27 Jul 1945

Indian Ocean
  • Traffic boat Kuroshio No. 1, formerly landing ship No. 131, was sunk by US submarine in the Strait of Malacca between Malaya and Sumatra. ww2dbase [No. 101/103-class | Strait of Malacca | CPC]
Japan Korea Pacific Ocean
  • USS Blenny reported sinking three small Japanese craft with the deck gun in the South China Sea off Malaya. ww2dbase [Blenny | South China Sea | CPC]
  • USS Bugara sank 3 small enemy craft with her deck gun in the Gulf of Siam and South China Sea area during the day. ww2dbase [Bugara | Gulf of Siam | CPC]
  • US submarine USS Pogy (SS-266; Lieutenant Commander J. M. Bowers) sank the 2,449-ton Japanese merchant cargo ship Chikuzen Maru about 90 miles north of Tottori, Tottori Prefecture, Japan. Four torpedoes were expended; two hit. ww2dbase [Pogy | Sea of Japan | HM]
  • The Japanese transport Doshi Maru was sunk by aircraft off Nishitomari, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. ww2dbase [HM]
  • The Japanese auxiliary submarine chaser Giso Maru No. 40, was sunk by aircraft off Urajiri, Minamisoma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. ww2dbase [HM]
  • Pursuant to orders, Gato-class submarine USS Silversides departed her assigned patrol area after 41 days bound for Guam. ww2dbase [Silversides | DS]
  • USS Becuna arrived at Subic Bay, Luzon, Philippine Islands, ending her fifth war patrol. ww2dbase [Becuna | Subic Bay | CPC]
  • Six of the ten sections of USS ABSD-1 arrived at Manicani Bay, Samar, Philippine Islands. ww2dbase [ABSD-1 | CPC]
United States Photo(s) dated 27 Jul 1945
US Secretary of War Henry Stimson and General Dwight Eisenhower, Frankfurt, Germany, 27 Jul 1945Henry Arnold with his staff during the Potsdam Conference, Germany, 27 Jul 1945, photo 1 of 2Henry Arnold with his staff during the Potsdam Conference, Germany, 27 Jul 1945, photo 2 of 2General Alexei Antenoff, General George Marshall, General Henry Arnold, Admiral Ernest King, and other Allied officers meeting during the Potsdam Conference, Germany, 27 Jul 1945, photo 1 of 2
See all photos dated 27 Jul 1945

27 Jul 1945 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"I have returned. By the grace of Almighty God, our forces stand again on Philippine soil."

General Douglas MacArthur at Leyte, 17 Oct 1944

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