Ca.331 file photo [17159]

Ca.331 Raffica

Primary RolePrototype Aircraft
Maiden Flight31 August 1940


ww2dbaseThe Ca.331 Raffica ("Gust of Wind") design was developed by Ing Cesare Pallavacino of the firm Caproni in response to a 1938 Italian Air Ministry requirement for a new tactical reconnaissance combat aircraft. The first variant design, Ca.331 OA or Ca.331A, was completed in Oct 1938, and the twin-engine low-wing all-metal monoplane first took flight in mid-1940. After a brief period of testing, the Italian Air Force declined to issue an order. The German Air Force (Luftwaffe) tested the prototype aircraft and also declined to issue an order despite reported satisfaction with the aircraft's performance. In May 1942, the Italian Air Ministry issued an order for two Ca.331 aircraft to be built as a prototype nightfighter. This design also failed to enter production, the project being scrapped in Jan 1943. The single example of Ca.331 OA prototype aircraft and two examples of Ca.331 CN prototype aircraft (only one of which was actually completed) were captured by the Germans at Taliedo, Italy in 1943 after the Italian surrender. All three would later be scrapped in Germany.

ww2dbaseSource: Wikipedia

Last Major Revision: Jan 2013

Ca.331 Raffica Timeline

31 Aug 1940 The Ca.331 OA prototype aircraft took its first flight at Ponte San Pietro, Italy with test pilot Ettore Wengi at the helm.


Ca.331 OA
MachineryTwo Isotta-Fraschini Delta Rc.40 engines rated at 770hp each
Armament2x12.7mm wing root Breda-SAFAT machine guns, 1x12.7mm dorsal Breda-SAFAT machine gun, 1x12.7mm ventral Breda-SAFAT machine gun, 1,000kg of bombs
Span16.40 m
Length11.74 m
Height3.21 m
Wing Area38.50 m²
Weight, Empty4,599 kg
Weight, Maximum6,800 kg
Speed, Maximum505 km/h
Service Ceiling8,092 m
Range, Maximum1,600 km

Ca.331 CN
MachineryTwo Isotta-Fraschini Delta IV air-cooled inverted piston supercharged V12 engines rated at 840hp each
Armament4x20mm nose Mauser MG 151 cannon, 2x12.7mm nose Breda-SAFAT machine gun, 1x12.7mm dorsal Breda-SAFAT machine gun, 1x12.7mm ventral Breda-SAFAT machine gun, 1,000kg of bombs
Span16.40 m
Length11.74 m
Height3.21 m
Wing Area38.50 m²
Weight, Empty4,599 kg
Weight, Maximum6,800 kg
Speed, Maximum505 km/h
Service Ceiling8,092 m
Range, Maximum1,600 km


Ca.331 OA prototype aircraft, Italy, early 1940sCa.331 OA prototype aircraft, Italy, early 1940sCa.331 OA prototype aircraft, Italy, early 1940sCa.331 CN prototype nightfighter, Italy, 1940s
See all 6 photographs of Ca.331 Raffica Prototype Aircraft

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Ca.331 Raffica Prototype Aircraft Photo Gallery
Ca.331 OA prototype aircraft, Italy, early 1940s
See all 6 photographs of Ca.331 Raffica Prototype Aircraft

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