24 Nov 1944

See all photos dated 24 Nov 1944
- The Royal Canadian Navy corvette Shawinigan was torpedoed off Newfoundland and went down with all 91 hands. ww2dbase [AC]
- Allied troops crossed the Saar River on the border of France and Germany. ww2dbase [Advance to the Saar | TH]
- French 2nd Armored Division captured Strasbourg, France while French First Army captured Mühlhausen in Alsace, France. ww2dbase [TH]
- USS Kete arrived at Saipan, Mariana Islands. ww2dbase [Kete | CPC]
- Chinese troops captured Mengka, Yunnan Province, China. ww2dbase [Salween Offensive | CPC]
- USS Alabama arrived at Ulithi, Caroline Islands. ww2dbase [Alabama | Ulithi | CPC]
- USS Yorktown (Essex-class) arrived at Ulithi, Caroline Islands. ww2dbase [Yorktown (Essex-class) | Ulithi | DS]
- Admiral Scheer, Prinz Eugen, Z35, Z36, and Z43 completed shelling Soviet positions during the evacuation of the Sõrve (German: Sworbe) peninsula on the Estonian island of Saaremaa (German: Ösel). ww2dbase [Z43 | Z36 | Z35 | Admiral Scheer | Prinz Eugen | Saaremaa | CPC]
- The first B-29 bombing raid against Tokyo, Japan from Tinian in the Mariana Islands took place; 88 American aircraft participated in this mission. ww2dbase [Bombing of Tokyo and Other Cities | Tokyo | CPC]
- Destroyer Yukikaze arrived at Kure, Japan. ww2dbase [Yukikaze | Kure, Hiroshima | CPC]
- Japanese Navy officially accepted M6A Seiran seaplane for service. ww2dbase [M6A Seiran | CPC]
- USS Chester bombarded Iwo Jima, Japan. ww2dbase [Chester | Iwo Jima | DS]
- Landing ship No. 116 was completed and was transferred to the Japanese Army as SB No. 103. ww2dbase [No. 101/103-class | CPC]
- The keel of landing ship No. 172 was laid down by Kawanami Kogyo. ww2dbase [No. 101/103-class | CPC]
- USS Honolulu arrived at Majuro, Marshall Islands, refueled, and departed again bound for Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. ww2dbase [Honolulu | Majuro | DS]
- The Japanese Army SB craft formerly known as Navy landing ship No. 111 was sunk by US aircraft at Masbate island, Philippine Islands. ww2dbase [No. 101/103-class | Masbate | CPC]
- Landing ship No. 141 was sunk by US aircraft at Masbate, Philippine Islands. ww2dbase [No. 101/103-class | Masbate | CPC]
- Landing ship No. 160 was sunk by US aircraft at Masbate, Philippine Islands. ww2dbase [No. 101/103-class | Masbate | CPC]
- USS Atule detected a small Japanese convoy in the Babuyan Islands north of Luzon, Philippines just before the end of the day. The target convoy was MATA-34 consisted of transport Manju Maru escorted by Patrol Boat No. 102, Patrol Boat No. 38, and Submarine Chaser No. 33. ww2dbase [Stewart | Atule | CPC]
- German V-2 rocket hit McCullum Road, Poplar in East End of London, England, United Kingdom at 2030 hours. 18 were killed and 53 were injured. ww2dbase [Vergeltungswaffe 2 | V-Weapons Campaign | London, England | CPC]
- In Britain, the batteries in Suffolk and Essex coastal areas brought down 11 V-1 flying bombs during the evening and another German He 111 aircraft was brought down by a Mosquito night fighter of 456 Squadron flown by Flight Officer Fred Stevens RAAF and Flight Officer Andy Kellett RAAF who had chased the German aircraft for 20 minutes. The Heinkel aircraft of 1/KG53, with its V-1 flying bomb still attached, fell into the sea ten miles off Egmond Aan Zee, the Netherlands. However, the Mosquito aircraft from the same Unit was posted missing, the reasons for the loss have never been found, it was thought at the time that it was lost due to damage sustained in its target's explosion. ww2dbase [V-Weapons Campaign | Vergeltungswaffe 1 | England | HM]
- USS Escolar was officially listed as lost. ww2dbase [Escolar | CPC]

See all photos dated 24 Nov 1944
24 Nov 1944 Interactive Map
Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis
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