Masatake Okumiya

Given NameMasatake


ww2dbaseCommander Masatake Okumiya was a 14-year veteran of the Japanese Navy with 12 years as a pilot with 2,000 hours of flight time. During the Pacific War, he served in various aviation-related positions, including serving as an air staff officer aboard carrier Ryujo during the Aleutians campaign in Jun 1942 and an air operations staff officer in Rabaul between Aug 1942 and Feb 1944. After the war, he was interrogated in Tokyo by Captain J. S. Russell on 10 Oct 1945 and Captain C. Shands on 17 Oct 1945, both of the United States Navy. Okumiya was "was experienced, intelligent and logical. His professional interest and enthusiasm were combined with accuracy, frankness and a knowledge of detail which made him an excellent source of information." He shared his knowledge of the Japanese operations during the Battle of Coral Sea as well as the invasion of the Aleutian Islands.

ww2dbaseSource: Interrogations of Japanese Officials.

Last Major Revision: Mar 2007

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More on Masatake Okumiya
Event(s) Participated:
» Battle of Midway and the Aleutian Islands

Ship(s) Served:
» Ryujo

Famous WW2 Quote
"Among the men who fought on Iwo Jima, uncommon valor was a common virtue."

Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, 16 Mar 1945

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