Zervas file photo [5150]

Napoleon Zervas

Given NameNapoleon
Born17 May 1891
Died10 Dec 1957


ww2dbaseNapoleon Zervas was born in Arta, Epirus, Greece. He was the leader of the Greek resistance organization National Republican Greek League (EDES), which he joined in Sep 1941. He was credited with bringing Greek royalists into the EDES movement, largely by presenting the group's anti-communist stance. He was also credited with the establishment of the military arm of the EDES, National Groups of Greek Guerrillas (EOEA), on 28 Jul 1942.

ww2dbaseAlthough EDES operated mainly in Epirus, one of his famous operations took place at the Gorgopotamos rail bridge. At this time, roads in Greece were so bad that tank tracks were being worn out in less than 50 to 100 kilometers, hence rail transportation was of utmost importance when transporting tanks from Europe to North Africa. When EDES fighters, aided by British Special Operation Executive, destroyed the bridge that linked northern and southern Greece, it seriously hampered the German supply route.

ww2dbaseAfter the war, Zervas served as the Minister of Public Order and the Minister of Works under the governments of Dimitrios Maximos and Sophoklis Venizelos, respectively. He resigned from government service in 1947 when details of his contacts with German occupation officials and ethnic cleansing operations against Cham Albanians surfaced.

ww2dbaseSource: Wikipedia.

Last Major Revision: Oct 2007

Napoleon Zervas Timeline

17 May 1891 Napoleon Zervas was born.
10 Dec 1957 Napoleon Zervas passed away.

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