G4M file photo [69]


ManufacturerMitsubishi Heavy Industries
Primary RoleMedium Bomber


ww2dbaseNicknamed "Betty" by the Allies, the Type 1 Bombers of the G4M family were the heavy bombers of the Japanese Navy. In May 1941 they performed their first missions in southeast China, perfecting the techniques for their future missions in Malaya and the Philippines. During the Malaya campaign, they took part in the shocking sinking of British battleship Prince of Wales and battle cruiser Repulse alongside of the older G3m "Nell" bombers; it was the first time capital ships were sunk by aircraft exclusively while at sea. When unescorted, these bombers with their unprotected fuel tanks were extremely vulnerable to interceptor aircraft, leading to the Allied airmen's nickname "one-shot lighter" for them. Their vulnerabilities were greatly exaggerated by the use of these bombers as low-altitude torpedo bombers. When used as a bomber at higher altitudes, however, they could easily make their attacks and escape before Allied fighters could reach the same altitude.

ww2dbase2,479 Type 1 Bombers were built during the war.

ww2dbaseSources: Aircraft of the Second World War, Wikipedia.

Last Major Revision: Mar 2006

G4M Timeline

28 Apr 1945 Japanese special attack aircraft damaged 5 destroyers, 2 hospital ships, and victory ship Bozeman Victory off Okinawa, Japan. None of the four G4M bombers carrying Ohka special attack aircraft hit their targets.
19 Aug 1945 On instructions from Douglas MacArthur, a Japanese delegation led by Japanese Imperial Army Vice Chief of Staff Lt General Torashiro Kawabe traveled from Tokyo, Japan to Ie Jima just off Okinawa where they were transferred from their two specially marked Mitsubishi G4M ‘Betty’ bombers to a USAAF C-54 Skymaster for the second leg of their trip to Manila, Philippines where they met with MacArthur.


MachineryTwo Mitsubishi Kasei 11 14-cylinder two-row radial engines rated at 1,530 hp each
Armament3x7.7mm machine guns, 1x20mm tail gun, 1,000kg internal bombs or 800kg external torpedoes
Span24.89 m
Length19.97 m
Height4.90 m
Weight, Empty6,741 kg
Weight, Loaded9,500 kg
Speed, Maximum428 km/h
Service Ceiling9,144 m
Range, Normal5,040 km

MachineryTwo water/methanol injection Kasei 22 engines rated at 1,850 hp each
Armament3x7.7mm machine guns, 1x20mm tail gun, 1,000kg internal bombs or 800kg external torpedoes
Span24.89 m
Length19.97 m
Height4.11 m
Weight, Empty7,994 kg
Weight, Loaded12,500 kg
Weight, Maximum15,000 kg
Speed, Maximum437 km/h
Service Ceiling9,144 m
Range, Normal4,800 km

MachineryTwo water/methanol injection Kasei 22 engines rated at 1,850 hp each
Armament3x7.7mm machine guns, 1x20mm tail gun, 1,000kg internal bombs or 800kg external torpedoes
Span24.89 m
Length19.97 m
Height4.11 m
Weight, Empty8,391 kg
Weight, Loaded12,500 kg
Weight, Maximum15,000 kg
Speed, Maximum455 km/h
Service Ceiling9,144 m
Range, Normal3,640 km


G4M1 aircraft in flight, circa 1940sThe tail gunner and his view out of a G4M1 bomber, 1941G4M bomber at rest at an airfield, circa 1940sG4M bombers in flight, seen through the gun port of another G4M bomber, 1941-1943; note Type 92 machine gun (Lewis clone)
See all 68 photographs of G4M Medium Bomber

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G4M Medium Bomber Photo Gallery
G4M1 aircraft in flight, circa 1940s
See all 68 photographs of G4M Medium Bomber

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"You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs. Victory in spite of all terrors. Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival."

Winston Churchill

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