Battle of Hurtgen Forest file photo [328]

Battle of Hürtgen Forest

19 Sep 1944 - 10 Feb 1945


ww2dbaseLocated at the border of Germany and Belgium, the Hürtgen Forest was a wooded area 50 square miles wide that provided another possible corridor for the Allies to thrust into Germany. Lieutenant General Courtney Hodges' First Army, charged with taking the densely wooded terrain, quickly saw the advance becoming a standstill as the American material advantage were taken away by the fierce shelling from well defended German positions. "The enemy had all the advantages of strong defensive country, and the attacking Americans had to depend almost exclusive upon infantry weapons because of the thickness of the forest", said Dwight Eisenhower.

ww2dbaseAfter nearly a month of fighting, the Americans suffered 4,500 casualties after pushing only a few kilometers into the forest. Had the Americans advanced further, the German defenders also had the option of opening the dams nearby and flood the entire forest. Meanwhile, elements of Hodges' army besieged the city of Aachen a short distance north of the forest; Aachen became the first large German city to fall under Allied control when it fell on 21 Oct 1944. Instead of enveloping Hürtgen Forest and move the bulk of his forces eastwards into the heart of Germany, Hodges decided to eliminate the German forces in the forest to secure his southern flank.

ww2dbaseEarly in Nov, the Allies launched a new offensive into the forest. The elements of the First Army encountered exploding trees, a technique deployed by the German defenders where shells exploded 80 to 100 feet above the ground, and the explosion at the treetops sent a rain of shrapnel and wood splinters of wood down at the American troops who ducked down, uselessly, at the first sound of explosion. The Americans, however, quickly learned to "hug a tree" in which they stood flat against large tree trunks to minimize exposed body area. Replacement troops flowed into the forest constantly, but not at a rate that replaced the mounting number of casualties; many units had over 100% casualty rate with the fierce fighting. "It was brutal," said Jacob Pennegar, an Army private who went into the forest as a replacement.

You'd look around, you couldn't see far because the forest was so dark. But you could make out medics scurrying around. Sometimes you'd hear the wounded yelling for a medic. Sometimes you'd hear their buddies. If it was their buddies, there wasn't much need for a medic.

ww2dbaseThe Germans also booby trapped a three-mile wide zone in the forest with mines planted every eight paces to slow any possible American advance. To top it all off, on top of potential death delivered by shelling and mines, German snipers dotted the forest, taking out unsuspecting American soldiers who became lost in the directionless snow-covered landscape.

ww2dbaseThe Battle of Hürtgen Forest was the longest battle the Americans had ever fought in the history of the United States military. The American forces suffered 33,000 casualties (9,000 of which were attributed to non-combat causes such as illness and friendly fire), while the Germans suffered 28,000 casualty (12,000 of whom died). Despite the eventual American victory achieved with the "Yankee doggedness" as described by Dwight Eisenhower, many historians argued that the lives spent at Hürtgen were in vain for that the forest was of little strategic value. While the American troops fought the extended battle, dams on the Roer River remained under German control.

ww2dbase"One way or another, they got you. You froze to death or you got sick or you got blown to bits." Said Leonard Lomell, an Army lieutenant and a survivor of Hürtgen.

Dwight Eisenhower, Crusade in Europe
Carol Morello, "Brutal Battle in the Forest", Washington Post, 24 May 2004
University of San Diego History Department

Last Major Update: Sep 2005

Battle of Hürtgen Forest Interactive Map


Captured German pilot who was shot down by anti-aircraft fire near Weisweiler, Germany, fall 1944.Browning M1919 machine gun crew of 2nd Battalion, US 26th Infantry in the streets of Aachen, Germany, 15 Oct 1944German prisoners marching along Joseph-von-Görres-Straße, Aachen, Germany, circa late Oct 1944US Army Sergeant Joseph H. Kadlec with Christmas holiday packages, Zweifall, Germany, 14 Nov 1944; note street sign for Roetgen (to the southwest) and Stolberg (to the north-northwest)
See all 10 photographs of Battle of Hürtgen Forest

Battle of Hürtgen Forest Timeline

23 Nov 1944 General Dwight Eisenhower ordered that every soldier under his command should receive a full Thanksgiving Day holiday turkey dinner. Battalion cooks tried to comply in the Hürtgen Forest on the Belgian-German border, if only with turkey sandwiches, but as US soldiers climbed out of their foxholes to line up, they were hit by German artillery fire and suffered heavy casualties.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. frenchie* says:
23 Apr 2006 11:15:54 AM

well written, very informative
2. Barbara Pisarro says:
6 Jul 2006 12:20:15 PM

My father was a survivor of the Battle of Huertgen Forest. Is there any way of finding out how many survivors of the battle are still living?
3. Anonymous says:
20 May 2007 06:12:37 PM

Hello, my father was wounded and taken prisoner on Nov. 9 - 44, as documened in the Hurtgen along with 7 other men from his unit, (from a town of 8000 in western pa28th inf, 112th div.) One waS later confirmed dead. What I am confused about is that on the papers we have ( he died in 1991),he was listed as a prisoner of stalag 5. I have been on here trying to research a stalag 5, without much luck. My sisters and I do have Christmas cards (from 4546?) and such from fellow prisoners (One from the Polish doctor who was allowed to care for him, a fellow prisoner, telling Dad not to send money as he would not get it.. that things werent great, but he was confident they would get better... another from a fellow prisoner who said Turkey this year for Christmas, not grass soup.. I am so sorry I didnt ask, but I know he wouldnt have told me.. I have three sisters and I think he didnt want us to ever know what and how bad it was. Can anybody out there give me insight into Stalag 5 and where it was located? My sister has Dads postcard to his mother and dad, (liberation) saying basically Boy, they came in here last night and what a time we had... you have never seen so many happy guys...! I can only imagine..
4. Big S says:
24 Mar 2008 05:26:22 PM

extremely great job. the battle of hurtgen forest was a really brutal fight. I can't imagine being an American soldier during that battle.
5. Anonymous says:
3 Jun 2008 01:30:13 PM

i am a naturalized american citizen of german origin and used to live in aachen. i am very familiar with the eiffel and huertgen forest. we drove through the area, (while visiting my old friends), about seven years ago. it's a beautiful area. ---- while living in aachen as a young girl we often visited the eiffel. we found fortified bunkers with openings for machine guns and large concrete boulders used as fortification against foreign tanks.
6. Bart van der Sterren says:
11 Nov 2008 10:29:49 AM

In September 2008 I adopted the name of an US soldier who is missing since 17 November 1944. His name is etched on the “Wall off the Missing” at the military cemetery in Margraten in the Netherlands . His name is CLIFFE H WOLFE. He was born in Michigan Wayne County. His service number is 36506694 and he served in the 109 INF 28 DIV reaching the rank of Technical Sergeant. He probably died in the battle of the Hurtgen Forest. People around here still consider it to be an honour to remember the fallen U.S. soldiers. For me it is the least I can do to show my gratitude and respect for what so many young men from far over the ocean did for us more than 60 years ago. The adoption of a name on the “Wall of the Missing” means visiting the cemetery on a frequent basis, placing of flowers on special days or occasions (like e.g. Memorial Day or Christmas) and when relatives wish to do so and corresponding with the homeland. I just started my search for relatives in the US of this soldier so I could sent them pictures of the cemetery and let them know that he is not forgotten.

I hope you can help me and that you can tell me where I can get more information. Bart van der Sterren

7. Anonymous says:
18 Dec 2008 06:05:14 AM

8. Cathryn says:
10 Jun 2009 04:07:56 PM

My father was captured in January 1945 outside of Strasbourg. He was imprisoned at a slave labor camp before being moved to Stalog 5A, which is located just south of Ludwigsburg, Germany. Things were pretty bad in this camp, but an improvement from the other camp. As the allies approached, these soldiers were forced to take part in a death march across southern Germany.
9. Erik says:
28 Jun 2009 01:27:05 PM

Hi Cathryn,

My Grandfather was imprisoned in Stalag 5A from December '44 until April '45. He was left for dead, so I don't think he had to join the death march. After the war he returned to Holland, but he has been an old and grumpy man for the rest of his life. He died in 1991. Do you know if there are pictures from this camp?
10. Nancy says:
25 Mar 2010 06:13:19 PM

My father is 88 and a survivor of this battle. He was in Company F, 18th Infantry. Would there be anyone else from this unit still living?
11. J says:
23 Apr 2010 11:32:57 AM


My grandfather was in Company F, 18th Infantry. Unfortunately he died in 2008 at age 87. He was wounded in battle Nov. 27, 1944 while carrying a wounded soldier over his shoulder. His name was Morris Davidson.
12. Scorpio says:
26 Jun 2010 12:40:55 PM

Check out my website:
13. Patti says:
27 Jul 2010 11:01:58 AM

My dad was shot in the Hurtgen Forest. He will be 94 in September. Pray always for our soldiers.
14. Gary says:
18 Oct 2010 03:34:56 PM

My Father was wounded in this battle by a shell burst in a tree. He was with the 1st Division 16 inf 2nd bn Co.E he is 86 now.
15. Anonymous says:
3 Dec 2010 08:26:33 AM

My uncle, staff sgt. Warren Willis Hunter was in the Hurtgen Forest war. He was only 19 years old and was killed Nov. 10 1944. He was from Welty,Okfuskgee county,Oklahoma. Is it possible there's someone out there, that's still alive who knew him or served with him in the battle?
16. Chris says:
30 Dec 2010 07:13:42 AM

I am researching 1st Lt. Paul Ramsey, Co F, 26 Inf Div (Yankee Division). Captured Sept 1944. (Forward Artillary observer). Any information would be appreciated regarding this hero.
17. 9th ID Friend says:
16 Jan 2011 09:46:49 AM

Dear Mr. Chen, please update the date of your article to reflect what most professional researchers agree was the actual START of the Huertgen Forest campaign, SEPTEMBER 14, 1944. The Breaching of The Siegfried Line is widely acknowledged as the beginning of the bloody battle. Please update your info. Thanks so much.
18. Nancy Johnson Koper says:
6 Mar 2011 06:08:07 AM

My father is a veteran of the Battle of Hurtgen Forest, and, before it, of fighting in France, a week or so after D-Day. He was taken prisoner in the fall of 1944 and was in one (or two)Stalags in Germany. One of them was north of Berlin. I'm very proud of him and of all the other servicemen who served and fought so hard in that battle.
19. brad matthiesen says:
23 May 2011 02:55:48 PM

My uncle. Donald matthiesen, died on November 2, 1944 in the battle of Hurtgen forest. How can I find out more information about him and his involvement in the battle?
20. Rod Hoel says:
30 May 2011 01:27:32 PM

My uncle was a medic and wounded severely. He had nightmares all his life but refused to talk about his time there. I recently found a typed letter describing his time there. He wrote of another medic named Anton, My uncle was 30 years old at the time & the troops called him Pops, His name was Stanley Howe born in Mn but spent most of his life near Chicago. Any info would be appreciated.
21. Alan Klees says:
30 Jul 2011 10:31:58 PM

My uncle Alfred Klees, born in Germany near Koln, was at this battle, survived and was wounded in the Battle Of The Bulge. If any living survivors knew my uncle Alfred, please contact me.
22. Seinsche, Klaus says:
30 Sep 2011 11:21:17 AM

Guten Tag! Leider spreche ich nur wenig Englisch. Zur Übermittlung von Informationen stehe ich gern zur Verfügung.
Klaus Seinsche
23. JSC says:
1 Nov 2011 04:29:41 PM

My great uncle PFC Jack F. Cooper was killed on Hill 400. He was was from Alabama and was with the 4th Infantry 22 Division.
24. Carl Hudson says:
3 Dec 2011 05:00:39 PM

My uncle, PFC Clyde Hudson was killed in action in the battle of Hurtgen forest Nov 1944. He with 2nd plt company B 8th inf. This is ingraved on his grave marker.I can't seem to find out anyother info on this unit.If anyone has information about the unit please email me. Thanks, Carl
25. C Neeley says:
17 Dec 2011 01:51:57 PM

My brother...yes brother(I was only 2)was wounded in Hurtgen Forest and died 2 days later (Nov 27, 1944). He was one of Rudder's Rangers. I found the book "The Battalion" by Col. Robert W. Black (himself a Ranger)on Amazon and my brothers name (Keith Bragg) is mentioned in the book on page 201 when he was wounded. Glad I found this book. It goes into quite a bit of detail about Hurtgen Forest battle...more than I ever knew. By reading this book I found out exactly where he as wounded. Only wish you could find any of the men still living, but I doubt it as most of them would be their 80's and 90's, if still alive.
26. Don says:
13 Aug 2012 04:17:45 AM

When I was a kid I would often see my dad taking a nap on the living room couch. I always thought it was funny how he would wake up springing into action, usually with a shout, sometimes a scream. He was in the 42nd Rainbow Div. one of two to service in his unit.
27. Jerry Nelson says:
12 Sep 2012 07:40:15 PM

I've watched and read American war history for over 40 years and have never heard of The Battle of Hurtgen Forest! The longest battle in our history.
I wonder if it's a military secret?
28. Brian J says:
16 Sep 2012 10:55:18 AM

My Grandpa Lyma's brother Wayne Charles (still living in his 90's) was in the battle of Hurtgen forest. Mr. Wayne Charles Never talked about it to anyone, even family. Surprizingly he agreed to do an interview with my daughter's High School History Class assignment in 2004.
He said he wanted to finally do it. I went along with my daughter with a tape recorder.
The stories were extremely real and horrifing (even tamed down I'm sure for my teenager interviewer daughter ). Even some 60 years later the pain was still strong; Mr. Wayne Charels broke down several times during the interview but soldiered thru it. I wish a professional interview could be conducted, worthy of such a great hero, Mr. Wayne Charles
29. Dave says:
16 Nov 2012 09:09:36 PM

( In Reply to:)
Anonymous says:
20 May 2007 06:12:37 PM

Hello, my father was wounded and taken prisoner on Nov. 9 - 44, as documened in the Hurtgen along with 7 other men from his unit, (from a town of 8000 in western pa28th inf, 112th div.) One waS later confirmed dead. What I am confused about is that on the papers we have ( he died in 1991),he was listed as a prisoner of stalag 5. I have been on here trying to research a stalag 5, without much luck. My sisters and I do have Christmas cards (from 4546?) and such from fellow prisoners (One from the Polish doctor who was allowed to care for him, a fellow prisoner, telling Dad not to send money as he would not get it.. that things werent great, but he was confident they would get better... another from a fellow prisoner who said Turkey this year for Christmas, not grass soup.. I am so sorry I didnt ask, but I know he wouldnt have told me.. I have three sisters and I think he didnt want us to ever know what and how bad it was. Can anybody out there give me insight into Stalag 5 and where it was located? My sister has Dads postcard to his mother and dad, (liberation) saying basically Boy, they came in here last night and what a time we had... you have never seen so many happy guys...! I can only imagine..

The "Stalag 5" your looking for is known as "Stalag V-A" It was located on the southern outskirts of Ludwigsburg, Germany. It was open from 1939 - 1945. The camp is evacuated on the evening of Easter, April 1, 1945. Prisoners detained at the camp, at the time of evacuation, take part in a forced march across southern Germany.
You could find more information from this memorial Website:
30. Vic says:
2 Apr 2013 03:45:15 PM

Hi. In reply to anonymous and Cathryn.

Does anyone have any photos of Stalag V-A that they have come across in the last few years since posting this? I also am looking as my uncle, 44th Inf Div, was a prisoner there captured Jan 1, 1945. I am looking for a website also I came across several years ago that had some photos I think taken by British troops.
31. Anonymous says:
6 Apr 2013 08:15:13 PM

I'm looking for any info about Lt. Col James E. Casey, My father. He was a battalion commander but I don't know any details.
32. Anonymous says:
18 Jun 2013 12:48:54 AM

My father was with the 121 infantry reg.8th div that took the town of hurtgen.He shared memories of the shell bursts,the mud and freezing cold.They would blow a hole in the first house and work their way.The germans would be upstairs and they would be below.Bodies everywhere.When I asked him about his worst experience of the war,he would put it in two words "The Hurtgen"
33. Marc Dolce says:
19 Feb 2014 10:41:49 AM

My Grandfather (Paul Dolce)fought during this battle. He was wounded and received the purple heart. He passed away when I was only 6. My Father told me stories that were passed down from my Grandfather. I still even have the Western Union telegram that my Grandmother received in 1945 when he was wounded. reading this article really helped me put the pieces together of what he and many others went through...thank you
34. Kathy Handy says:
4 Aug 2014 05:22:31 PM

My father, Richard Haines, was also with the 121st Army Infantry Regiment 8th Division, Gray Bonnets. He entered Huertgen on Nov. 29, taking the place of a guard who had been shot -- the guard turned out to be the son of a doctor in the town my dad was from in Schenectady, NY. It was also the first birthday of his second-born daughter at home. He made it through and eventually helped to free prisoners in a death camp known as Wobbelin -- I believe with the 82nd who got most of the credit, with the 8th getting co-credit in 1988-89. Anyone with any information on this Huertgen Forest journey -- please share. These soldiers did a mighty job, and we never want to forget.
35. Anonymous says:
4 Aug 2014 05:24:25 PM

Sargent Storey was a man from my dad's (Richard Haines) 121st Infantry 8th Division who was killed and who my father admired. He had a picture of him that he treasured. If anyone knows of a Sgt. Storey, I'd appreciate any additional information.
36. Jody says:
23 Aug 2014 06:11:21 PM

My uncle, James William Bumgardner, died on Dec. 5, 1944 during the Hurtgen Forest battle. Wonder if anyone knew him. He previously drilled soldiers in Kentucky.
37. R.G. Manini Sr. says:
24 Aug 2014 10:06:47 AM

My Uncle, PFC Elio T. Manini, "F" Company,26th Inf. Reg. 1st Inf. Div. was KIA on 11/26/1944, during the Battle of Hurtgen Forrest. Does any one, who was in this battle, know or remember him. He was awarded the Silver Star for action in this battle...
38. Cliff Hardaway says:
8 Nov 2014 07:42:18 PM

My grandfather, Guy Hinton Hardaway, was killed in action on Nov 2, 1944 in the Hurtgen Forest. He was 33 at the time and father was only 6. Guy was in the 28th infantry division, 112th regiment, B company. If anyone has any information about Guy I would appreciate it.
39. Timothy Scouten says:
28 Feb 2015 05:50:01 PM

My father Clifford "Roger" Scouten survived Hurtgen Forest, he landed at Utah and was in till V-E Day with the 4th div.8th reg. as a Master Sargent. Is their anyone who knew him I'm trying to record his service since all his recorders have burned.
40. Linda says:
25 Mar 2015 12:36:41 PM

Hello, My Uncle was Ernest Cushing Jr, a Tec 5 112 INF 28th Division. He was from Princeton, NJ. I am interested in finding out any information on him. It appears he would have been in the Hurtgen Forest Battle as he died thereafter on September 14, 1944. Thank you...
41. Mark J says:
20 Oct 2015 01:04:09 PM

My uncle Pvt Richard "Dick" Herling 5AD 47th AIB Company C. Was KIA 12/5/44 at Bergstein, Germany. He is buried at Margraten, Netherlands C-27-9 in case anyone visits this cemetery I would certainly appreciate a photo. I would like to know of anyone surviving who knew my Mom's brother. I asked my mom about him just once, I made a mistake as she too like most veterans could not speak of it. I felt terrible as she cried. My heart goes out to all here on this forum in search of their loved ones. And I thank you, the survivors. You truly are of the greatest generation. I can be reached at
42. Johan says:
31 Oct 2015 02:06:26 PM

Hello Mark,

Maybe this will help get you a picture,

You can contact them.
Greetings Johan
43. Anonymous says:
7 Nov 2015 08:28:43 PM

My father, a 1st Lt. Campbell 634th/ 603rd Tank Destroyer unit was wounded severely Nov. 19th. He died in 1996.
Hurtgen was awful, with terrible planning and tons of land mines and traps left behind by Germans. One very good source for info
The main website here has a ton of info and battle reports on many other units.
The same unit he was in then joined with Patton and eventually liberated several death camps.
They were really heroes, all these guys.
44. Albert Trostorf says:
22 May 2016 08:01:44 AM

If anyone is searching Information about the Huertgen Forest, please feel free to contact me:
45. Anonymous says:
30 Aug 2016 03:12:38 PM

My Uncle, Fred H. Noonan(originally from Binghamton,NY) - 26th Infantry Regiment,1st Infantry Division fought and died in the Hurtgen Forest. He died on Nov. 29, 1944 and is buried at Henri-Chapelle in Hombourg, Belgium. Fred was part of "The Big Red" 1st Infantry Division. If anyone has information about Fred or his division please contact me.
46. Anonymous says:
6 Sep 2016 12:12:33 PM

My father was listed as injured in the Hurtgen forest November 9, 1944.
He was a corporal tech 5 in the 20th engineers
his name Ben H. Mahaney, from Tn.
enlisted 1939 in Georgia.
any help appreciated. thanks Ken
47. Anonymous says:
20 Sep 2016 04:30:35 AM

Concerning Fred H. Noonan.
Please contact me at:
48. dennis g says:
27 Sep 2016 06:26:37 PM

My uncle Victor P Plasson was killed in action on Nov. 17th. 1944 in the Hurtgen.
He was staff S/Sgt company A 4th infantry. Any help would be appreciated.
Any available map sheet Germany 3 f/03-f/13 ???
Thank You.
49. Albert Trostorf says:
6 Nov 2016 06:02:23 PM

Dennis G:
please contact me in concern of your uncle S/Sgt. Victor P Plasson.
50. Ronald K. says:
17 Feb 2017 07:49:07 AM

My uncle, SGT (Infantry) Stephen F. Karpinski, was killed on Sept. 24, 1944. He was in First Army, but I don't know the specific unit. If I had that, I could research further, but I am guessing he was at Hürtgen Forrest. Can you point me toward a good source?
51. Anonymous says:
4 Mar 2017 02:25:21 PM

I'm writing a novel about this battle. I need to know what happens with the wounded. I know they've have to be carried to the medical help. But where dit they get a complete recovery? Liege, Monschau? Hospital? Field hospital, school, church, house?
Please contact me.
52. R.C. Gentry says:
1 May 2017 03:11:08 AM

My Uncle Bruce L. Gentry. from Mt.City, east TN. Settled in SE PA. He was an (33779027 ?) Inf. BAR Point. Arrived Fr. & Unit past thru Aachern & Into the B.H.F. Nov.'44. He survived to be among the 1st to cross the Ludendorf Bridge REMAGEN. Once across As a (Pfc) Inf. BAR Point/Scout.. captured (thanks Lt.) Locked in Rail Cars (tops marked Munition) to POW Stalag 12-A at Diez(?) ...Limburg, Lahn river. As You can imagine he talked of very little. I'm thinking 47 Inf , 310 Inf.Reg &/or a CCB ?. Real question how might I more about his actual Unit(s) ugly experiences. .. To honor all who serve
53. R.C. Gentry says:
1 May 2017 03:21:08 AM

PS regarding just request info Uncle Bruce L. Gentry (33779027 ?) Inf BAR Point - Nov'44 .. B.H.F., Ludendorf Bridge Remagen, Mar. 7?, 8 ?, 9?, Rail Cars, ..Stalag 12 A Limberg Lahn river. Units ?, ?. Point - I have visited the Remagen "Bridge" Museum, plaques,etc
54. Lauri says:
29 May 2017 04:37:01 PM

Today I am remembering my Dad who was in the 28th Inf. Division. He survived the war, but passed away in 1978. Being a "late in life" baby, I was only 11 years old when he died. My Dad never spoke of the war to me or my brothers.

We do have his medals (to include the Bronze Star). We tried to get his Army records but they were destroyed in the fire at the St. Louis location.

I do not have family members or relatives left on my Dad's (or Mom's) side to inquire about his service in the war.

Any guidance would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

55. George Beaumont says:
24 Jun 2017 08:59:14 PM

My father, Sargent JB. Louis Beaumont was in the Battle of the Hurtgen Forest - 8th US Infantry Division. He passed out in a fox hole from the cold and shelling. and was taken out of action for about a month, and then put back in. He passed away in 1990 at age 82. Splintering trees from the artillery, snow and mud, and the bunkers were big problems. George B.
56. Bill Simms says:
1 Jul 2017 02:00:02 PM

My Father-in-law, William W. Bond, was a Litter Bearer in the Med Det 112th Inf Reg 28th Div; participated in the battle of the Hurtgen Forest and was captured on or about 8 Nov 1944. I am trying to find out the circumstances of his capture. From his personal records (He passed away 24 Dec 2014) it appears that he "toured" Germany as a "guest" of the Wehrmacht for about 5 months until his release in May 1945. I think there may be some records held by the 28th Div history section about a "truce" to recover wounded by both sides that eventually fell apart and he was captured.
57. Anonymous says:
23 Aug 2017 07:26:29 AM

I am a WWII reenactor and my favorite impression to do is the 1st Infantry Division in the Hurtgen Forest. However, I am having trouble with my impression. My "character", so to speak, is a sergeant with the 16th Infantry who's been on the line since Normandy (i.e not a replacement). Anyway, I was wondering if it be appropriate to wear the new M43 Jacket and/or buckle boots, as opposed to the M41 Jacket with leggings. Thanks to anyone who can help!
58. Richard Donnelly says:
14 Nov 2017 05:29:21 PM

I was recently told that my brother, Joseph P Donnelly, was part of the Hurtgen Forest Battle. With his records being destroyed in the St. Louis fire, I have very limited information about him and his unit. He was in the 9th Armored Div, 19th Tank Bat. I would appreciate any information and/or pictures about him or his unit.
59. Tom Szulanczyk says:
25 Jan 2018 11:58:03 AM

For nearly 70 years our family knew little of the death of my uncle Albert A. Buckoski (28th inf div)who was killed(we believe) in the battle of the Hurtgen Forest . We recently found his grave marker (listing the date of death as Nov. 14, 1944)in the Ardennes American Cemetery
60. Rhonda L Cooper says:
8 Jun 2018 07:53:55 PM

MY dad was a Medic at Normandy and was injured in the Hurtgen Forest, A mine blow up as he and another medic was carrying out a injured soldier. His Name was Louie Gene Cooper, he recieved a Purple Heart for his actions, My hero...
61. Mike Walton says:
10 Nov 2018 05:22:53 PM

Was 79th infantry in this battle
62. DM Hooker says:
5 Jun 2019 08:15:22 PM

My 21 year-old uncle who I would never know was killed in the Hurtgen Forest in November, 1944. It hurts my heart to read how this battle was an ill-conceived and senseless mistake that should have been avoided.
63. Marie says:
30 Aug 2019 04:22:55 PM

My 22 yr old uncle was killed in the forest Dec 14 until 12 yrs ago I never knew him and I had the same birthday 9/22 as my grandma didn't talk about it maybe this is a reason i have so much interest in learning as much as I can about ww2
64. G Todd says:
13 Oct 2019 09:49:11 PM

My uncle also was killed in this battel 16 Nov 1944. 1st sgt Dale Eugene Todd. 28 ID 112 INF.If you get a chance GO TO MUSEUM IN STATE COLLEGE PA. there is a wall with the names of the Divisions kIA.
65. QS Burdick says:
6 Feb 2020 07:50:23 PM

My great grandfather was killed at the age of 24 at Hürtgen due to shrapnel. As a result my grandmother has no recollection of him at all, she was 3. This also caused an extremely difficult childhood for her and to this day she's constantly researching everything she can about the battle to try and understand what it was like for her "daddy".
66. Brad matthiesen says:
4 Sep 2020 03:17:40 PM

My uncle, Donald MATTHIESEN was killed in action on November 2nd, 1944 and I’ve been trying to find out as much information about him and the battle as I can. Any help would be appreciated.
67. Jim nolan says:
16 Jan 2021 11:29:23 PM

My uncle, sgt art gilman, was killed in the battle. Very little is known. If you have any info or leads as to where to look, please let me know. Thank you!
68. Sherry Prevett says:
20 Jul 2021 05:17:53 PM

My Uncle Richard Sims was in the “ No. 1 INF 16 th REG. He gave all 11-25-44 in The Hurtgeon Forest. God bless them all.!
69. Anonymous says:
24 Oct 2021 07:49:05 PM

My Uncle James Neil Willburn was killed in December 1944 at the Battle of the Hurtgen Forest. Would like to get more information.
70. Suzanne Jackson says:
23 Nov 2021 10:12:26 AM

My grandfather, Arthur Petruzziello 3/6/10-11/23/44, was killed in the Battle Hurtgen on Nov. 23, 1944. 8th Infantry Division. Any info would be greatly appreciated. I have no pictures or any info on him.
71. Tammy Jenkins-Carr says:
8 Mar 2022 08:36:41 AM

My uncle Joseph Jenkins was killed 12/1/44 at Hurtgen Forest battle. He was 22y/o. He was a medic with the 4th Infantry Division, 22nd Infantry Regiment. He is buried at Henri-Chapelle American Battle Cemetery in Belgium.
72. Teresa Ferguson says:
30 May 2022 09:05:42 PM

My grandfather, Lelan Shields, was KIA in the Battle of Hürtgen Forest on 12/11/44. He actually was admitted into some hospital for gunshot wounds and died there. He was in the 60th Infantry. If you know of anyone in that Infantry that could have possibly known him, please email me at: Thank you!
73. Sherry Prevett says:
6 Jun 2022 06:18:38 AM

My Uncle Richard Sims gave all in The Hurtgeon Forest November 1944.
He was in the # 1 INF Division, 16 th INF Reg.
His final resting place is at The Henri- Chappell American Cemetery . Plot A, Row 17,Grave 30. GoD bless all. Sherry Prevett
74. Catherine Hamelin says:
24 Jun 2022 06:29:26 PM

My cousin, Thomas Joseph McDonald was killed 11/23/44 in the Huertgen. I think this was Thanksgiving Day. He was a Medic as far as I know. He was from Queens, NYC. His body was brought back to be buried on Long Island. I am wondering how to get more details about him: his regiment and hopefully the day he died. Thanks.
Honor to all who serve.
75. Carol (walker) Johnson says:
10 Jan 2023 11:43:14 AM

My father, Warren L Walker, was declared missing in action December 4, 1944 and Body was found near Hurtgen Germany. He is buried at Henri Chappelle cemetery in Belgium.
I want to know if he died in the Battle of Hurtgen Forest. I never have known.
His best friend, AL Sutherland, died at the same time. I would appreciate any information as his daughter.
76. Verneal Maze says:
24 Nov 2023 08:51:02 AM

My Uncle, Staff Sgt Warren Hunter from Welty,ok died in the Hurtgen forest war. Nov 10th 1944. He's buried in Henri-Chapell American cementery. Plot A row3,grave 7
77. Paul Mohr says:
7 Jun 2024 05:25:15 AM

Staf Sergeant Odis Oden Robertson geboren 18-03-1921 te Oklahoma is op 01-12-1944 overleden in de buurt van Vosseneck, kreis Duren, Nord-Rhein Westfalen te Duitsland,tijdens de Hürtgen Forest Battle. Hij was geplaatst bij; Company B, 28th Infantry Regiment, 8th Division. Zijn graf is overgezet destijds naar Oklahoma, te Blackwell Cemetery, Kay County, Oklahoma USA.
Perceel: Block 52 L/R 1 Space 5, gedenkplek-ID: 93108879

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Battle of Hürtgen Forest Photo Gallery
Captured German pilot who was shot down by anti-aircraft fire near Weisweiler, Germany, fall 1944.
See all 10 photographs of Battle of Hürtgen Forest

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"With Germany arming at breakneck speed, England lost in a pacifist dream, France corrupt and torn by dissension, America remote and indifferent... do you not tremble for your children?"

Winston Churchill, 1935

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