German soldier with MG42 machine gun, Caen, France, Jun 1944

Caption     German soldier with MG42 machine gun, Caen, France, Jun 1944 ww2dbase
Source    ww2dbaseGerman Federal Archives
Identification Code   Bild 146-1983-109-14A
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Photo Size 800 x 588 pixels
Photos on Same Day 20 Jun 1944
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany License (CC BY-SA 3.0 DE).

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
15 Dec 2014 02:24:49 PM


Young trooper could be a Hitler Youth attached to 12th SS-Panzer Division "Hitler Jugend" this formation was decimated holding their positions, but they bought time, to allow other German units to withdraw.

Weapon is a MG-42 w/bipod and detachable magazine drum that held 50 rounds of 7.92mm, it could also feed from a twin-drum 75 round magazine looks like he carrying another 250 rounds around his neck.
The MG-42 had a rate of fire between 1200 to 1500 rpm. MG-42 gunners were armed with a 08 Luger or Walther P-38 pistol in 9mm. Troops were also armed w/pistols and revolvers from the occupied countries.


The Waffen-SS issued the "44 Dot" camouflaged uniform, known as the Erbsenmuster Peas Pattern w/helmet cover. The peas dot uniform, was similar in pattern to the field gray M43 uniform troops
were issued jackboots and low boots w/canvas gaiters, he's also carrying the FE-41 gas mask canister.


Hitler Youth and Waffen-SS soldiers stood little chance of surviving WWII, most stood and fought to the death However, many survived and they were the lucky one's, that were captured by the Western Allies.


Hitler Youth caught fighting with a Waffen-SS Division either fought to the death or surrendered
to the Western Allies were taken as POWs some were beaten and even murdered.
If captured by the Russians it was a bullet to the head, or shipped to the Gulags and worked to death.
With the French and other liberated countries in Europe for many Waffen-SS, Hitler Youth or German Soldiers...retribution was swiftly carried out
2. John says:
30 Jan 2015 03:35:50 PM

Curious if the young soldiers age is known or his name. A haunting photograph.
3. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
3 May 2015 04:18:55 PM


Waffen-SS trooper of 12th Panzer Division, Hitler Jugend. The MG42 (shown above) didn't replace the MG34 also chambered for 7.92mm both weapons continued to serve the Wehrmacht to wars end.


Gunners were taught to change the barrel every 250 rounds and use short bursts. This kept the
barrel cool and prolonged barrel life against overheating in the heat of combat However, this wasn't always followed.
Gunners were taught to change the barrel in less than five (5) seconds on the other hand,this gave time for Allied infantry to advance on the position kill the gun crew or take them POW.


During its production life, about 750,000 MG42s
were produced this dosen't count the number of weapons built from spare-parts the MG42 had a rate of fire between 1500 to 1800 rounds per minute.
Did you know it took German industry 75 man hours to produce one MG42 with a standard unit price of
250 RM or $115.00 dollars. After WWII the MG42 continued to serve post war armies in Europe and is still manufactured today, even the German Bundeswehr operates it as the MG1.
4. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
15 Nov 2016 05:47:23 PM


Hitlerjugend (Hitler Youth) trooper has been issued the "44 Dot" SS-camouflage uniform/w helmet cover.
Weapon is the 7.92mm MG 42, he also carries the FE-41 gas mask and extra ammo for the MG-42.
For self defense he was armed w/a pistol it could have been the 08 Luger, Walther P-38 in 9mm or even foreign made pistols also chambered in 9mm that were captured from the occupied countries.


Attached to the 12th SS-Panzer Division, Hitler Youth
formations, were decimated,
but bought time for other German units to withdraw...


If given the chance surrender to the Western Allies was more of a chance of survival, than surrender to the Russians, that often enough was a bullet to the back of the head...

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