Yanagimoto file photo [1076]

Ryusaku Yanagimoto

Given NameRyusaku
Born9 Jan 1894
Died5 Jun 1942


ww2dbaseRyusaku Yanagimoto was high-cheek boned and said to have had a set of intense eyes. Previous served as a naval attaché to Britain and then an instructor at the Naval War College, he was made the commander on 6 Oct 1941 of the new aircraft carrier Soryu in a series of successful attacks against the Allied forces across the Pacific. He participated in high-profile victories such as the attack on Pearl Harbor and the raid on British ships in the Indian Ocean, establishing an impressive resume.

ww2dbaseNear the conclusion of the Battle of Midway, Yanagimoto's Soryu was attacked by American aircraft carrier Yorktown's SBD Dauntless aircraft, then struck by a torpedo by the submarine Nautilus. Many officers and sailors of Soryu recall seeing the visage of the captain standing by the starboard side of the bridge, seemingly calm and undeterred by the raging fires. When the ship finally gave in, the cold Pacific waters became Yanagimoto's final resting place.

ww2dbaseSource: Shattered Sword.

Last Major Revision: Dec 2005

Ryusaku Yanagimoto Timeline

9 Jan 1894 Ryusaku Yanagimoto was born.
5 Jun 1942 Ryusaku Yanagimoto passed away.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Edward Chen says:
26 Nov 2005 09:29:48 PM

Good entry here, but the correct name is Yanagimoto (surname) Ryusaku (given name) Shattered Sword presents Japanese names in their patronymic format.
Captain Yanagimoto skippered carrier Soryu and went down with his ship during Midway.

Here is his photo (as posted in Shattered Sword obtained from Yushukan website):

2. виталий says:
11 Feb 2014 08:22:34 AM

В Русской Армии и Флоте принято, что герои навечно остаются в списках своих частей и всегда на поверке перед строем первым произносят имя героя и правофланговый отвечает - что такой-то герой пал смертью храбрых! Есть ли такое правило в Японии. Капитан Янагимото достоин навечно быть в списках Фолта!

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More on Ryusaku Yanagimoto
Event(s) Participated:
» Attack on Pearl Harbor
» Battle of Wake Island
» Attack on Darwin
» Raids into the Indian Ocean
» Battle of Midway and the Aleutian Islands

Ship(s) Served:
» Soryu

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