12 Jan 1945

French Indochina Photo(s) dated 12 Jan 1945
A Japanese freighter beached on the coast of French Indochina (Vietnam) north of Qui Nhon after its convoy was attacked by 175 United States Navy carrier planes, Jan 12, 1945.Japanese Type 2AT tanker Otsusan Maru burning and heading for the beach on the coast of French Indochina (Vietnam) north of Qui Nhon after its convoy was attacked by 175 United States Navy carrier planes, Jan 12, 1945.Japanese freighters Shoei Maru beached and burning and Takebe Maru damaged and trailing oil on the coast of French Indochina (Vietnam) north of Qui Nhon after being attacked by 175 USN carrier planes, 12 Jan 1945.Large Type 2TL tanker Kyokuun Maru on fire and making for the beach off the coast of French Indochina (Vietnam) north of Qui Nhon after its convoy was attacked by 175 United States Navy carrier planes, Jan 12, 1945.
See all photos dated 12 Jan 1945

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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