Jean de Laborde

Surnamede Laborde
Given NameJean
Born29 Nov 1878
Died30 Jul 1977


ww2dbaseJean de Laborde was the commanding officer of the Vichy French Navy High Seas Fleet. Aggressive in nature, he proposed an invasion of Free French-held Chad and a major naval expedition to counter the Allied invasion of French Morocco and French Algeria, both of which were rejected by his superiors. On 27 Nov 1942, when German troops marched on Toulon in southern France, Laborde gave the order to scuttle his fleet en masse rather than allowing them to be captured by the Germans. After the war, he was found guilty of treason and guilty of failing to save the fleet. Originally given a death sentence, his punishment was later commuted to life imprisonment. He passed away in 1977.

ww2dbaseSource: Wikipedia

Last Major Revision: Nov 2012

Jean de Laborde Timeline

29 Nov 1878 Jean de Laborde was born.
9 Jun 1947 Jean de Laborde's death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.
30 Jul 1977 Jean de Laborde passed away.

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Event(s) Participated:
» Scuttling of the French Fleet

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