4 Sep 1944
  • Finland and the Soviet Union reached an agreement for a cease fire; one of the provisions was the removal of all German forces from Finland by 15 Sep 1944. ww2dbase [Finland Switched Sides | TH]
  • Allies launched Operation Ratweek, consisting of mostly air operations with some commando and partisan participation, with the intention of hindering German operations and withdrawals in the Balkan Peninsula. ww2dbase [TH]
  • British 11th Armoured Division captured Antwerp, Belgium. ww2dbase [Liberation of Belgium | TH]
  • USS Segundo departed Saipan, Mariana Islands. ww2dbase [Segundo | CPC]
  • USS Becuna moored next to submarine tender USS Holland, took on 43,800 gallons of fuel oil, received repairs, and transferred the Japanese prisoner off board. ww2dbase [Becuna | CPC]
  • USS Nicholas departed Seeadler Harbor, Manus, Admiralty Islands as an escort for LSTs bound for Hollandia, New Guinea. ww2dbase [Nicholas | DS]
Belgium Italy Japan Mariana Islands
  • USS Whale arrived at Tanapag Harbor, Saipan, Mariana Islands. ww2dbase [Whale | Tanapag, Saipan | CPC]
Panama Canal Zone Taiwan
  • Patrol Boat No. 102 arrived at Kirun (Chinese: Keelung), Taiwan at 1240 hours. ww2dbase [Stewart | Kirun, Taihoku | CPC]
United Kingdom
  • 23 sorties of Heinkel bombers, carrying V-1 flying bombs, operated by German Air Force III/KG3 from Venlo, Netherlands took off against London, Portsmouth, and Gloucester in Britain. 3 came down in East Anglia and one reached Eyeworth in Bedfordshire. Veteran German pilot Horst Juventus had been posted to III/KG3 and recalled "They [V-1 flying bombs] were obviously a very indiscriminate weapon and really served no good purpose. But we had our orders. I flew from Gilze-Rijen over the North Sea for a distance before igniting the V-1s and launching them. These things were a positive menace as they did not fly true and we were in great danger with the contraption beneath us. I am sure some crews released them as soon as we were out of sight of land." ww2dbase [V-Weapons Campaign | Vergeltungswaffe 1 | England | HM]
United States
  • In the United States, a Federal Bureau of Investigation internal memorandum to J. Edgar Hoover noted that Argentina, with its sizable and influential German community, could provide refuge for Adolf Hitler and other top Nazi German leaders. ww2dbase [J. Edgar Hoover | CPC]
  • Gato-class submarine USS Silversides departed Mare Island Naval Shipyard in Vallejo, California bound for Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. ww2dbase [Silversides | Vallejo, California | DS]
Photo(s) dated 4 Sep 1944
Map showing the plan of attack for US Army XII Corps on the city of Nancy, France, Sep 4, 1944.Enterprise anchored off Saipan, 4 Sep 1944

4 Sep 1944 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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Famous WW2 Quote
"With Germany arming at breakneck speed, England lost in a pacifist dream, France corrupt and torn by dissension, America remote and indifferent... do you not tremble for your children?"

Winston Churchill, 1935

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