WAVES: Women in the WW2 US Navy
Contributor: C. Peter Chen
In 1919, a small group of women served with the United States Navy as nurses, answering to male officers. 23 years later, in early Aug 1942, female officer Naval Reserve Lieutenant Commander Mildred McAfee was commissioned into the US Navy amidst World War II to head up the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service program (WAVES). The use of the word "emergency", however, signified that when the effort to resurrect female service was in the planning stages, US Navy brass thought female service would cease when the emergency, or the war, came to and end. The reason for that was due to political resistance from many who did not believe women had a place in the US Navy, and for the program to take place, creative intrigue had to be used. Despite the resistance from conservative officers, however, the demand was clearly there; for example, as early as Jan 1942, the Office of Naval Intelligence was recruiting female college students. Even as President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Navy Women's Reserve Act into law on 30 July 1942, little did people know that female service in the US Navy would become something that would last far beyond the "emergency".
By mid-1943, 27,000 American women served in the WAVES program. While their WW1 counterparts served only as nurses and secretaries, these WW2-era women took up far more responsibilities. Secretarial and clerical jobs still made up a large portion of WAVES positions, but thousands of WAVES personnel performed other jobs such as aviation mechanics, photographers, control tower operators, and intelligence personnel. In late 1944, the WAVES program began accepting African American women at the ratio of one black woman for every 36 white women enlisted in the WAVES program. By the end of the war, over 84,000 women served in WAVES with 8,000 female officers, which constituted 2.5% of the US Navy's personnel strength.
After the war, the US Congress passed the Women's Armed Services Integration Act (Public Law 625) on 12 Jun 1948, allowing women to gain permanent status in all military branches of the United States, which put the WAVES program into obsolescence (although people still referred to female members of the Navy as a member of WAVES well into the 1970s). After the passage of the Women's Armed Services Integration Act, on 7 Jul 1948, six women were sworn into the regular Navy: Kay Langdon, Wilma Marchal, Edna Young, Frances Devaney, Doris Robertson, and Ruth Flora. On 15 Oct 1948, eight women were commissioned as the first female officers of the regular Navy: Joy Bright Hancock, Winifred Quick Collins, Ann King, Frances Willoughby, Ellen Ford, Doris Cranmore, Doris Defenderfer, and Betty Rae Tennant.
To the tune of
"I Want to be a Friend of Yours"
By Betty McClinchie
I want to be a Navy WAVE, MMM,
And a little bit more.
I want to be an Ensign, too, MMM,
And a little bit more.
I want to wear a suit of blue, MMM,
And a little bit more.
One blue stripe would be all right.
But oh, for a little bit more.
Source: United States Navy Great Lakes Naval Museum, United States Navy Naval Historical Center, Wikipedia.
Last Major Update: Aug 2007
WAVES: Women in the WW2 US Navy Timeline
30 Jul 1942 | US Navy established the WAVES program. |
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WAVES: Women in the WW2 US Navy Interactive Map
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Visitor Submitted Comments
10 Apr 2008 06:21:20 AM
This information was helpful when I was writing an essay. Thank you
24 Apr 2008 08:12:40 AM
this information is not helpful at all to me i want a quote from a first hand account by a woman in ww2 servin in the war. thanks a lot.
11 Jul 2008 06:34:42 PM
Thank you for this web site. I was looking for information on what women did during ww2 and there isn't very much said about these's lady's Keep up the good work on women in the service Thanks
8 Nov 2008 05:23:35 PM
My Aunt was on the cover of one of the magazines when she was in the Waves. Her name was Dorothy Beckley-Harvey-Smith. Not sure which last name was hers while she was in the Waves. Would love a picture of it, for my mother, her sister.
15 Dec 2008 03:09:58 PM
this really helped me wile writin a research paper on women in world war two and their gains and loses durin the whole process !!
ps thanks :))
10 Jan 2009 03:34:55 PM
Thank You so much for this website. I am using it to do train on Women in the Navy. This website has a great amount of knowledge on it and who ever is supporting this is a great asset to the world. Thank You again.
17 Feb 2009 04:57:47 PM
very cool
14 Mar 2009 10:58:13 AM
I love this website
6 Jul 2009 09:55:52 AM
Does anyone know who was the WAVE Lt. Cdr. stationed at Jacksonville NAS about 1943 or into 1944, doing psychological studies on aviators?
10 Aug 2009 06:23:09 AM
Does anyone know if any waves were stationed in England during ww2, or even came over with any officers for a short period during the war
24 Aug 2009 08:27:48 PM
As a Naval Aviator,1942-46,I remember WAVES on the towers in Corus Christi,Jax, Alemeda.Also recall attractive young women who were ferry pilots, particularly from Hellcat factory to Norfolk,East Field
25 Oct 2009 12:20:21 PM
Does anyone have information about a WAVE named Marcella Svejda. She was stationed in Japan. Fabulous that women had the chance to do all this considering what generation they were. They helped pave the way for the rest of us.
25 Oct 2009 12:22:54 PM
Is there a database to find a relative that served in with the WAVES? If so, does it tell where they were stationed and what they did?
21 Nov 2009 07:04:09 PM
I am looking for Dorothy M Todd Gulick who was a Wave in the 1940's. A data base would be great!
30 Nov 2009 07:39:34 PM
Excellent site helped me with my national history day project! thanks a bunch!
22 Jan 2010 08:01:33 AM
WesternElexcetric, NJ 1942 1943 then Washintion DC Buidling 128 I think Anyone please contact me
9 Feb 2010 05:47:57 PM
My mother, Bettie Helen Boyce was in the Waves during WWII. When going through hr chests full of stuff, we came across this poem. She could not remember which one of the "girls" serving with her borrowed her typewriter and wrote it..
“Won’t you step into my parlor”,
Said the spider to the fly.
“Won’t you step into the parlor”,
And his look was very sly.
Her heart began to flutter,
She wanted so to flee,
For the spider was a sailor
And her fate was plain to see.
Now the fly was very timid,
And she didn’t want to go
But the spider was so handsome
And his urging touched her so,
With one last look at freedom
She stepped into the room,
As the door closed gently after,
She realized her doom!
Oh! She looked at him for guidance
It was up to him she knew.
His voice came soft, compelling,
“It’s the only thing to do.”
With this word of assurance,
She said, “It can’t be wrong”
Come on let’s do it quickly,
I’ve waited now too long.”
He said, “You son’t regret it,
It means a lot to me.
For when we’re in the service,
We miss a lot, you see.
It’s girls like you that cheer us
And send us on our way,
There’d be a lot more like you
If we could have our way.
In her breath there was a flutter,
And her heart began to race.
Her lip began to tremble,
And the color left her face.
“The only ones who don’t”, he said,
“Are either fools or knaves”,
So with a sigh of sweet submission,
1 Mar 2010 04:34:22 PM
thnx ths helped me alot on mi social studies world war 2 project!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 Mar 2010 07:34:39 AM
hey this was a really useful website for me. i am in the 7th grade and doing a project on women in the war so this was extremely helpful. thanks buches,
10 Mar 2010 11:47:38 AM
I wondered if there is a list of the women who enlisted. I have a Wagar that enlisted, and I want to know if there were any pictures of her, there.
21 Mar 2010 12:57:23 PM
thank you so much!! this information helped me a lot on my WWII project about the Home Front and the WAVES!!
25 Mar 2010 10:32:42 AM
Thank youu lots this info really helped me on my World War II project. (:
14 Apr 2010 02:09:50 PM
My mother Jane Westerlund Oneppo serverd in The Navy Waves during WW-2..Does anyone remember her or served with her??? Thanks, David Oneppo Edgemoor, SC...
11 May 2010 10:03:27 AM
Looking for any info regarding Melba Hill who was stationed in Corpus Christi.
Did anyone find a database of names?
30 May 2010 01:50:58 PM
My friend was Lola Tilden. She was a WAVE in WWII. I learned a lot from her, though at 22 she thought I had "Lofty thoughts." I suppose I did at that young age. Before she died she gave me her peacoat. I am soooo honored. I wish that I knew more about her.
In high school I took a class on WWII vets, my teacher Tommy Tegge was my teacher. He would give us extra credit if I got WWII vets to come in and talk and be recorded. I got the most extra credit in the WHOLE class.
I would love to reach out and fine WAVES that would like to be interviewed and let me tape their story. I am a flight attendant and can get to your location. If there is anyone out there who would like to film your family member/friend men and women, and send it into the Smithsonian Institute there are some forms you need to fill out for submission. If you would like those forms please let me know. I can copy them and send them out.
My email is chelsea_re@yahoo.com
If anyone out there was friends with Lola Tilden please contact me via my email.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Molly Dunn
31 May 2010 03:56:40 PM
this is good site
12 Jul 2010 01:07:18 PM
Does anyone know if Waves are allowed to be buried in a Veterans cemetery? I think it depends if they served active duty. Does the Navy count a nurse serving on a ship as active duty?
1 Nov 2010 09:17:27 AM
My mother and her sister were two of the 1st 5 thousand women who enlisted into the WAVES.
The answer to question number 11 is "Yes". My aunt Dorothy (Drake) Castek had a hush hush job of translating German messages in England. She was sworn to secrecy for her entire life.
My own mother, Rita (Drake) Harvey remained in the WAVES after the war. There were only 2 thousand remaining after 1945. From that number the Navy built on idea that women could enlist into all the branches of the Armed Forces. It took an act of Congress in 1948 and signed by the President to accomplish this.
My mother and aunt are in the picture of the ladies of recruits at the bottom of page 1. Forth from left back row and the one in front of her is my aunt.
Answer to question 28 is "active duty". WAVES are allowed to be buried with full military burials in a private or national cemetery.
3 Nov 2010 11:59:34 PM
My mother was a wave according to a article writtin about two young woman, one being my mom, Ann Antonia DeAngelis who was I think sworn in in New York City in 1943. I knew my mom was in the Navy but did not know she was a Wave. She would of been from Irwin, PA at the at of 23 yrs old. Can this be confirmed, if so can someone post a picture of her. Please.
Thank you so much.
Anna Marie Chalmers
8 Nov 2010 05:55:00 PM
Am working a county memorial to honor all branches of the service. We are doing the regulars, Army , Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard. Also are adding the merchant marines . Would it be proper to add the Waves as their own branch or were they consider part of the Navy and that would be adequate. Would like some comments. Thanks............Dennis
1 Dec 2010 03:25:59 PM
is it fact or fiction that women in the navy were sometimes disciplined with a rattan cane this supposedly happed in the royal navy a lot I find it hard to belive but you come across comment from time to time
18 Jan 2011 06:02:00 AM
it was a good site
19 Jan 2011 02:46:52 PM
Looking for WAVES who passed through the Charleston Navy Yard in South Carolina - or are natives of/currently reside in South Carolina.
Email me.
14 Feb 2011 03:45:16 PM
I think this web site is great it needs a data base though because I'm looking for a women named Elizabet w. Daugherty who was a wave.
9 Mar 2011 09:40:17 AM
Could someone tell me the Pharmasist Mate rating of Betty Lou Worrall who was a WAVE:WWII? She was from Denver, Colorado.
Thank you.
14 Mar 2011 09:03:37 AM
My mother (who recently passed away) was an anti-aircraft gunnery instructor. 20mm and 40mm guns. She used to brag that she was the only one in her group that could pick up and load a clip of 40mm. (Five feet tall, 120 pounds)
15 Mar 2011 07:57:10 AM
Hi Aunt Marilyn,
Found a Waves hat with pin and buttons. Thought it was Mom's but has the intials of BLS inside it. Any ideas of the S?
15 Mar 2011 09:26:45 AM
I was doing an iSearch paper for my Interdis class. I didn't k now anything about women and there role of being in it. I looked at this website and it became a big help in me actually writing it. It was a great tool in helping with my paper, so thankss.
30 Mar 2011 02:51:39 PM
this website isn't half bad. it gives a good amount of information on the WAVES program of world war 2.
30 Mar 2011 05:04:36 PM
I wanted to learn about African American woem in World War 2 and all I got from here "one black women to 36 white women".
23 May 2011 06:57:27 AM
I found an ring that I think may be a WAVES graduation type ring. It is 10K gold with a blue stone. On the stone is an anchor overlaying a 3 bladed prop. On each side of the band is engraved "WAVES". Can anyone confirm that this type of ring was purchased or issued to these brave women? There are the initials B.D. on the inside of the ring, but I'm not sure if that is the manufacturer or former owner. Any info would be appreciated!
29 May 2011 08:13:35 AM
I am looking for a Dorothy M. Gunlock who was in the WAVES during WWII. Any information would be helpful.
2 Jun 2011 09:06:10 AM
Did anyone serve on the WWII ship, Tranquility? I know someone who served as a nurse and has wonderful stories. Please contact!
25 Aug 2011 06:09:01 PM
My mother was a WAVE and went to Boulder, Colorado where she learned Japanese. She translated sailing directions in Washington, DC and then at the close of the war went to Japan for four years where she worked as a translator in the Allied Translator & Interpreter Service for the Supreme Command.
We need a search service so we can find their records on-line!
22 Sep 2011 09:00:12 AM
Hi! Does anyone know of any WAVES that served from 1943-1944 in the San Diego Area?
Please let me know, I am trying to reunite hem with another WAVE who served there who is now in Chicago.
9 Oct 2011 10:38:58 AM
Anyone still alive that knows me? 19424 worked on FIDO secret project at Western Electric, KEarney, NJ Then at NAVY HQ
5 Nov 2011 11:20:54 AM
I also have a waves ring exactly as described above. I found it after my grand parents passed. It also has D.B inside. Did you find any info about it?
8 Dec 2011 02:51:37 PM
(Cecilia) Dorothy Beattie, USN WAVES - Rank: Y1. 22 Nov. 1910, Narrows Island, Guilford, CT-15 Mar. 1988, New Haven, CT.
Graduate of Stone Business College; enlisted 8 Dec. 1941, serving to Apr. 1946. Attended University of Oklahoma. Served in San Diego and San Francisco, CA; transferred to Civil Service as Stenographer for International Military Tribunal for the Far East in office of Sir William Webb, President and Member from Australia from 6 Aug. 1946 to 5 Dec. 1948, in Japan.
Retired after 30 years by Joint Chief of Staff, at the Pentagon, Washington, D.C.
23 Dec 2011 12:58:52 PM
My mother was a SP2 in Telecommunications, USN WAVES during WWII. Could you please tell me what SP2 meant? Thanks.
1 Feb 2012 10:50:27 AM
ummmm...... Ima writng a speech about W.A.V.E.S and need a little infor can i have some help???
4 Feb 2012 02:34:35 PM
...Looking for infor on Eva Maurice (married name Schweder) the aunt I was named after..She was a WAVE in the Navy during WWII - any information would be appreciated...
21 Feb 2012 12:57:25 PM
This page was very helpful. I am in the 6th grade and we are doing a newspaper on WW2. this was my living topic.......W.A.V.E.S
27 Feb 2012 10:46:48 AM
THis rlly helped me thanks to all those Whom made this website possible!!! :)
28 Feb 2012 10:28:05 AM
This website really helped me with a project
on WAVES of World War2. It's a really cool website.Thanks, Anna
29 Mar 2012 10:13:06 AM
Looking for waves stationed in China Lake CA.in or around 1942. My mother-in-law was a yoeman there. Any help would be appreciated.
9 Apr 2012 07:01:41 PM
I am doing a project for Language class on women in world war 2 this website helped me find some facts for the W.A.V.E.S part of it thank you so much !!:]
14 Apr 2012 11:43:44 AM
Does anyone know a WAVE from the early 40's named Margaret Elizabeth Sommers? We are searching for any information or photos of her.
17 Jul 2012 06:17:21 PM
Hi All;
My mom Marjorie June Armitage served in the Navy as a Wave 1-6-1944 to 2-7-1946. Are there any Waves or personel that knew her? She was exposed to something and had a lung infection while there. Now 3 generations are ill; with similar symptoms. We are looking for a connection for treatment of the family. I also have pictures; I wonder if this site wants some copies? She was proud of her service and is buried in a National Cemetary; she had a military funeral. I would also like to have her name in Arlington at the Memorial; any suggetions? She lived her whole life to prevent war and to keep the peace. Her daughter Margo Rochelle, Tucson
27 Aug 2012 11:50:30 AM
Does anyone know any WAVES who were stationed in Pasco, WA during WWII? I am looking for stories for an exhibit I am putting together. I am hoping to put some names to the faces from our photo archive.
13 Dec 2012 08:38:56 PM
Wonderful site. Have not been able to find much on the Waves. My husband's grandmother was a Wave from Arkansas, but she did not talk much about it. Would love to find information or her service records? Can anybody help. It would mean alot to my husband.
14 Feb 2013 11:45:55 AM
Some oral history interviews of women who served in the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES) during World War II are available for viewing from the Illinois Veterans History Project YouTube Channel. Link is
Just click on World War II, 1939-1945 playlist.
19 Feb 2013 06:50:43 AM
Thank you, my Grandma was an active WAVES during WWII. I did no know much about what that was until I found this site.
10 Jul 2013 06:53:59 PM
Any pictures of Edna Young; first female african american to wear the rank of a Chief Petty Officer
12 Sep 2013 08:23:54 AM
My Great Grandmother was a navy WAVE her name was Helen Feleki Bolen a 1st Lieutenant in the Navy WAVES her husband was also a 1st Lieutenant his name is R. Ernest Bolen part of the US Navy Helen F Bolen was a code talker and could speak German so she was a code talker and intercepted German codes
28 Feb 2014 01:22:17 PM
I'm trying to find the records of my mother's tour of duty. Among the first women taken in and housed at Hunter College in 1942. She was, we were told, the first female aviation technician in the Naval Air Corp. She installed radios in airplanes.
How would I go about getting this info? I do not have here SS#... But her name was Sallie Curtis Easley.
5 Mar 2014 04:31:15 PM
Eva Young, if you are still looking for Eva Maurice Schweder please contact me. She was my grandmother. :)
8 Mar 2014 02:35:27 AM
My mother's name is Edith Ellen Briggs married name Rollins.
She was a Navy WAVE during WWII. She was born and raised in Arkansas until she joined the Navy. She was at Hunter College, and her Naval occupation was in intelligence. In 1944 she married Stanley Rollins and lived in Washington DC. She was invited to have lunch with Eleanor Roosevelt at the White House. I am trying to research her time served in the
Navy.. Not having any luck so far. Any info would be greatly
14 Mar 2014 02:18:03 PM
My mom's name is Edith Ellen Briggs. She was a Navy WAVE during WWII. She attended boot camp at Hunter College, and was stationed at Dayton, Ohio as a code breaker. She helped decipher enemy communication that helped to save lives, and shorten the war. She worked at the Naval Machine Computer Lab at the National Cash Register Company. My mom died of cancer in 1993, never revealing to anyone what her role was during the war. If anyone knew my mom, or worked with her as a code breaker, please contact me. I would love to know what her life was like as a Navy WAVE.
8 Jul 2014 11:07:28 AM
Any pictures or stories of Ann Antonia DeAngelis. Navy WAVE from class in New York City (Hunter College) 1943. She was from Irwin, PA
Thank you,
Anna M. Chalmers, her daughter.
10 Sep 2014 01:30:34 PM
My mother Arletta Bernice Coates, a wave, and stationed in Nevada. Looking for any information.
15 Sep 2014 07:46:09 PM
My mother was Florence Tichenor Cherry from Owensboro, Ky
I think she was stationed in Pensicola, Florida where I was born in 1945. she died in June of 1950. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
21 Oct 2014 04:56:47 PM
I served with lots of WAVES in the 1950s,up untill they reverted to USN WIMs We at 'togeterweserved.com ,would love you all who served, join us at the Above site ,over 500,000 Sailors on board ,and 1 WAVE, from 1945,HER Name is Bobbie Poole! Come Join us ,lots to talk about!and Pictures Galore. Talk to Diane Short! First gal to go aboard Ship. Sites Admin !Happy Sailing !!
21 Dec 2014 01:48:39 PM
Am looking for a US Navy WAVES ring. I never got one when I graduation from boot camp at NTC Bainbridge in 1969 and would love to have one.
7 Jan 2015 06:33:49 PM
My wife's aunt Genny is 94 years old and is still alive was a chief petty officer in the WAVES. She has stories told at different family events.Thank you for everyone that served.
31 Jan 2015 04:19:04 PM
My mother, Patricia Ruth Hamilton, born in 1924, was a WAVE. She worked as a radio operator sending and received secret code. I am not sure where she was stationed. After WWII ended, she went to Toyko Japan and served with the Occupational Army there, as a secretary for 1-2 years. She passed away from cancer in the early 1980s.
5 Feb 2015 06:11:26 PM
My Aunt was in the WAVES and possibles of at least one station atT.I. Also she may have bee a stenographer.
Any info on her service would be great. Thanks so much.
24 Apr 2015 09:46:59 PM
i loved my years' in the WAVES. Trained at Hunter College, New York (icy cold marching from class to class with winds blowing off the Atlantic), what i wouldn't give to be able to be back there and know what i know now. Worked at BuPers, Arlington, Va., stationed at Arlington Farms.
3 Jun 2015 05:53:18 PM
My Mother was a Radio Wave stationed in San Francisco during WWII. She also did her training at Hunter College in New York. She used to sing a song using the morse code which went something like "dit dit di da da means" ........ that is all I remember, and I may not even have that correct. Is there anyone on this post that would remember this little song. My Mom passed away in 2010 at 90 years old. Her name and rank Julia Murphy RM3/c if anyone recognizes her, and she served with her sister Ruth Murphy.
22 Sep 2015 03:13:36 PM
my mom julia rode passed in 2014. she was a navy wave in ww2 and is interred at calverton national in riverhead ny. I wanted her service listed on her marker along with my dad, who was a sergeant in the marines in ww2 also. since a fire destroyed files in the archives in st louis the calverton personnel will not acknowledge my mothers status as a navy wave saying it would be inappropriate to do so. they said they checked, but its up to me to come up with her service number. of course i do not have that number. they said they searched under my mothers maiden name also (mcdermott). my question to anyone out there who can help is what can i do? they got back to in less than 24 hrs which is not much time at all for a through search. my mom deserves what she earned. a simple acknowledgement of her service during ww2. please feel free to email me with any suggestions that might help. their must be so other record of her service. please help. thank you.....
13 Nov 2015 11:13:09 AM
Ruth - I think you want this song: "I'm a radio operator, I sail the ocean blue, I send these dits and dashes everytime I think of you, Ohhhh dit dit, dit dah dit dit, dah dah dah, dit dit dit dah, dit. Dah dit dah dah, dah dah dah, dit dit dah means I love you." USN CTR veteran ;)
13 Feb 2016 04:00:34 PM
My mother Betty Jjean Keasler was a young girl from Illinois whose joined the Waves and was served in Washington D.C. as a typist. I still have her handbook and pictures. Is there a memorial to them?
20 Apr 2016 04:01:36 PM
A class of 89 WAVES was enrolled in the US Navy Japanese/Oriental Language School at the University of Colorado in the summer 1943 and 69 graduated in the fall of 1944. They were among the more than 1500 men who attended that school during the war. The WAVES then attended the Intelligence School at the Henry Hudson Hotel and some follow-up Navy training, before being assigned to various intelligence offices in Washington DC with the Offices of Naval Intelligence and Naval Communications. A number were sent to Op20-G and Op20-FE performing translation interpretation and other duties. After their release from the Navy, many found their way to Japan during the Occupation as civilian intelligence and translation operatives for the US Army. Some became Japanese Studies scholars or had careers in the CIA. See our USN JLS/OLS Archival Project website http://ucblibraries.colorado.edu/archives/collections/jlsp/index.htm
2 May 2016 01:54:50 PM
I am looking for the family of a flight nurse from iwa jimo 1947 on#478152. I would like to return property belonging to unnamed nurses family.
23 Oct 2016 10:30:32 AM
my mom was roberta m maxwell from nashville illinois looking for infor on her an a picture she was in the waves
2 Jan 2017 05:08:29 PM
I have read that in WWII, the first digit of the USN Service Number was a code for the recruiting district. Is there a list of these codes available? Otherwise, does anyone know what district 7 would be?
7 Feb 2017 12:27:56 PM
Looking for info on my mom Jane Buckley Reeves.She married my dad in June of 1952 in her uniform but we know nothing of her service. Any info would be great thank youh
11 Feb 2017 07:10:41 AM
I served as a Wave and am now 96 years old. I work out of Madison during the war. I was wondering how many waves are still alive.
26 Feb 2017 02:42:36 PM
Is it possible to see if my Mom, Pauline Sanford, who served in Hawaii is the oldest living WAVE? She is 97. I see Ms. Ann Wilkins Nosek, in the above comment, is 96.
28 Feb 2017 07:16:38 PM
Hi Ann, sorry to say my Grandma Marilyn McDoogle passed away just last week. She was stationed in Virginia 1944 -45.
6 Mar 2017 04:25:43 PM
Anyone have any information about a wave named FLORENCE JOHNSON?
7 Mar 2017 08:10:03 AM
I found an oil painting of a navy wave woman, it's painted by a famous artist Glenn Sheffer. The painting was found in Chicago. My question is, is there a database that has a photo of all Navy waves women so I may be able to match the photos with my painting.
10 Mar 2017 06:10:58 PM
Looking for info on my grand mother Margret McMann Priola usn wave 1940s threw ? from ny
12 Mar 2017 08:03:00 PM
Looking for information on my Aunt, Alicia R. Thomas. She was a WAVE and did basic training in Dallas, Texas in 1944. Hoping you can help with more info.
18 Mar 2017 05:23:43 AM
Looking for any information about Emilie Doncourt of Queens, NY.
29 Mar 2017 08:00:51 AM
Edith D Crooks ("Crooksie") was my mom. Served in Hawaii, NC, Texas. She just passed away at age 95. Not sick - tired and wanted to join my dad in heaven. RIP MOM!!!!
27 May 2017 05:02:24 PM
Does anyone know Flo Sontag who was a Wave during WWII. She was my aunt and I would like to know what she did during the war. Thanks
19 Jun 2017 04:15:57 AM
How can I find documentation for my aunt's WAVES Service?
22 Jun 2017 12:20:05 AM
Looking for the names of WAVES killed in World War II
1 Jul 2017 07:33:58 AM
Last surviving WWII Wave officer???
Ann Nosek turned 96 on January 11, 2017.
My mother lives with us and is in good health.
Would love to hear of other Waves still living.
16 Jul 2017 06:27:14 PM
I met a wonderful, beautiful lady by the name Louise. She is Italian and I believe she was from New York. She was in the Waves project during WWII. She is 95 yrs.young. She lives in Texas at a nursing facility that my father lives at. She is the activities coordinator and everyone loves her. Just wanted to share. Waves is still going strong. Thank you for your service.
19 Jul 2017 01:21:22 AM
I am researching WWII Veterans for the Browns Valley Cemetery in Browns Valley, California. One of my Vets was a Navy Wave. I can't seem to find her on either my Ancestry or Fold 3 accounts. Her name was Jane Ketzle (later her Married name was Poor) on her tombstone it reads SN1 US Navy WWII. She was born 21 Aug. 1915 and died 13 Feb 2007.
25 Jul 2017 10:37:48 PM
Julie Delannoy 93...Uncle Gus & Aunty in WWII Navy Uniforms. Aunt Julie is one of the oldest living Waves from WWII.
11 Sep 2017 05:14:41 PM
My mother was in the first contingent of WAVES to go to Pearl Harbor in 1942, I think. He name then was Harriette Ann Evans. She died in 1987. I am curious about her service record. How can I get more information about her?
Thank you,
Kelly Parker
17 Sep 2017 10:58:33 PM
My Mother Edith M. Gobrecht (Bleitz), served as a Chief Specialist (S) and was a member of the Singing Platoon. While Stationed at Naval Base Coronado, she also lead a Singing WAVES group. I'm trying to find more info about her and her service.
30 Oct 2017 09:42:15 AM
I purchased a W.A.V.E uniform blazer at a thrift store in Arizona with the name B.A. PIERSON and would love to find a relative or friend that knew her and would want this item. Thanks!
9 Nov 2017 01:59:23 PM
My mother— Margaret Collins, Lieutenant worked in Intelligence, primarily in Florida. I would appreciate whatever information there is about her.
18 Nov 2017 06:00:28 PM
I wonder how many WW II waves are still living
20 Nov 2017 04:37:06 PM
my aunt Margie Esther Durham was in the WAVES (we had a photo of her in her uniform that was lost in a fire). I think she served in Southern California 1942-1946. She married in 1948 & died in 1949. I can find no records, etc and would appreciate any help.
12 Dec 2017 12:48:12 PM
nurses were hard workers in ww2
9 Jan 2018 03:14:38 PM
My friend's relative, Alice Marie Kinman, served in the WAVES during WWII. Would there be any records, or information about her there?
18 Jan 2018 02:40:36 PM
My mother served in the WAVES during WW II. In the 1980s she was a founding charter member of Waves National Golden West Unit 31 in Orange County, CA. I have a scrapbook and additional information to donate if there is an archive on this topic.
29 Jan 2018 03:48:17 PM
So my great grandmother served in the WAVES im am doing a social study fair about them. If anyone could point me to another thing pls do.
7 Mar 2018 08:44:24 AM
Hi. We got in a WWII Dog Tag for a "Sylvia Muriel Franson 704-18-68 USNR-AB T-6/43"
Can you tell me if this was a WAVE or possibly a nurse, I don't think the Navy kept WASPs.
Thanks for your help.
12 Mar 2018 02:46:41 PM
I just found discharge papers for my elderly mother. Found out that she had been a weekend warrior in the WAVES not long after WWII.
Does anyone know if she would now be eligible for any VA services?
15 Mar 2018 07:33:04 AM
I am attempting to get more information regarding a coin I found that has the inscription "Wave Platoon Leader B. A. Schultz, Co 35" that was from the Hospital Corp school in Great Lakes IL. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1 May 2018 10:27:05 AM
I am trying to find my mother's service record from WW2 when she was in the WAVES (Navy). Databases on the internet are no help
15 May 2018 10:58:09 AM
My mom was in the WAVES and she received a property tax break as a veteran so you my be able to get VA services for your mom
16 Jun 2018 03:07:04 PM
Loved the article!
Just looking for a great in memory saying or poem to add to a tattoo I wish to get in memory of my Mom Mom who passed back in 03 but I couldn’t figure out what to get until today when I discovered that the waves had a awesome looking anchor that I could get.
Any ideas?
And thanks in advance!
5 Nov 2018 12:55:31 PM
My mom is a wave and will turn 96 in January. How can I find out who is the oldest living wave?
12 Nov 2018 06:22:40 PM
My mother Nell Stapleton Smith Lutz was a Wave in WWII. She will be 97 later this month and she would love to be in touch with any other WAVES who are still alive. Thank You!!!
14 Nov 2018 01:33:05 PM
im trying to find julia mcdermott. she was a navy wave during ww2. she passed away in 2014
6 Dec 2018 08:12:59 AM
My mother, Emily Williams, was a wave. graduated hunter college 1945 platoon 5 company 101. trained pilots on Link trainers at Corey field Pensacola in 1946. Like to find out anything more I could.
15 Dec 2018 11:40:10 AM
My mother Dorothea (Dolly) Kumin who turned 95 this year was a Wave during WWII. She did basic training in Stillwater, OK and was stationed in Bureau of Personnel in Washington DC. Anyone out there who remembers her?
18 Jan 2019 07:40:59 PM
Edith M. Lovrien was a WAVE in WWII. I would like to hear from anyone who was her friend. Signed, her godchild Plovrien.
24 Jan 2019 05:09:56 PM
My Mom Ruth Ginder was a Wave in WWII stationed at Whiting Field in FL. She was an airplane mechanic. Barb
11 Feb 2019 03:51:41 PM
My mother was a Navy WAVE during WW2. She decoded intelligence in Washington DC. Her name was Muriel Haworth. I have many wonderful pictures, letters, and an autograph book that is full of names and sweet stories. Would love to share. We just lost mum in December. She was almost 95 and still feisty.
PS: Mum had a fully military service and was buried in her WAVES uniform. She looked beautiful!
27 Feb 2019 04:09:31 PM
Who would I reach out to if one wanted to honor the Waves by using the Wave colors and Waves symbol used on the hat? We would like to know for a program we are working on.
8 Mar 2019 08:56:55 AM
i need more info on this for aprojeck on mi masterini,.....
7 Apr 2019 09:11:24 AM
Looking for my birth mother who was in the WAVES during WW2, her name was Emma Mclaughlin. How could I find her records?
15 Apr 2019 05:53:39 AM
Hope to find Norma Mae Schlicht WWII military record. US Navy WAVE.
18 May 2019 07:43:36 PM
Our aunt, who is is 95, was a WAVE during WWII. She is interested in how many other WAVES are still alive. We often hear on news programs how many men survived but no mention of women.
29 May 2019 01:16:44 PM
My cousin, Wes Carlton, was a bomber pilot in WWII, and was killed on a raid over German in 1944.
A few months before he was killed, he married
Elsie Georgie Derych in Virginia. She was a WAVE.
I am trying to see if I can find out whatever happened to her.
11 Nov 2019 09:09:26 AM
Does anyone know how to go about finding information about where and how WAVES served? My mom was a WAVE and I have no record of her service. She passed away 20+ years ago
15 Nov 2019 11:28:34 PM
To Anonymous comment 134:
Requesting military service records:
21 Mar 2020 03:05:54 PM
My Aunt Helene Renee DuPont was a WAVE in WW 2 . I think she married a pilot or at least was the love of her life, and she met Richard Willis Fisher who was in the military.
10 May 2020 03:56:56 PM
My mother, virginia Brenda Catalona, served as a wave in ww 11. She is 96 and still living in New Bern NC
1 Nov 2020 05:05:53 PM
Who was the first black women officer in WW2. Any picture of her.

1 Nov 2020 06:45:36 PM
Mary Nuzzi (above):
The first African-American woman officer in WWII was Charity Adams Earley, an Army officer commissioned 29 Aug 1942. Your question was posted on the WAVES page and the first African-American woman Naval officers were Lt(jg) Harriet Ida Pickens and Ens Frances Wills who were commissioned the same day in Dec 1944. See https://ww2db.com/image.php?image_id=5657. More images of all three can be found in several places around the internet. All served with distinction.
16 Dec 2020 08:30:15 AM
My mother served in WWII as a Wave and is 98 years old.
22 Feb 2021 11:03:32 AM
I am trying to find records for my mother Sarah Jane Richards who served in the WAVES during WWII. She was an Ensign stationed in Washington DC, ordinance division. I have been unable to find anything in FOLD or elsewhere. I know that records of many military women housed in St. Louis were subject to a fire. ANY HINTS? THANK YOU!
27 Mar 2021 10:00:38 AM
My mom was a WWII WAVE and I found a number on the back of a small bracelet...were WAVES given a number when they joined?? The number is 7364670 . Thank you for any help.
25 Apr 2021 03:37:27 PM
I am looking for Sarah Jane Lerch (maiden name) who served in the WAVES. Why has no one posted a complete list of names for the WAVES on the web? The WASP have their full list. I know that the military sealed & declared their records "classified", but that was overturned in the 70's. Who's hiding the WAVES info? Why doesn't the military want us to have the names? Thanks for SOMEONE stopping this sex discrimination 2021. Enough is enough.
23 May 2021 03:18:03 PM
Mom was a parachute rigger in Corpus Christi. From Springfield MA and went to Hunter College and Lakehurst for training. She will be 99 this year and are looking for her WAVE mates.
25 May 2021 10:57:58 AM
My mom is 97 and served in the WAVES during WWII. She is a Texan, trained at Hunter College and served in Washington DC. Celebrated end of WWII at Times Square receiving lots of kisses.
25 May 2021 02:45:54 PM
My mom is 97 and served in the WAVES during WWII. She is a Texan, trained at Hunter College and served in Washington DC. Celebrated end of WWII at Times Square receiving lots of kisses.
18 Jun 2021 04:08:47 PM
Any information on my grandmother Mary E. Kelly. She lived in Delaware Hall F205, Arlington Farms, Arl. VA.
20 Jun 2021 08:27:44 AM
In search of names of WAVES, with airplane repair skills who were stationed at Miramar San Diego CA, including the dates 3/1945 through 11/1945
Am searching for info on the mother of my father's first daughter. She might have been in the Marine Corps Woman's Reserves.
17 Aug 2021 10:35:11 PM
My mother was a WAVE and from Hunter served at Walla Walla Washinton in the tower. She was chosen along with several other women to habe their portrait painted by an artist as a possible poster. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Anne T. O'Brien from Massachusetts, I have photos from the base if anyone is interested.
6 Oct 2021 11:33:11 PM
Are there WAVES records for my relative Virginia B Chubb - where she erred, when she enlisted, etc.
22 Feb 2022 12:07:27 PM
I can not find a list of WWII WAVES and information about my Mother's service. Can some one direct me to where I can find it ?
24 Apr 2022 02:57:58 PM
You can get your relatives DD 214 records by requesting them at this site. They are a full record of their service from enlistment to discharge:
8 Aug 2022 06:47:48 PM
Record of Julia McDermott. Navy wave ww2. Enlisted in NY 1942
9 Sep 2022 04:12:47 PM
My mother was a CPO in the waves and I can’t fond any record’s on her.
Please help me
27 Mar 2023 10:53:07 PM
I'm trying to understand what my mothers rank was.
SP(T)2, V-10,USNR
24 Apr 2023 06:10:00 AM
How many Navy WAVES are still alive in 2023?
29 May 2023 03:41:07 PM
How do I access info about my aunt who was a WAVE during WWII
13 Nov 2023 09:00:08 PM
My mother was a WAVE and is still living in Texas at age 99, nearing 100 shortly. I too am interested in knowing hiw many WAVES are still living in 2023 (see question 156). Also, my mom is a Mexican-American. Is there any record showing how many Hispanics were in the WAVES? Were HISPANIC women allowed to enlist from the beginning? Was there a ratio, as there was for Black women?
27 May 2024 09:43:35 AM
My Mother Dorothy H (Rudisill) Pagano was in the WAVES during WWII. She was stationed Charleston SC. She
celebrated her 101 birthday in March. Always proud of her for her service.Would like to know who else was stationed with her?
16 Aug 2024 09:20:21 PM
Proof of record that Julia McDermott was a Navy Wave... Help?
7 Mar 2025 12:41:44 PM
How can I find info and records on a family member who trained at Hunter College for Future Waves in 1943. Thank you.
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14 Oct 2007 06:25:22 PM
the seaman reading the letter on page 2 is my mother