12 Jun 1892
- Ferdinand Schörner was born in München, Kingdom of Bayern, Germany. ww2dbase [Ferdinand Schörner | München | CPC]
7 Oct 1900
- Heinrich Himmler was born in München, Germany. ww2dbase [Heinrich Himmler | München | CPC]
18 Jan 1914
- Adolf Hitler, who had registered as a stateless person in order to aviod military service in Austria-Hungary, was arrested by a München (Munich) police official and taken to the Austrian Consulate, from where he was deported to Salzburg in Austria to enter the army. ww2dbase [Adolf Hitler | München | AC]
5 Jan 1919
- Germans Anton Drexler, Gottfried Feder, Dietrich Eckart, Karl Harrer, and 20 others formally named their small political group the German Workers' Party (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) in Munich, Germany. The party aimed to support middle-class citizens of the Aryan race. This party was the forerunner of the Nazi Party. ww2dbase [München, München-Oberbayern | CPC]
11 Mar 1920
- Eleonore Baur was arrested for disturbing the peace following an anti-Semitic speech at a women's rally in München (Munich), Germany. ww2dbase [Eleonore Baur | München | CPC]
31 Mar 1920
- Adolf Hitler was demobilized from the Bavarian Army. ww2dbase [Adolf Hitler | München | CPC]
29 Jul 1921
- Adolf Hitler was invited back to the Nazi Party by Anton Drexler. As the condition for his return, Hitler demanded, and received, a sole dictatorial leadership position. He also received support from the other party leaders that the party headquarters would remain in München (Munich) for at least six years. ww2dbase [Adolf Hitler | München | TH, CPC]
5 Aug 1922
- Heinrich Himmler graduated from Universität München (Munich University) with an agriculture degree. ww2dbase [Heinrich Himmler | München | CPC]
8 Nov 1923
- Right wing groups in München, Germany launched the Beer Hall Putsch, attempting to seize power in the city, with the aspiration of triggering a national uprising. The putsch was headed by Erich Ludendorff, with support of various local political figures such as Adolf Hitler. ww2dbase [München | TH, CPC]
9 Nov 1923

- Ludendorff s attempt to seize power in München, Germany ended ignominiously. ww2dbase [München | TH, CPC]
- Eleonore Baur became the only woman to participate in the Beer Hall Putsch in München (Munich), Germany. ww2dbase [Eleonore Baur | München | CPC]

20 Oct 1927
19 Jan 1932
- Joseph Goebbels and Adolf Hitler travelled to Munich, Germany together; en route, Goebbels attempted to convince Adolf Hitler to run for the office of the President of Germany. ww2dbase [Adolf Hitler | München, München-Oberbayern | CPC]
9 Mar 1933
- In Germany, SS leader Heinrich Himmler became the president of the München (Munich) police commission. ww2dbase [Heinrich Himmler | München, München-Oberbayern | CPC]
1 Jul 1934
- On Adolf Hitler's orders, Ernst Röhm, the head of the SA, was shot in a cell at Stadelheim prison in München (Munich), Germany by Theodor Eicke, the SS Commandant of the local Dachau Concentration Camp. ww2dbase [München, München-Oberbayern | AC]
1 Dec 1934
- Rudolf Höss arrived in München (Munich), Germany and would soon depart for his new posting at Dachau Concentration Camp. ww2dbase [Rudolf Höss | München, München-Oberbayern | CPC]
9 Jun 1938
- The main synagogue in München (Munich) in southern Germany was demolished. ww2dbase [Discovery of Concentration Camps and the Holocaust | München, München-Oberbayern | CPC]
29 Sep 1938

See all photos dated 29 Sep 1938
- The Munich Conference between Hitler, Chamberlain, Mussolini, and Daladier took place at the Führerbau building in München in Germany, during which Britain and France ceded Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia to Germany in an attempt to avoid war. The two Czechoslovakian representatives at the conference were locked in an adjacent room, not permitted to actually participating in the negotiations. ww2dbase [Munich Conference and the Annexation of Sudetenland | München, München-Oberbayern | TH]

See all photos dated 29 Sep 1938
30 Sep 1938

See all photos dated 30 Sep 1938
- Shortly after midnight, Adolf Hitler, Neville Chamberlain, Benito Mussolini, and Édouard Daladier, in that order, signed the Munich Agreement at the Führerbau building in München in Germany, which ceded Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia to Germany; the actual document was backdated to the previous day, 29 Sep 1938. ww2dbase [Munich Conference and the Annexation of Sudetenland | München, München-Oberbayern | CPC]

See all photos dated 30 Sep 1938
8 Nov 1939
- An assassination attempt on Hitler by German carpenter Georg Elser failed at the annual commemoration of the Beer Hall Putsch in München, Germany. Ostensibly, Hitler and other top Nazi leaders escaped death because Hitler had ended his speech early and left the building eight minutes before the bomb planted by Elser detonated (which killed 8 and wounded 65). In actuality, however, it had been planned by Hitler to elevate his own standing in Germany and to create a situation where he could blame the western powers for an assassination attempt. ww2dbase [Adolf Hitler | München, München-Oberbayern | TH]
11 Nov 1939
- Adolf Hitler attended the funeral of those killed in the staged 8 Nov 1939 assassination attempt in München, Germany. ww2dbase [Adolf Hitler | München, München-Oberbayern | CPC]
4 Jun 1940
- French l'Armee d'Aire attacked München (Munich) and Frankfurt in Germany in response to the German bombing of Paris, France on the previous day. ww2dbase [München, München-Oberbayern | TH]
18 Jun 1940
- Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini met in Munich, Germany to discuss the French peace request. ww2dbase [Adolf Hitler | München, München-Oberbayern | TH]
15 Oct 1941
- Hans-Joachim Marseille arrived at Munich-Riem Airfield in Germany to be introduced to the new Bf 109E-7 and Bf 109F4 variant designs. ww2dbase [Hans-Joachim Marseille | München, München-Oberbayern | CPC]
31 Mar 1944
- The newly-formed German Jagdverband 44, flying Me 262 jet fighters, flew its first mission out of München (Munich), Germany. ww2dbase [Me 262 Schwalbe | München, München-Oberbayern | CPC]
19 Jul 1944
- 1,082 B-17 and B-24 bombers, escorted by 670 P-38, P-47, and P-51 fighters attacked factories (hydrogen peroxide, chemical, aircraft, and ball bearing), six rail marshalling yards, a dam, and four airfields in western and southwestern Germany; 17 bombers and 7 fighters were lost. From Italy, US 15th Air Force launched 400 B-17 and B-24 bombers attacked an ordnance depot, an aircraft factory, an automobile factory, and an airfield in the München (Munich) area; 16 US aircraft were lost. ww2dbase [Bombing of Hamburg, Dresden, and Other Cities | München, München-Oberbayern | CPC]
24 Mar 1945
- Adolf Hitler's personal Ju 290A-5 transport aircraft was destroyed by Allied bombing at München (Munich), Germany. ww2dbase [Ju 290 | München, München-Oberbayern | CPC]
18 Apr 1945
- German pilot Johannes Steinhoff was seriously burned during a takeoff accident with his Me 262 jet fighter at München (Munich), Germany. ww2dbase [München, München-Oberbayern | CPC]
25 Apr 1945
- Adolf Galland announced to the pilots of German Jagdverband 44 at München (Munich), Germany that the war was effectively lost, and he would only accept volunteers to continue fighting from now on. All of his men stepped forward as volunteers. ww2dbase [Adolf Galland | München, München-Oberbayern | CPC]
26 Apr 1945
- Shortly after Adolf Galland (Jagdverband 44) attacked and shot down US B-26 bombers, his Me 262 jet fighter was shot down by Lieutenant James Finnegan's P-47D Thunderbolt fighter (US 50th Fighter Group). Galland crash landed safely at München-Riem Airfield in southern Germany, though sustaining wounds. ww2dbase [Adolf Galland | München, München-Oberbayern | AC, CPC]
29 Apr 1945
- Martin Gottfried Weiss was captured by Corporal Henry Senger of US 292nd Field Artillery Observation Battalion in München (Munich), Germany. ww2dbase [Nuremberg Trials and Other Trials Against Germany | Martin Gottfried Weiss | München, München-Oberbayern | CPC]
8 May 1945
- A German pilot landed a Ju 290 aircraft at München-Riem airport in southern Germany and surrendered to US troops. The aircraft carried women auxiliary personnel of the German Luftwaffe. ww2dbase [Ju 290 | München, München-Oberbayern | CPC]
10 May 1945
- Harold Watson flew a captured Ju 290 aircraft from München-Riem airport in southern Germany to another airfield near Nürnberg, Germany. ww2dbase [Ju 290 | München, München-Oberbayern | CPC]
17 May 1945
- Kurt Blome was arrested by the US Counter Intelligence Corps in München (Munich), Germany. ww2dbase [Kurt Blome | München, München-Oberbayern | CPC]
2 Jul 1973
- Ferdinand Schörner passed away in München, Germany. ww2dbase [Ferdinand Schörner | München | CPC]
15 Aug 1982
- Hubert Lanz passed away in München, Germany. ww2dbase [Hubert Lanz | München | CPC]
20 Aug 1992
- Walter Grabmann passed away in Munich, Germany. ww2dbase [Walter Grabmann | München, München-Oberbayern | CPC]
Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis
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