19 Aug 1943
  • As discussed in the Quebec Conference between US President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, British scientists, including Klaus Fuchs, were to join the Manhattan Project. ww2dbase [Operation Trinity and Manhattan Project | CPC]
  • German defenses along the Mius River were breached near Stalino (now Donetsk), Ukraine. ww2dbase [TH]
  • German Luftwaffe Chief of Staff Oberstgeneral Hans Jeschonnek committed suicide. ww2dbase [TH]
  • USS Finback attacked several Japanese surface ships with gunfire east of Borneo, sinking one small patrol vessel. ww2dbase [Finback | CPC]
  • USS S-35 suffered mechanical issues in the port engine crankshaft and couplings and set sail for Dutch Harbor, US Territory of Alaska to receive repairs. ww2dbase [S-35 | CPC]
  • US Marine Corps squadron VMF-214 was transferred to US Marine Aircraft Group 11 based in Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides. The pilots would not leave for Espiritu Santo until 3 Sep 1943. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • Destroyers USS Nicholas, USS Chevalier, USS O’Bannon, and USS Taylor departed Tulagi, Solomon Islands for a nighttime patrol to the northern reaches of the New Georgia Sound (The “Slot”) to interdict Japanese shipping. ww2dbase [Nicholas | Solomon Islands Campaign | DS]
Australian Papua
  • The headquarters of USAAF 375th Troop Carrier Group was transferred to Dobodura Airfield, Australian Papua. ww2dbase [Dobodura Airfield | Dobodura | CPC]
  • Paul von Kleist was mentioned in the Wehrmachtbericht daily radio report. ww2dbase [Paul von Kleist | CPC]
  • Robert Johnson scored his second kill over Woensdrecht, the Netherlands, shooting down a German Bf 109G fighter. ww2dbase [Robert Johnson | Woensdrecht | CPC]
  • The USAAF 306th Bomb Group flying from RAF Thurleigh launched a bombing raid against Flushing (now Vlissingen), Airfield in Holland. ww2dbase [RAF Thurleigh | Vlissingen | DS]
Pacific Ocean
  • USS Wahoo sighted a Soviet ship in the Sea of Okhotsk; she took no action. ww2dbase [Wahoo | Sea of Okhotsk | CPC]
  • Fritz Kolbe traveled to Bern, Switzerland with a diplomatic bag; he had intended to pass on German secrets to the Western Allies while in Switzerland. ww2dbase [Fritz Kolbe | Bern | CPC]
United Kingdom
  • From Britain, Claude Auchinleck cabled Winston Churchill in Canada, attempting to convince the British Prime Minister to decrease the number of brigades to be assigned to Orde Wingate to only three; Wingate had requested eight. ww2dbase [Claude Auchinleck | CPC]
  • USS Ranger arrived at Scapa Flow, Scotland where she joined the Royal Navy’s Home Fleet. ww2dbase [Ranger | Orkney Islands, Scotland | DS]
United States Photo(s) dated 19 Aug 1943
Wrecked Japanese aircraft, oil drums, and other rubble at Kiska, Aleutian Islands, US Territory of Alaska, 19 Aug 1943Mare Island photo of bow damage to USS St. Louis after a torpedo hit in the Battle of Kolombangara, 13 Jul 1943, although this photo was taken on 19 Aug 1943. Note the offset from center of 12ft 7in. Photo 1 of 2.Mare Island photo of bow damage to USS St. Louis after a torpedo hit in the Battle of Kolombangara, 13 Jul 1943, although this photo was taken on 19 Aug 1943. Note the offset from center of 12ft 7in. Photo 2 of 2.

19 Aug 1943 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"I have returned. By the grace of Almighty God, our forces stand again on Philippine soil."

General Douglas MacArthur at Leyte, 17 Oct 1944

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