Fire Controlman on LST 704. Okinawa Gunto.
22. Anonymous says:
20 May 2012 08:32:55 AM

My dad was on LST 1146 in World War II. Anyone else who was on this ship, or how can I find out more about it? My dad never talked about his war years. He passed away in 1989. Thank you.
23. Tom Lacovara says:
2 Aug 2012 05:11:32 PM

My father was a Boatswains Mate aboard an LST called the "Gray Raider". I do not know the number of that LST. It had been involved in Kwajlein, Eniwitok, Leyte Gulf, Linguyan Strait. I am seeking the number of his LST and any historic info for this ship. Please help?
Tom Lacovara Toms River, NJ
24. Eugene UtterbaK says:
24 Aug 2012 11:24:56 AM

I was on LST 940. Went aboard at ship yard in Boston, MA. then to P.Canal & to battle in Iwo JIma and Okinawa and visited Tokyo. What is status of LSTL 940 now?
25. Suzy Namba says:
4 Sep 2012 07:21:16 PM

My father, David Herrman, was aboard LST 727 from 26 Sept 1944 when it left the ship yard to its decommissioning in 26 July 1946. I was able to find the status of LST 727 at the following site:
26. Anonymous says:
3 Nov 2012 02:58:28 PM

My father sailed from Falmouth England on board LST 336, captained by a Captain Roberts from Texas who had taken troops in at Sicily and Italy. My father, serving with combat engineers, went ashore at Omaha 7 June. He wrote a descriptiion of their crossing and landing in his book, Chappie WWII Diary of a Combat Chaplain.
27. Scott Lacey says:
9 Nov 2012 09:23:09 AM

My Dad, Gerard C. Lacey served as an ensign on LST 818. He recalls the 1 plane shot down for which they got the battle start saying that there were indeed several ships gunning for it. At the Battle of Okinawa Kamikazes were plentiful, so I don't doubt that there was a lot of lead flying.

He's only ever told me about one casualty, and it was not in battle. A young sailor was painting and a spark from a welding torch ignited the paint. He was flown into Pearl but didn't survive.

28. Barbara says:
4 Feb 2013 07:55:48 PM

How can you find the name off a Ship someone was on in WW11 he was in the Phillipines. He was Richard James Campbell from husbands dad. I would love to replace the two medals that are missing if I can find the Ship. thanks for any help, Barbara
29. Judi says:
25 Feb 2013 03:52:18 PM

How do I find out which ship my father, William John Engel, was on during world war II. My son, Bill's grandson, is asking questions for which I have no answers.
30. Anonymous says:
10 Mar 2013 08:39:23 AM

I wose on the LST 626 in ww2 shee carned 4 battle stars.
31. Jenny says:
22 Mar 2013 09:05:44 PM

My Grandfather was on a hospital ship in WWII. I am looking for some info on it. We have a picture of it in San Francisco Bay,and we knoe he was in port there. The name of the ship was the Alkarad (KA8). We definatly know that the name ship number was KA8 because we can see the number on the picture, we are going on what he said that the name was.

Thank you
32. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
24 Mar 2013 12:42:48 AM


You are almost certainly referring to AKA-8, USS Algorab.
33. J. says:
29 Mar 2013 07:11:33 AM

I am looking for infomation on my grandfather. He was on the LST 175. THat is all we ever knew. I have no clue what he did, and would love to find out. Upon doing research, I discoverd he was at Normandy. Is there anyone out there who can help me? Is there anyone else who was or had a family member on this ship? He has been gone since 1996. He never spoke about the war. If he did it was to my grandmother, and she never said a word.
34. Patti McGuigan says:
31 Mar 2013 06:37:45 PM

My father, Richard Craig (deceased) was stationed aboard the LST 704. I have just discovered about 40-50 pictures of this time in an old album. There are several pictures of what appears to be the entire crew. Is there anywhere that I may donate these pictures? As most of his generation, he rarely spoke of this time frame in his life.
35. Naomi Seely says:
11 Jun 2013 11:45:15 AM

Patti McGuigan,
Im not sure if you will see this. I would love a few pictures. I only have one picture of grandpa with some of the crew of the LST 704. As with your father, grandpa, Fred (Fredrick Joseph) Seely did not talk much of this time. When he did, it was very little and through choked breath. Occasionally when you looked at him, he would be off somewhere and there would be tears in his eyes.
36. Norman Marten says:
13 Sep 2013 09:54:22 AM

Re: LST 704
My uncle was CO from August to November 1945 and I have a number of pictures he took. Also a letter of appreciate from the crew dated 30NOV1945 signed by 84 of them. I do not see Craig or Seely but there is a George Johnson S 1/c. I'd be glad to send photocopies of pictures. Negataives long gone. Have to keep the history alive!
37. Norman Marten says:
13 Sep 2013 10:00:01 AM

Further to what I just sent I see that Clifford H. Bigwood COX signed the letter of appreciation I mentioned. (see # 18 above)
38. Bill Freeman says:
10 Oct 2013 11:51:23 AM

My Father Howard Freeman also served on the LST 704 he would love to see anything anyone has to offer that is connected with the 704. He is forever trying to find any shipmates. Please forward anything to my email and I will give to my father. He has some things I could also share with anyone. Thank You
39. John Longfellow says:
16 Oct 2013 07:50:10 PM

LST-704 Patti McGuigan - Post #34

I have a picture of your father and my father-in-law (Russell Warner) on an Atoll in front of LST 704. He had very few pictures labeled but this is one he had sent home to his partents. They appear to be friends. I would like to connect further.

There are 2 LST Memorial museums of which I am aware that might take the pictures.
40. David Lapinski says:
6 Nov 2013 06:17:25 PM

My father, Charles F. Lapinski served on the 704 from picking up on the Mississippi until after the war. I have some pictures and some ships rosters I could share.

Dave Lapinski
41. Norman Marten says:
8 Nov 2013 05:28:55 PM

Re: # 40 to David Lapinski. Charles F. Lapinski MOMM 3/c signed the letter of appreciation dated 30 November 1945 to my uncle CO John B Dunlap. I would be glad to make a copy of that and send it to you. I too have some other pictures and documents as well.

42. s wilson says:
19 Nov 2013 07:27:29 PM

See 'The Story of the LST 314' on You tube.
s wilson
43. David Chapple says:
20 Nov 2013 12:32:01 AM

My grandfather David H. Chapple was aboard LST-1 as comms officer from commissioning through 1945. I would appreciate any help in finding crew lists and any pictures that are available
44. Michael Kruse says:
30 May 2014 08:44:17 PM

My great uncle was Leonard "Buster" Halford. He was MoMM 1st class on LST 25. He was one of two crewmen killed when the ship got trapped on Omaha Beach on D-Day. I would love to hear from anyone connected to LST 25.
45. Anonymous says:
4 Jun 2014 02:47:44 PM

RE: questions about LST-25.

Time photos has a picture on LST 25 on the beach at Normandy.
46. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
4 Jun 2014 08:52:47 PM

To #45:
It looks like LST-23 to me.
47. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
5 Jun 2014 08:49:32 PM

Re: #45 & #46:
What's more, I don't think the linked image shows an LST at all. I think this is an LCT, LCT-23.
48. Nancy Miller says:
12 Nov 2014 09:43:26 PM

My dad, Vernon Miller, was on the USS LST626 in the South Pacific. I am looking for any information about the ship or the crew.
49. Anonymous says:
18 Nov 2014 10:04:20 PM

My grandfather recently passed away. We (my mom and i) have been trying to research to find out what LST he was on. We know he was in the Pacific Theater and he was injured when a torpedo hit the ship. If anyone has some information (i know it is not much) we would greatly appreciate it.

William John Amable

thank you
50. Rowland Stebbins says:
27 Nov 2014 09:44:51 AM

My dad was on the LST 55. His name is Rowland Stebbins and was a Quarter Master from 1943 to 1946. Most of the LST were manufactured by the Dravo Corp. in Pittsburgh, PA. My father is still alive and shares his experience in the WWII. Many thanks to all that served. They are the greatest generation.
51. QUILEZ Michel says:
24 Feb 2015 04:34:15 AM

I look for pictures of the lst 357 where the German officer Walter LID was brought to the United States after DDAY
Thank you for your help
52. Anonymous says:
4 Mar 2015 09:05:24 AM

My dad was on LST 75 and said they had just gone thru the Panama Canal and were heading north to California when they received word that the US had dropped the bomb on Hiroshima. Looking for pictures if anyone has them.
53. Francis Tocco says:
9 Mar 2015 12:55:22 PM

My father LT Anthony Tocco was Medical Officer for Group 87,Floatila 29 in the Pacific. He served on board LST 831 and later on LST 770 during the occupation of Japan. He returned home to Long Beach Ca on board LST 770 arrived Dec 31,1945 on his way to NYC.

I have pictures in my fathers album of LST's 818,832,833 and 724 as people have posted looking for pictures
54. M Engel says:
11 Apr 2015 03:20:00 PM

My dad was on those boats.. Would have to look at my ancestry site to get the Number.. He was in WWII
55. Gary Mcgee says:
23 Apr 2015 11:18:33 AM

I am looking for any information on the LST-511 and a crewman named Howard DeRenzy Jr. Believe around Norway any info would be appreciated thank you.
56. Dan Arnold says:
27 May 2015 08:34:12 AM

Hi. I am looking for information regarding LST-1002 and Lt. Commander John "Buck" Avery, Jr. Any information would be much appreciated. Thanks.
57. Matt Long says:
5 Jun 2015 11:23:46 AM

My Uncle Walter McGee was also on LST-314, which was torpedoed. He was lucky enough to find himself in the water. Rescue boats said they were too full, my uncle reached from the water and said there will be room for 1 more if you don't get me on this rescue boat
58. Janet Lukawski says:
22 Jun 2015 08:52:46 AM

My father, Seaman 1st Class Francis Lukawski served on LST 1122.during operation Iceberg.(Okinawa) I am looking for a concise history book about Naval operations only during this canpaign I know his ship was attached to XXIV Corps specifically APA 100, whatever that means. Any suggestions would be helpful
59. Anonymousjean says:
12 Jul 2015 05:20:46 PM

Looking to find a roster of LST 790 I believe my father was the CPO on board. Is there a way to find out?
60. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
12 Jul 2015 06:58:13 PM

In 1945, LST-790 helped land Marines on Iwo Jima and then Okinawa. During WWII, LST-790 was manned by US Coast Guard personnel (not unusual) so this means the Muster Rolls were maintained by the Coast Guard and not the Navy. According to the Coast Guard website, those rolls are now maintained by the National Archives & Records Administration (NARA), same as the Navy records. The Navy Muster Rolls are available at but not the Coast Guard. I do not know where they can be found online but getting records from NARA is not as hard as it sounds – it is just not swift. See:
61. Mark harrison says:
24 Jul 2015 05:46:23 PM

LST 766 information at this sit .
62. alan routier says:
25 Sep 2015 06:02:42 PM

My father was the yeoman on LST-932 and Dad told me that his parents were especially grateful that all three sons and one son-in-law made it home safely at the end of WW2.

Dad also told me that LST-932 had been scheduled to return to Pearl Harbor to have the armament doubled before invading Japan, and that the entire crew was extremely relieved when the war ended and the invasion was canceled.
63. A Wyrshyhora says:
29 Sep 2015 10:24:35 PM

My grandfather - Peter Wyrshyhora was on the LST-836, later renamed to the USS Holmes County LST 836 in WWII. So 1944-1946ish. I have a ton of pictures, lots with names/last names & City, State in which his friends/shipmates were from. if anyone else had family that served on the LST 836 in WWII, email me, id love to share. Even have one of the "Ships Mascot" aka the ships dog named Rusty! =)
64. Rick Bryan says:
19 Nov 2015 08:01:06 PM

I have a photo of the gunnery Dept of LST 1002 on VJ Day in 1945. Sorry that Buck Avery is not in the photo.
65. Dennis says:
8 Dec 2015 06:28:00 PM

I had a photo of my dads ship, on the beachead of North Africa, most likely around Tunisia. The photo is now missing, so I am trying to find the Number of the LST. He said they were "chauferring" marines and army into Africa from Sicily, where the ship was stationed. Towards the end of the war, they were hit by a german fighter, and had to be towed back to N.Y. as their rudder was shot away. His name was Phillip LaVoie, and was a Gunners Mate, Petty Officer Second Class. Please write me if any of this sounds familiar!
66. Ken says:
16 Jan 2016 06:44:30 PM

My late father, Floyd McDaniel Furr, LCDR-Ret, commanded LST-925 which was hit during landing when retaking the Philippines at Lingayen Gulf. If anyone has something from that or LST-1028, which assisted them after being torpedoed, please send me your pictures or memories from your family. Thanks!
67. t. Brown says:
30 Mar 2016 03:28:05 AM

My dad Jim brown was a 2nd class ship fitter on the 925
68. Anonymous says:
14 Apr 2016 07:27:41 PM

Empezaron a aparecen los primeros barcos dedicados al transporte de carga rodada en
la década de 1920. Con una capacidad para unos 700 automóviles como máximo, el
tráfico principal se centraba en los Grandes Lagos de EE.UU.
Estos buques estaban equipados con grandes puertas laterales, para que las rampas de
los puertos se izaran hasta el nivel deseado. De este modo, se alcanzaba una cierta
efectividad y rapidez en las operaciones de carga y descarga de estos primeros coches.
La Segunda Guerra Mundial impulsó grandes innovaciones en el sector marítimo. Este
hecho conllevó un gran desarrollo en la construcción naval de los buques de carga
rodada, llamados LST1
. Eran lo suficientemente rápidos como para alcanzar los 10
nudos y eficaces, para el desembarque de los militares y las máquinas de guerra en las
playas o sus proximidades. Su desplazamiento rondaba las 2.000 toneladas de peso
muerto y estaban dotados de amplios portalones a proa, para poder descargar todo el
material bélico.
69. Fred Clerk says:
10 May 2016 01:52:30 PM

Hi everybody, My father, Lt. Cmdr. Frederick Edson Clerk, Jr. USNR_Ret., was the first Commanding Officer of LST-358. He commanded her during the invasions of Sicily, and western Italy to include Palermo and Salerno for 3 of her 4 battle stars. My father was assigned to Norfolk to teach other LST commanders and LST 358 was assigned to the British Navy for the Normandy Invasion. My father also got Command of USS Chamaera (ARL 33) at the end of the war. Anyhow, I found a lot of this information from Naval Archives, fold3, and google. Especially "fold3" has many records and rosters. Hope this helps. Fred.
70. Howie says:
6 Jun 2016 07:44:04 PM

My Uncle Lawrence Wells Kane was on the LST-314 and lost his life during the Normandy Invasion. LST-314 was torpedoed on June 9, 1944.
71. Louis Theriault says:
7 Jun 2016 07:45:14 AM

My dad was on LST 59 in the Atlantic. He just celebrated his 100th birthday.
72. Mike Flaharty says:
8 Jul 2016 10:40:42 AM

I was a QM2 and served aboard the LST-601 US Clarke County in Vietnam. (1969-1970). After the war she was transferred to the Indonesian Navy and renamed the KRI Teluk Saleh LST 510.
73. phil says:
15 Jul 2016 03:26:36 PM

I think my father Philip j Zeiss was on LST 925 that was it by kamikaze boat and made it into Okinawa in ww 2 how can I get crew list?
74. Ryan says:
5 Nov 2016 10:04:39 AM

Evansville has an LST you can tour, it's quite fascinating.
75. Joseph F. Panicello says:
12 Nov 2016 09:29:07 AM

I spent 2 years on board LST 533 from 1946 to 1948. I wrote a book about the LST called A SLOW MOVING TARGET, the LST in World War II, available at I also converted it into a screenplay hoping to be in the movies or on TV.
2 Feb 2017 12:23:40 PM

77. John says:
17 Mar 2017 01:49:57 PM

My father served in the US Navy during WWII. He served on the LST 655. That's about all I know as he didn't speak much about it. I am curious if there are service records for each ship and where could I find them? I goggled it but didn't find much.
78. Chris says:
17 Mar 2017 03:06:42 PM

Dear friends,

My Uncle served on LST-75 from 1943 until the end of the War.

His name was Thomas William Greene.

Does anyone know of him or anything at all about LST-75? I would be so very grateful.
79. Jinx Fogle says:
25 Mar 2017 12:21:37 AM

My father served on LST288. The crew called it the double gross. He told me the ship's name was the Clinton. A neighbour who is quite familiar with LST s said none had names as they were considered disposable. Now my Father whom I loved dearly might have told me a fib as he New how I disliked President Clinton. Can anyone put me on the correct path, this will not affect my love for my father but will give me something to rib him about on the other side . Thank you, Jinx
80. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
25 Mar 2017 11:32:55 AM

Jinx Fogle (above):
There were nearly 1,200 LSTs built, which is a huge number for any class of US Navy commissioned vessel. As such, many went without names and were officially known only by their hull numbers. But to say that none had names would be incorrect. The naming custom for the LSTs that had names was to name them for counties across America, so if LST-288 bore the name Clinton, it was more likely Clinton County but I can find no record for that. Just before being decommissioned in 1955, LST-288 was named USS Berkshire County which probably would not have happened if there had been another name in her history. Unofficial naming remains a distinct possibility as such things were done, often for a crewmember killed while serving aboard.
81. Roger G. says:
11 Apr 2017 03:25:23 PM

LST- 1128 where did it go in WW-ll I know of a Wallace Mecklenburg that was on this ship. Would like some information if I could, thanks
82. Joan says:
11 Apr 2017 10:34:08 PM

Does anyone know about U.S. LSTs assisting the British/Allies with landing Britist troops on Sword and Juno beaches on D-Day?
83. Lou mcmurray says:
17 Apr 2017 03:22:38 AM

How did it' bac off the beach'?
84. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
17 Apr 2017 11:44:36 AM

Lou McMurray (above):
By the time an LST was ready to leave, it was usually had quite a bit less tonnage aboard than when it arrived and if that wasn’t enough, then the reduced weight plus high tide would be enough that they just reversed off the beach to deeper water.
85. Carl King says:
24 Apr 2017 01:06:45 PM

I would like info specs, diagrams etc on the air controlled reversing gear driven by the GM 12 567 diesels on the LSTs. I am a US navy engine room veteran but I never served on an LST.
86. Sean Q says:
13 Oct 2017 04:27:57 AM

My uncle served aboard LST-524 during WW2. I am looking to find some sort of crew listings etc?? Also photos etc
87. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
13 Oct 2017 08:12:46 AM

To Sean Q (above):
A fairly complete collection of Muster Rolls for LST-524, and indeed many of the LSTs, appears at the website This is a subscription site that offers a free trial period that may be enough for you to get what you want. Remember, though, that these are Navy Muster Rolls and only account for Navy enlisted personnel. Officers, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen were accounted for using other forms submitted through other channels.
88. Stevie Hayes says:
20 Oct 2017 02:33:07 PM

My dad was a stoker 1st class and served on lst 214 on d day and on the Italian landings I recall him saying around d day+5 the engineering officer took some stokers ashore my dad included to see what they could liberate they bought livestock tools and the officer drove a German bow motorbike with sidecar back onboard it still had its spandau mg on it he said a shipmate told my dad lets head towards that earth embankment when they got closer it was British dead in their brown uniforms piled up my old man used to get upset talking about that on the deck of 214 they welded up a cage to keep waffen ss POWs separate from Wehrmacht POWs
89. Stevie Hayes says:
14 Dec 2017 12:52:43 PM

My dad also told us that during the Italian campaign lst 214 alone with other vessels sailed along the Italian coast at night onboard was popski's Polish troops and jeeps at one point 214 shut the engines down as German e boats were nearby my dad said they could hear the e boats engines on deck and told us he felt his rear area going loose as he was so scared also said if you saw a e boat and the weapons it carried you would understand the damage 2or3 would have done to the convoy of lightly armed lst's I've not been able to find any info on the operation maybe a cloak@dagger op?
90. Anonymous says:
18 Apr 2018 06:03:51 PM

Any info on LST481, made landing at Tarawa , sipan , guam
91. Barry says:
6 Jun 2019 02:02:59 AM

Roy Humphrey
Served on LST 164 they took part in D day. They were in the med for a year. He said they took Canadian tanks out to Juno Beach & brought back a the wounded. We have a film clip of them landing the 1st nurses after D day. Roy was an abs joining at 19 it’s unlikely there are any other survivors left as Roy is 95 now
92. Dee Anna Snider says:
2 Jul 2020 06:47:15 PM

Have a picture of LST 183. My Dad was on it I am guessing as it is framed. Dad started out on the LST 416 and was transferred to the 183. Found his diary of entire Naval career on these two LSTs as he spent his career in Guam, Saipan, Japan, Wake Island, Philippines. If anyone need the calendar of days including typhoons and tidal waves..just aske
93. Craig says:
6 Dec 2020 09:25:41 PM

I have a photo of my grandfather, who was a shipbuilder in Portland, OR during WWII kneeling on the deck of what I'm told is an LST. The ship is named after him. I was told that this was common practice to name the ships after the men who built them. Does anyone have any corroborating evidence or knowledge of a database where these ships are listed by name not just number? Thank you!
94. Tim Minnick says:
2 Jan 2021 04:59:13 PM

My father Fred Minnick was on an LST in the Med and then the invasion on D Day where or how would I find which LST # he was assigned to? Would sure like to find out.
95. Mark Bell says:
25 Mar 2023 08:16:57 PM

My Dad was on an LST . Present in the invasion of S. France , Anzio , and Okanawa . Wish I knew number or names of ship(s) he was on . Archie Bell , Fireman 1st class .
96. Juventino Manzano says:
17 Jul 2023 10:01:26 PM

My grandfather was the radioman on LST 534. I put together this work of his letters, military records, photos, etc. after the death of my mother. Please review the link if you are
interested in his story.
97. Lisa Arnall-Hill says:
6 Oct 2023 03:32:47 PM

Juventino Manzano my Gpa also served upon the LST-534.

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More on LST-class Landing Ship
Ships of this Class:
» LST-1
» LST-412

Event(s) Participated:
» Invasion of Sicily and Italy's Surrender
» Normandy Campaign, Phase 1
» Battle of Iwo Jima
» Okinawa Campaign

Related Books:
» Flat-Bottom Odyssey: From North Africa to D-Day

LST-class Landing Ship Photo Gallery
LST-1 underway near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, circa Dec 1942
See all 94 photographs of LST-class Landing Ship

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"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You win the war by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country!"

George Patton, 31 May 1944

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