13 May 1945
  • The Red Army eliminated the last pockets of German resistance in Czechoslovakia. ww2dbase [TH]
  • Gurkha Rifleman Lachhiman Gurung and two comrades manning a forward observation post ar Taungdaw, Burma, were attacked by more than 200 Japanese. Twice Gurung threw back grenades that were lobbed into their trench but a third went off in his hand blowing away his fingers, shattering his arm and causing other severe wounds to his body. His two comrades were also badly injured. Nevertheless, Gurung fought on, loading his rifle with his good left hand and propping the gun against the parapet to take aim. He held off the enemy for four hours, inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy. For his outstanding bravery, Gurung was awarded the Victoria Cross. ww2dbase [AC]
  • USS Cero sank a Japanese transport east of Japan, hitting her with 1 of 3 torpedoes fired. ww2dbase [Cero | CPC]
  • The USAAF 306th Bomb Group flying from RAF Thurleigh sent 30 aircraft to Barth airfield in Germany to pick up and evacuate 603 American POWs to Lessay, France. ww2dbase [Germany's Surrender | RAF Thurleigh | Barth | DS]
  • US Navy carrier aircraft attacked airfields at Kyushu, Japan in an attempt to stop or slow to launch of Japanese special attack missions. ww2dbase [CPC]
Pacific Ocean
  • USS Baya attacked a Japanese convoy in the South China Sea, hitting them with 7 of 10 torpedoes fired, and claiming 3 sinkings. The only confirmed sinking would be the Yosei Maru. ww2dbase [Baya | South China Sea | CPC]
United Kingdom
  • The British Royal Family and Allied military leaders attended a thanks-giving service at St. Paul's Cathedral, London, England, United Kingdom. ww2dbase [London, England | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 13 May 1945
German Schnellboot S 204 at coastal forces base HMS Beehive, Felixstowe, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom, 13 May 1945US soldier sightseeing in the Tyrol Schistose Alps, Lans, Austria, 13 May 1945F6F Hellcats of the United States Navy Fighting Squadron VF-12 flying from USS Randolph firing HVAR air-to-surface rockets at targets in western Kyushu, Japan, May 1945.Fatalities of a special attack on USS New Mexico on the prior day, 13 May 1945

13 May 1945 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"Goddam it, you'll never get the Purple Heart hiding in a foxhole! Follow me!"

Captain Henry P. Jim Crowe, Guadalcanal, 13 Jan 1943

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