11 Sep 1942
  • Japanese hospital ship Hikawa Maru departed Rabaul, arriving at Kavieng later on the same day. ww2dbase [Hikawa Maru | CPC]
  • German submarine U-514 sank Canadian ship Cornwallis off Bridgetown, Barbados at 2237 hours in shallow waters. She would later be raised, put back into service, and lost again to another German submarine. ww2dbase [Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico Campaigns | CPC]
  • US B-17 and B-25 bombers sank Japanese destroyer Yayoi (68 were killed, 83 survived) and damaged destroyer Isokaze 8 miles northwest of Vakuta, Trobriand Islands 120 miles north of Milne Bay, Australian Papua, where they intended to reach to evacuate the 353 troops of the Japanese 5th Sasebo Special Naval Landing Force stranded on Goodenough Island. Isokaze would turn back to Rabaul, New Britain, abandoning the evacuation mission. ww2dbase [New Guinea-Papua Campaign, Phase 2 | CPC]
  • Soviet submarine S-13 sank Finnish collier Hera in the southern end of the Gulf of Bothnia near the Åland Islands; S-13 would later fire upon and sink a lifeboat full of survivors. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • The US airfield at Adak Island, Aleutian Islands was completed. ww2dbase [Adak | CPC]
  • USS St. Louis arrived at Kodiak, Alaska, ww2dbase [St. Louis | Kodiak | DS]
Atlantic Ocean
  • German submarine U-404 attacked Allied convoy ON-127 800 miles west of Ireland, damaging Norwegian tanker Marit II at 0016 hours; 2 were killed. At 0135 hours, U-218 also attacked the same convoy, damaging Norwegian tanker Fjordaas. At 0147 hours, U-584 sank British tanker Empire Oil 765 miles west of Ireland, which was a member of ON-127 that was already disabled by U-659 on the previous date and already abandoned. Elsewhere, U-96 sank Portuguese sailing vessel Delães at 1150 hours, U-517 sank corvette HMCS Charlottetown in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence in northeastern Canada at 1300 hours (9 were killed, 55 survived), and U-584 sank Norwegian merchant ship Hindanger at 1925 hours (1 was killed, 40 survived). ww2dbase [Second Happy Time | CPC]
  • Submarine USS Spearfish stopped briefly at Exmouth Gulf, Australia for refueling before continuing on with her war patrol. ww2dbase [Spearfish | Exmouth Gulf | DS]
Australian New Guinea
  • Tenryu departed Rabaul, New Britain in search of survivors of sunken destroyer Yayoi; she would fail to locate any. ww2dbase [Tenryu | Rabaul, New Britain | CPC]
British Western Pacific Territories
  • During the day, USS Saratoga delivered aircraft to Henderson Field at Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands. Japanese destroyers landed troops at Guadalcanal; in the past two weeks, 6,000 men were successfully delivered to the island. Meanwhile, Japanese aircraft attacked Henderson Field. ww2dbase [Henderson Field | Guadalcanal Campaign | Lunga Point, Guadalcanal | CPC]
Dutch East Indies
  • USS Saury sank Japanese auxiliary aircraft transport Kanto Maru with 3 torpedoes in the Makassar Strait in the Dutch East Indies at 2100 hours, killing 39. ww2dbase [Saury | Makassar Strait | CPC]
  • 479 British bombers (242 Wellington, 89 Lancaster, 59 Halifax, 47 Stirling, 28 Hampden, and 14 Whitley) attacked Düsseldorf and Neuss in Germany, damaging or destroying 52 industrial targets and 2,417 houses; 148 civilians were killed; 33 bombers were lost on this mission. ww2dbase [Bombing of Hamburg, Dresden, and Other Cities | Düsseldorf | TH, CPC]
Indian Ocean
  • German armed merchant cruiser Michel attacked British merchant ship Empire Dawn in the Indian Ocean. Empire Dawn attempted to signal that the crew would abandon ship, but Michel continued to shell the British ship. 22 of Empire Dawn's crew were killed during the sinking; 22 survived and were captured by Michel. ww2dbase [Raids into the Indian Ocean | Michel | CPC]
  • Hans-Joachim Marseille shot down two Hurricane fighters while escorting bombers to El Imayid, Libya between 0740 and 0742 hours, bringing his score up to 144 kills. ww2dbase [Hans-Joachim Marseille | CPC]
Portuguese Mozambique
  • The British and Japanese completed a diplomatic personnel exchange at Lourenço Marques (now Maputo), Portuguese Mozambique; Japanese passenger ship Kamakura Maru departed with 870 diplomats on board while British passenger ship El Nil departed with 400 diplomats on board. ww2dbase [Lourenço Marques | CPC]
  • Lieutenant General Vasiliy Chuikov took command of the newly formed Soviet 62nd Army located on the east bank of the Volga River at Stalingrad in southern Russia. ww2dbase [Battle of Stalingrad | Stalingrad | CPC]
United States Photo(s) dated 11 Sep 1942
Japanese-American children playing with a scale model of their home at the Tule Lake Relocation Center, Newell, California, United States, 11 Sep 1942

11 Sep 1942 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"Goddam it, you'll never get the Purple Heart hiding in a foxhole! Follow me!"

Captain Henry P. Jim Crowe, Guadalcanal, 13 Jan 1943

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