12 Sep 1943
  • USS Cassin Young was launched. ww2dbase [Cassin Young | CPC]
  • Adolf Hitler missed a chance to end the war in the Soviet Union when he refused to allow Ribbentrop to travel to Stockholm to meet with Soviet Minister Vladimir Dekanov who was willing to negotiate. On the same day, the last of the German armies which took part in the drive to the Caucasus retreated to the Crimea. In total 240,000 troops, 16,000 wounded and 27,000 civilians were evacuated along with 75,000 horses and vast numbers of vehicles and supplies. ww2dbase [TH]
  • USS Snook fired 6 torpedoes at a Japanese transport; all torpedoes missed. ww2dbase [Snook | CPC]
  • USS Pompon departed Brisbane, Australia for her second war patrol. ww2dbase [Pompon | CPC]
  • The United States Marine Corps established the 2nd Raider Regiment (Provisional) to control the 2nd and 3rd Raider Battalions during the Bougainville operation in the Solomon Islands. ww2dbase [AC]
  • Submarine USS Growler arrived at Brisbane, Australia after her sixth war patrol. During this patrol, Growler engaged no shipping. ww2dbase [Growler | Brisbane, Queensland | DS]
  • Gato-class submarine USS Silversides arrived at Brisbane, Australia. ww2dbase [Silversides | Brisbane | DS]
Australian Papua Caroline Islands
  • Irako departed Truk, Caroline Islands with minelayer Tsugaru and destroyer Hamakaze in escort. ww2dbase [Irako | Truk | CPC]
  • Naka departed Truk, Caroline Islands, escorting oiler Shiretoko and damaged aircraft transport Fujikawa Maru. ww2dbase [Naka | Truk | CPC]
Hawaii Italy
  • German Luftwaffe and SS personnel rescued Mussolini from Gran Sasso, Italy. ww2dbase [Operation Eiche | Benito Mussolini | L'Aquila, Abruzzo | TH]
  • British X Corps near Salerno, Italy shifted into a defensive stance. Elsewhere in Italy, Bernard Montgomery's British XIII Corps reached Castrovillari and Belvedere, 130 kilometers south of Salerno. ww2dbase [Operation Avalanche | CPC]
  • Several German troops were killed by resistance fighters in Naples, Italy while 4,000 Italians were deported from the Naples region (many of whom would become forced laborers). On the same day, Colonel Walter Schöll took command of the military occupation of Naples. ww2dbase [Naples Uprising | Napoli, Campania | CPC]
  • Junio Valerio Borghese successfully negotiated with local German authority to avoid arrest; his Italian 10th MAS Flotilla was to be attached to the German Navy. Half of the flotilla, about 200 men, dissented and were sent on leave. ww2dbase [Junio Valerio Borghese | CPC]
Pacific Ocean
  • USS Permit attacked a Japanese convoy west of the Marshall Islands, sinking 2 transports and damaging an oiler; 10 torpedoes were expended during the attack. The pursuit would continue into the next day. ww2dbase [Permit | CPC]
  • Orde Wingate departed Lisbon, Portugal for Cairo, Egypt. ww2dbase [Orde Wingate | Lisbon | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 12 Sep 1943
Clark aboard USS Ancon, off Salerno, Italy, 12 Sep 1943Mrs. E. M. Young, widow of Captain Cassin Young, christening the destroyer named after her late husband, San Pedro, California, United States, 12 Sep 1943Otto Skorzeny, Harald Mors, and Benito Mussolini in front of Hotel Campo Imperatore, Gran Sasso, Italy, 12 Sep 1943, photo 1 of 4Otto Skorzeny, Harald Mors, and Benito Mussolini in front of Hotel Campo Imperatore, Gran Sasso, Italy, 12 Sep 1943, photo 2 of 4
See all photos dated 12 Sep 1943

12 Sep 1943 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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Famous WW2 Quote
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You win the war by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country!"

George Patton, 31 May 1944

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