Bunker Hill file photo [1195]

Bunker Hill

CountryUnited States
Ship ClassEssex-class Aircraft Carrier
Hull NumberCV-17
BuilderBethlehem Fore River Shipyard
Laid Down15 Sep 1941
Launched7 Dec 1942
Commissioned24 May 1943
Decommissioned9 Jan 1947
Displacement27,100 tons standard; 36,380 tons full
Length872 feet
Beam147 feet
Draft28 feet
MachineryEight boilers, four Westinghouse geared steam turbines, four shafts
Bunkerage6,330t fuel oil; 240,000gal aviation fuel
Power Output150,000 shaft horsepower
Speed33 knots
Range20,000nm at 15 knots
Armament4x twin 5in 38 cal guns, 4x5in 38 cal guns, 8x quad 40mm 56 cal guns, 46x20mm 78 cal guns
Armor2.5 to 4in belt, 1.5in hangar and protective decks, 4in bulkheads, 1.5in STS top and sides of pilot


ww2dbaseUSS Bunker Hill was commissioned during WW2. She was sent to the Pacific Ocean, participating in the strike on Rabaul, New Britain on 11 Nov 1943 six months after her commissioning. She then took part in the Gilbert Islands invasion, an attack on Kavieng in New Ireland, the Marshall Islands invasion, the carrier raid on Truk in the Caroline Islands, the Mariana Islands invasion, and many raids on Japanese bases across the Pacific Ocean. On 6 Nov 1944, she entered a period of maintenance and repairs at Puget Sound Navy Yard in Washington, United States, and did not return to combat until 24 Jan 1945. In Feb 1945, she launched aircraft to support the Iwo Jima invasion. Later that month, Bunker Hill's aircraft raided the Japanese home islands. In Apr 1945, she supported the Okinawa invasion, where her aircraft was involved in the sinking of the battleship Yamato.

ww2dbaseOn 11 May 1945, while off Okinawa, Bunker Hill was struck by two kamikaze special attack aircraft. The first was a Zero fighter, whose 250-kilogram bomb tore through the vessel and exploded in the sea before the aircraft struck the flight deck and started a fire. 30 seconds later, Ensign Kiyoshi Ogawa (also flying a Zero fighter) repeated the same attack, dropping his 250-kilogram bomb, which ignited aviation fuel, before plunging into the flight deck near the control tower. The two kamikaze special attacks killed 373 men aboard USS Bunker Hill and wounded 264 more. Badly damaged, she limped back to Puget Sound Naval Shipyard for repairs. When she re-emerged from the shipyard in Sep 1945, the war was already over. Her last active duty mission was Operation Magic Carpet in which she brought home troops from the Pacific.

ww2dbaseWhile being on the decommissioned reserve list, USS Bunker Hill was re-classified several times. In May 1959, her final re-classification named her an auxiliary aircraft landing training vessel (AVT). She was used as a stationary electronics test platform in the 1960s and early 1970s, and was sold for scrap in May 1973.

ww2dbaseSource: Wikipedia.

Last Major Revision: Oct 2006

Aircraft Carrier Bunker Hill (CV-17) Interactive Map


Essex-class aircraft carrier USS Bunker Hill just after launching at the Fore River yards, Quincy, Massachusetts, United States, Dec 11, 1942. Note K-class airship from Airship Patrol Squadron ZP-11 overhead.F4U-1 Corsair bouncing up on the flight deck of USS Bunker Hill during an landing attempt, 1943; seen in Feb 1969 issue of US Navy publication Naval Aviation NewsSB2C Helldiver getting a wave-off from USS Bunker Hill, 1943. Note Helldiver in the distance with wheels up but flaps down, apparently preparing for a water landing.F4U-1 Corsair of VF-17, “The Jolly Rogers,” landing aboard the carrier Bunker Hill south of Bermuda during her shakedown cruise, 17 July 1943. Photo 1 of 2
See all 37 photographs of Aircraft Carrier Bunker Hill (CV-17)

Bunker Hill Operational Timeline

24 May 1943 Bunker Hill was commissioned into service.
2 Nov 1943 Battleships USS Washington, USS Massachusetts, and USS South Dakota escorted by destroyers USS Nicholas, USS Fletcher, USS LaVallette, USS Jenkins, and USS Taylor rendezvoused and joined with carriers USS Essex, USS Bunker Hill, and USS Independence with battleships USS Alabama, USS Indiana, USS Tennessee, USS Maryland, and USS Colorado and cruisers USS Portland, USS Mobile, USS Santa Fe, and USS Birmingham with destroyers USS Taylor and USS Radford. Together, this task group steamed toward Nandi Bay, Fiji.
5 Nov 1943 USS Bunker Hill arrived at Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides.
7 Nov 1943 Carriers USS Essex, USS Bunker Hill, and USS Independence with battleships USS Washington, USS Massachusetts, USS South Dakota, USS Alabama, USS Indiana, USS Tennessee, USS Maryland, and USS Colorado with cruisers USS Portland, USS Mobile, USS Santa Fe, and USS Birmingham escorted by destroyers USS Nicholas, USS Fletcher, USS LaVallette, USS Jenkins, USS Taylor, and USS Radford arrived at Nandi Bay, Fiji.
12 Oct 1944 Carrier aircraft from USS Bunker Hill attacked Matsuyama Airfield in Taihoku (now Taipei), Taiwan.
12 Oct 1944 Carrier aircraft from USS Bunker Hill attacked Shinchiku Airfield in Shinchiku (now Hsinchu), Taiwan.
6 Dec 1944 USS Bunker Hill arrived at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard for an extensive overhaul.
21 Jan 1945 USS Bunker Hill departed Puget Sound Naval Shipyard after overhaul.
11 May 1945 USS Bunker Hill was hit by two Japanese special attack aircraft off Okinawa, Japan, killing 373.
2 Jun 1945 USS Bunker Hill arrived at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard for repairs of extensive damage following being hit by two special attack aircraft off Okinawa.
9 Jan 1947 Bunker Hill was decommissioned from service.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Chris Bradley says:
13 May 2008 06:27:56 AM

How can I find information on James Shepard serving on the USS Bunker Hill in WW2? This is my uncle and I would like to get details of his medals.
2. Misty Thompson says:
30 Oct 2008 06:37:46 PM

my grandpa severed on the USS Bunker Hill during the years 44 and 45. He died b4 i was born and i was wondndering where i can find people who served with him and where i can fined any information about him on the ship.
3. Dorothy says:
25 Jan 2009 01:59:06 PM

How can I find infomation on Peter Angelo who was killed on the bunker hill by kamikaze.
4. David Joseph says:
2 Mar 2009 05:12:06 PM

My Uncle Robert J. Slattery (Navy photographer) served on the Bunker Hill @1941 and died last year (also served on the Omaha). I am trying to find any information about his service. Any information or help would be greatly appreciated.
5. Anonymous says:
20 Jun 2009 07:06:32 PM

I am in the Solomon Islands, and know that my father was here on the Bunker Hill in World War II. How can I find out information about him at that time? His name was George Kronenberg
Thank you.
6. rich mcmann says:
27 Jul 2009 05:20:51 AM

does anyone remember a gene obrien who served on the uss bunker hill during ww/ii
7. Anonymous says:
6 Jan 2010 09:29:53 AM

Yo im doing research on kamikaze pilots and was wondering where i could find more info on the USS Bunker Hill bombing? Thx!
8. brad miller says:
9 Mar 2010 12:14:18 AM

my great uncle bob nelson served on bunker hill.
9. Dianne Allen says:
7 Apr 2010 07:37:49 PM

My father-in-law's first cousin, Lt. John T. Gildea served as a pilot based on the Bunker Hill. He was Colorado's most decorated military figure at that time. He was killed by kamikaze attacks on May 11, 1945.
10. Anonymous says:
5 May 2010 11:04:45 PM

my grand father served on the uss bunker hill when the *** attack the ship
11. Vicki Ward says:
24 May 2010 10:39:12 AM

My Uncle served on the USS Bunker Hill when the ship was attacked in World War II. How can I get information on William McParlin. He survived the attack. He was from NYC
12. Anonymous says:
15 Jun 2010 07:02:18 AM

looking for information of Jesse Franklin Brooks Fr. who was on the Bunker Hill when it was attacked
13. Anonymous says:
4 Jul 2010 12:32:25 PM

My mom's brother, William D Dobbs (AKA "WD" or "Bill") was injured during the Kamikaze attacks on 5/11/45 (according to oral family history). I found a list of injured servicemen from one of the papers at the time with his name on it but would love to find out if the oral history is true. Mom said he won a Purple Heart and a Silver Star.
14. Robert E. Martin says:
3 Aug 2010 05:59:59 PM

I would like to hear from anyone who has any information on Ensign Warren L. Hillard. He was a pilot on the USS Bunker Hill and was killed by the Kamikaze attack May 11 ,1945.
15. BRUCE BROWN says:
26 Aug 2010 11:24:32 AM

16. Peter Barrows says:
27 Aug 2010 06:25:32 AM

For those searching for news of relatives, I recommend USS Bunker Hill Association ( http://www.ussbunkerhill.net/ . Tom Kelly former VT-84 gunner is the webmaster. It is very helpful if you know whether they were Ship's Company ie permanently assigned, or Staff, came and went with the Admiral, or Attached Air Group came and went with the planes. Bunker had 4 Air Groups each had 3 or 5 Squadrons. They were CVG-17 1943-44 consisting of VF-18, VB-17 & VT-17 CVG-8 1944 probably all were 8's CVG-4 the same, and CVG-84 "The Wolf Gang" 1945 consisting of VF-84, VMF-221, VMF-452, VB-84, my Dad's, and VT-84.
I'm always looking for Wolf Gang vets.
17. MilSpecArt says:
26 Oct 2010 04:27:58 PM

If anyone wishes to know more about the Bunker Hill, I have a friend who was there the day she was hit by the two kamikaze aircraft. Email me at pleiku at comcast dot net.
18. Anonymous says:
27 Oct 2010 11:21:17 PM

My Dad, George Lansing was only 17 years old when he served on the Bunker Hill in 1945 when it was hit by the kamikazes. I would love to know if there is anyone who remembers him. Please Email me at elizabethtlansing@yahoo.com God Bless him and all that serve their country.
19. N.E. (Bobby) Spottswood Sr. says:
31 Oct 2010 07:21:51 PM

I write a Seniors Column for the Navarre Florida Navarre Press weekly newspaper I'm writing wartime experiences of WW II veterans that went on our recent Honor Flight May I use your info Re: USS Bunker Hill hit by two Kamikaze off Okinawa? Thank you.
20. Anonymous says:
10 Nov 2010 10:06:21 AM

Marjorie Hastings of Natick glances up at the memorial for her brother, Lt. j.g. Clifford Carter, at the corner of Mount Wayte Avenue and Dudley Road in Framingham. Carter was killed during a Kamikaze attack on the USS Bunker Hill in the closing months of World War II.
21. Anonymous says:
24 Nov 2010 06:00:56 AM

I just realy feel bad about all the people thaty died and I am also blessed about all the people that lived praise the LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
22. Anonymous says:
24 Nov 2010 06:03:02 AM

Hi I am in 7th grade and I have to do a term paper over this i was about to cry when I saw the pictures of this.:(
23. Wayne says:
29 Jan 2011 03:04:26 PM

My Grandfather was on the ship when the comicazi slammed into her. The way the story goes is that they had to chain the ship together to get it back to port. Also after one of the planes hit the deck one of the Japanese pilots, didn't say how much of the pilot, landed on the deck away from the explosion. The pilot was wearing a large diamond ring. One of the upper officers saw this and tried removing the ring and was not successful. So he whip out his knife and removed the finger from the pilot and then removed the ring from the finger. Put it in his pocket and went on his way. That's how I heard it. My grand fathers name was Cole Gammon. Does anyone remember him?
24. Walter Vatcher says:
11 Feb 2011 11:12:26 AM

How do I find information concerning that aircraft carrier my father served on in WW2. His name is Walter "Blackie" Vatcher DOB: 9-29-1929 and was a Corsair pilot in the Pacific Campaign of WW2.
25. Sue Gray says:
12 Feb 2011 03:22:16 PM

My uncle Lt. Ellis Littlejohn was a Corsair Pilot on The Bunker Hill.He was Shot down in April of 1945. Any information would be greatly appreciated
26. Louise says:
10 Mar 2011 02:22:03 PM

looking for information on George Makuchan (Elmer). Anyone know him? He was GM C3 1st division.
27. Joe Hudson says:
30 Mar 2011 08:39:37 PM

I was walking across flight deck of the USS Randolph and saw the Bunker Hill when she was hit by two kamikazes. I helped throw life jackets to some of those blow off the ship. I could never find out if my good friend Hubbard Dykes was killed. He was a dive bomber gunner in that Air Group.
28. Anonymous says:
8 Apr 2011 02:25:18 PM

My grandfather was the dentist on the bunker hill. Lt.Com. Paul Whittaker, dose anyone know or hear his name?
29. Anonymous says:
17 May 2011 11:27:14 AM

how couldI find something on Roger Glans? he died after I was born and I can't find anything about him. he was a radio operatior.
30. Cory L Bailey says:
23 May 2011 01:50:05 PM

am looking for any info and pics of my uncle
ENS KENNETH W. WATKINS, Shot down Nov 14, 1944
31. Anonymous says:
6 Jun 2011 11:07:20 PM

My grandfather William Hayes was on the Bunker Hill when it was hit. Would love to hear from anyone who might have known him.
32. Roger E Glans (daughter-in-law, Paula) says:
12 Jul 2011 03:37:00 PM

Roger Elmer Glans served on board the USS Bunker Hill. He was a radioman / radio operator at the time of the major kamikaze attack. We have a video taped radio interview of him discussing that horrible day in his history. Roger was a writer and reflected some of his memories, which were translated and published in a Japanese veterans publication. Roger wrote a book on his time at Farragut Naval Station, Idaho. There had been annual September reunions until a couple of years ago at the lake. Roger's publication remains available at their museum / gift shop. Roger was an honorable soldier, veteran, father and grandfather. He passed away in June of 2002 and is buried at Fort Snelling Cemetary in Minneapolis Minnesota. His widow, Carol Glans, resides in Everett, Washington (formerly Plymouth Minnesota) along with Roger's eldest son and family. My sincere thank you to the person who organized this website and best wishes to all the readers and success in getting your questions answered.
33. Lawson holladay says:
17 Oct 2011 02:03:27 PM

My Dad, R.W.(Bill) Holladay, was a pilot in VB-84. He passed away in 1991 and I miss him. I see a post from Pete Barrows,whose Dad was in the same squadron. I have not heard from Pete in some time.I understand that Richie Elliott has passed away. Are any of the pilots in VB-84 still alive? If so, tell them hello .
34. Liz Maresca says:
26 Dec 2011 06:04:49 PM

My dad Arnold Maresca served on the UssBunker Hill Aircraft Carrier CV17. He was nicknamed "wheels". He was a radioman
I would love to hear from anyone who knew him and had stories to tell of him. If you knew him please contact me at email address.
bowliz1@aol.com thank you and god bless.
35. john flynn says:
26 Dec 2011 07:43:26 PM

my dad also was on the bunkerhill when it was hit. he was 19 never said to much about it.or i didnt here him. he died 24 yrs ago at age 63 his name was phillip m flynn. im 50 now and very interested in this. i did go a renion in boston about 27 yrs ago. i miss him....son john j flynn
24 Jan 2012 10:30:22 PM

37. john flynn says:
19 Feb 2012 01:22:05 AM

my dad phillip flynn was on uss bunker hill 1942-45 birthday was may 11 day it was hit. he was a cook and went in big ref in kitchen. the rest burned to death.thank good... from lynn ma lost brother joe in 1943 after training.
38. Anonymous says:
3 Mar 2012 10:35:31 PM

39. Anonymous says:
12 Mar 2012 05:36:51 AM

My dad was the ARM II in bombing squadron 8 and did 50 missions from her during WW II.
James Costlow
40. clay davis says:
24 Mar 2012 08:41:23 AM

My uncle Pierce Clayton Bennett Jr was an aircrewman onboard the USS Bunker Hill. He had recently turned 20 one month before that horrible day in May. He didn't speak about it very much but mentioned that so many of the men died and had been horribly burned. I know it had scarred his memory. My grandmother told me that "Uncle Bud" had lost his taste for ham because that was what he was served that day. Bud you will always be my beloved uncle and always remembered.
41. Peter Perkins says:
14 May 2012 07:24:51 AM

My dad, Henry M. Perkins Jr., Fireman First Class was in the forward engine room and survived. He died in 1989. Does anyone remember him? Do you remember him John Marinelli? His notes mentioned a J.M. OLeary F 1/c and several wt 1/c. Thank you for your service and in advance of any info you may have on my dad,
42. Kathryn Kauffman says:
10 Jun 2012 01:54:21 PM

My Father was on the Bunker Hill when she was hit by the kamikaze strike.He survived the war and recently passed away in 2010. I know that he had worked the gunners mount but I don't know if it was on this ship or another one he sailed on. He was a young country boy from Pennsylvania if anyone would remember him. He once said the music at the funeral for the men that died on the Bunker Hill was the most moving and beautiful memorial he ever heard. So we played that for him during his funeral. Father's day is coming up.....so wherever he is I wish him the best Father's day ever. He was the best Dad. Love Kat
43. Anonymous says:
10 Jul 2012 07:12:34 AM

Here is a link to a transcribed newspaper clipping about the attack on the Bunker Hill - some who served are mentioned, including my dad.
10 Jul 2012 06:07:14 PM

he was in the fwd eng because he cood not get to his battle station which was the fwd boiler rm because of fire most of the men in the fwd boiler died fromsmoke we had acouple of men try to get to them but were turned back by fire there was awrightup in the seattle news paper about this that ihave
45. john connell jr says:
11 Jul 2012 06:13:22 PM

My Dad John P Connell Sr was on board during the attack, if any one remembers him please leave a message
46. Mary says:
1 Aug 2012 01:03:23 PM

Is there a list of casualties anywhere? I believe my great-uncle Thomas (Tom) Lee Womack died during the kamikaze attack and would love to find out any info. Thank you!
47. Sean Harvey says:
15 Oct 2012 12:40:47 PM

In memory of Warren Philip Harvey
Served from 42 - 45 on the Bunker Hill till she was hit by Kamikazes at Okinawa
48. Diane says:
11 Nov 2012 09:36:25 AM

My dad survived the kamikazee attack on the USS Bunker Hill. His name was Frank (Jake)Handzlik and his nickname was Lucky. He was a tailgunner and a radioman. He had just come in from a mission and was in bed when everything started to happen. He took the time to put on a pair of pants before he headed to his safe station. When he got there he was told it was full and he left... all the men in that safe station were killed. I think that ate at him for the rest of his life.

If anyone remembers him, you can contact me at dianeh@villa.edu. He's greatly missed.
49. Brent Jones says:
8 Dec 2012 06:03:13 AM

For everyone inquiring about USS Bunker Hill CV-17 at the time of the Kamikaze attacks of 11 May 1945, I found the ship's Report of Changes for the month on Ancestry.com along with the Muster Roll from the time. It has an alphabetical listing of enlisted USN personnel including rate at the time, as well as a listing of those Killed in Action. Feel free to email me at brentj@mighty90.com.
50. Commenter identity confirmed C. Peter Chen says:
8 Dec 2012 08:25:52 AM

Thanks for the info Brent.
51. Peter says:
5 Jan 2013 12:47:57 PM

I am seeking a living relative of a Joseph Tempio of Paterson,NJ. It is extremely likely that Joseph died on the USS Bunker Hill. There was a Purple Heart and letter from Harry S.Truman for Mr. Tempio that made its way into a safety deposit box in NJ.I would like to reunite this Purple Heart with a relative(no matter how distant)of Mr. Tempio.Realizing it maybe a long shot,I have contacted the VFW and other Naval related authorities.
52. Peter says:
20 Jan 2013 01:18:45 PM

I am attempting to locate a surviving family member of Joseph Tempio USNR Parachute Rigger 3rd class of Paterson,NJ who perished on the U.S.S.Bunker Hill on 5-11-1945. He and his wife Mafalda did not have a child. My wife's grandfather,Anthony Ammirato married the widow Mafalda and produced a son,Anthony Ammirato Jr. Sadly A.Ammirato Jr. perished in a house fire in Puerto Rico in late 2009. A Purple Heart and letter from Harry S.Truman was found among his possession in a safety deposit box. My search with all Veterans orginizations produced no results as did contacting all Catholic Churches in both Paterson,NJ and Passiac,NJ. where Mr. Tempio was from.Any assistance you can give me> Thanks,
Pete Szewzek,Springfield,NJ. szewze363@aol.com
53. Charles E Tempio, Esq. says:
30 Jan 2013 08:04:20 PM

Joseph Tempio was a brother of my grandfather Salvatore Tempio, who is now deceased. My Great Uncles, David Tempio and Angelo Tempio who are Joseph's brothers are still alive.
You can contact me at tempioc@gmail.com
54. John F. Greear III says:
28 Mar 2013 10:24:44 PM

This is really a great site. I have been workinf on and off onthe conditions in sickbay aboard USS Enterprise on 14 January 1968 see www.BigEFire.com Parallels sure exist. Those who lost loved ones still need to know what happened. Project well worth the time so many can obtain closure.
55. John F. Greear III says:
29 Mar 2013 12:26:55 PM

Two typo's to above post "working" and the date of the fire is 14 January 1969
Best wishes to find the information you need.
Bravo Zulu for this work,
56. john marinelli new bedford ma says:
9 Apr 2013 11:00:53 PM

still looking for someone who was in the eng rm with me
57. Anonymous says:
14 Apr 2013 11:58:08 PM

does anybody know what the nickname was for squadron vb-17.
58. Michael J Horn says:
22 May 2013 02:12:25 PM

My dad Gerald Horn survived the kamikazee attact he was a radioman.Years later he recevied a letter from the V.F.W. the U.S.wanted sell the Bunker Hill back to Japan for scrap.They scrapped the carrier in 1973 to who?
59. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
23 May 2013 10:03:20 PM

Michael Horn:

I found two sources that said Bunker Hill was scrapped by Zidell Shipbuilding in Tacoma, Washington beginning Aug 4 1973.
60. Lynn says:
4 Jul 2013 11:58:22 PM

I am looking for information on my grandfather who was on the USS Bunker Hill on it's very first run, and was still on it when it was hit by kamikaze's. According to him, he was in the galley area when the ship was hit, he had medical training and gave aid to or helped to save as many as 17 men before he was injured. He said he woke up one year later in a hospital in California. He never talked about the war until the later years of his life, but he was interviewed for a British documentary on the incident and told me these stories 3 days before his death in 2009. I am looking for anyone who might know if this is true and can provide me any information. Unfortunately, I don't know his rank, but his name was Wallace Mason Hanson and he was from Texas.
61. Anonymous says:
29 Aug 2013 06:04:12 PM

My father Tom Norton served on the Bunker Hill during 44-45. He survived the kamikaze attack, but never spoke about it. He was 17 years old at the time of the attack. He did say that he did lose some good friends to the attack.
62. Lori says:
14 Sep 2013 06:21:51 PM

My grandfather, Cliff Hadley, served when the Kamikazes hit. I remember his stories about the ship, but about this he always said you either took chance with the sharks that always followed the ship for trash or with the flames. He chose the flames. It was always fascinating to hear about the time on the ship.
63. daniel currie says:
14 Mar 2014 11:40:37 AM

My uncle, David Currie was killed May 11, 1945 on the USS Bunker Hill. Looking for anyone who may have known him. He was from upstate NY. Also wondering if anyone knows of a memorial in Pearl Harbor to the sailors who died that day.
64. Anonymous says:
31 May 2014 08:08:53 AM

My uncle served on the bunker hill during the attack of May 11 1945 he survived His name was Anthony tilelli I was wondering if anyone out there remembers serving with him he died in the late 90's thx.
65. Don says:
26 Jun 2014 12:36:23 PM

My father in law says he served on the Bunker Hill as chief store keeper and knew Malcom White. His name is Irv Emdin and is now 93. Anyone know Irv or have heard his name mentioned?
66. Gerry says:
29 Jul 2014 11:03:23 AM

Was wondering if any ones loved was knows my Dad
Leon Manseau he was also a survivor of the May 11,1945 at the Battle of Okinawa
He was an aircraft ordinance handlers
He just turned 89 in June
67. Beverly says:
23 Aug 2014 10:19:01 PM

My Grandfather was a survivor (thankfully uninjured), Leroy Gilbert Eickmann (died 1991). All I know is that he jumped off the ship and swam away from the blood/sharks and floated for 22 hours. I was wondering if anyone knew him or could share any stories. My email is: bev78009@yahoo.com
68. Michael StClair says:
7 Oct 2014 09:50:42 AM

Am searching for information about my uncle William O'Mara who served as an Aviation Machinist Mate CASU 8 and 18. Survived the war but suffered psychologically over the years. I'm searching on behalf of his widow and grandchildren. Thank you.
My email = stclair@emmanuel.edu
69. JWBurrows says:
11 Oct 2014 02:15:27 PM

My dad was a plank owner on CV17 & went through Panama Canal to Solomon Islands where he was wounded in Bougainville He was a ship fitter and only spoke about his service towards the end of his life & always with tears in his eyes. He had a photo of the Bunker Hill hanging in his bedroom & joined the association.

70. Pete Remster says:
11 Oct 2014 07:24:46 PM

My wife's Uncle- ADChief F.P. Zimmerman-was a plank owner aboard the Bunker Hill, served through WWII on her, and assisted in the rescue of personnel at the time of the Kamakazi attacks. He was a catapult Chief, and died in Arizona at the age of 98. A grand old gentleman
71. Joseph Brian Siddens says:
28 Oct 2014 05:23:54 PM

My grandfather's name is Joseph Edward Siddens and he served on the Bunker Hill for 4 years and was honorably discharged in September'45 after returning, thankfully, after their ship was kamikazied. I'm trying to find more information, pictures, anything that someone may have or know of. All I have is what was left in his foot locker. May you all have a blessed life.
72. Tim Sauls says:
8 Nov 2014 07:50:34 AM

Just came across thus site. My father in law Wilson Hubbard Dykes served as a tail gunner and was on the ship when it was hit. He survived and is in good health today. The entry by "Joe Hudson" inquired if he was killed. Thank God he was not.
73. Tim Ireland says:
21 Jan 2015 11:00:15 AM

My uncle John Ireland was killed on the Bunker Hill the end of May, 1945. He was a water tender. May he rest in peace.
74. Esther says:
24 Jan 2015 06:16:12 PM

My mother was in love with Robert P Burns from Indianapolis, Indiana. He was killed in the kamikaze attack on the USS Bunker Hill. They would have married had he not been killed. She married a my father, a navy shipfitter, in 1947. They had a long happy marriage and 9 children, of which I am number 6, but she never forgot Bob. May be rest in peace.
75. Tim Brown says:
25 Jan 2015 07:57:44 PM

My Father, George L. Brown (1925-2003) served on the USS Bunker Hill as a Shipfitter First Class. Beyond that I know little else as he never discussed his service. Any additional source of information would be appreciated. alliedpandm@reagan.com
76. Craig Jackson says:
30 Jan 2015 01:45:34 PM

My Dad Lake Jackson served on the Bunker Hill from when it was first launched till 1944. He got off in Washington State before the ship was hit by kamikaze's. He just passed away on December 24 2015, he was 93. He told me many stories of being aboard that ship in great detail.
77. Brendan Murphy says:
3 Apr 2015 10:47:58 AM

I'm sitting here with Jim Manfredi who survived the kamakazi attack and is interested in meeting other survivors. Please email me at murphs131 at gmail.com. Thanks! Happy Easter.
78. j tango says:
3 Apr 2015 11:45:10 AM

Dad passed this week, April 2015, his service on the bunkerhill was 1943 to 1946...He was a shipfitter second class and fireman..
79. Anonymous says:
13 May 2015 09:50:53 AM

My father Claude W. ODell was a plankowner, serving aboard the Bunker Hill on the day the two kamikazies hit the ship. He was in the galley at the time and escaped by "feeling the way out in total darkness". He got permission to rescue some of his shipmates as they were trapped by the smoke. Dad pulled at least two unconscious men to safety but the heat and fire prevented him from returning to the danger area. He was awarded a Commendation for his heroism. He rarely spoke about his wartime experiences. He had several photos of the ship and damages caused by the fire and bombs. Dad passed away in 2005. We remember him and the sacrifices by so many on May 11 1945.
80. R.P.M. says:
23 Aug 2015 02:37:21 PM

My DAD served on the U.S.S. Bunker Hill from August of 1943 till May 11,1945. Battle at Okinawa. Roland J."Chewy" Morin. an ordinance man. MIA for 3months. never said any thing at all about the War to me. Would appreciate some info and history of his ship CV-17. thank you. A Vietnam Vet.
81. R.P.M. says:
23 Aug 2015 02:54:01 PM

My DAD served on the U.S.S. Bunker Hill, from August 1943 till May 11,1945, the battle at Okinawa and was MIA for 3 months. name was Roland J."CHEWY" Morin. Purple Heart. Never said any thing about the War, just like most WWII vets. Looking for some info and History. thank you. A Vietnam Vet. his oldest son. thanks DAD.
82. Anonymous says:
12 Oct 2015 02:31:10 PM

Looking for info on my father who was a naval pilot VT-84. FMILY HISTORY IS THAT HE ALSO ESCAPED DEATH THE DAY OF

My father, F R Blossom (Rennie) was a pilot VT-84 squadron on Bunker Hill. He survived the attack on Bunker Hill, but most of his pilot mates were killed. Anyone know how to learn more?

83. D T Blackburn says:
1 Nov 2015 07:09:50 AM

Hello all. To Misty Thompson particularly. My father was on the CL- 103 USS Wilkesbarre .His ship was one of the ships that sprayed water on the Bunker Hill, as well as taking wounded men from Her. My thoughts are with Your Father and your family. Travis Blackburn.
84. jerri humphrey says:
13 Nov 2015 05:16:08 PM

My pop was a Lt. Naval engineer. Never talked about his job. He loved his job but....when phoning/reporting to a house. Anyone know him? Oh, remember him...he loved that ship!!
85. jerri humphrey says:
13 Nov 2015 05:22:23 PM

So proud all is asking question of our parents!! Standing proud!!
86. Dave says:
21 Dec 2015 01:54:49 PM

My Uncle served with a VT squadron aboard the Bunkerhill. His name was John Standish AO-3. He was a tail gunner on a TBM. I would like to find out anything about his service.
87. john marinelli says:
20 Mar 2016 02:24:31 PM

would like to here from anyone who was in the fwd eng rm with me
88. Thomas Lehman says:
9 Apr 2016 08:49:16 PM

Would like to hear from anyone that knew our uncle Wilson Charles "Chuck" Lineaweaver, ARM 1/C, VB-84 Squadron, a chief radioman/gunner, and killed in the attack May 11, 1945. His Pilot, we're told, was Lieut. Lamb from Lubbock, Texas. We also have a letter from Lt. C.B. Stafford who says "Chuck flew in my division...". Can contact me at isanbeto@hotmail.com
89. Joe brennan says:
17 Apr 2016 08:13:02 AM

My brother Tom Brennan was 19 yrs old when he was killed on May 11.I was only 6 yrs old at that time,but I will never forget that day my family got that telegram.War is hell!,
90. Anonymous says:
13 May 2016 12:58:16 PM

My first uncles, cousin's, sister's grandfather was near the Bunker Hill at one time during the war. I am not sure of his name. Anyone help me to have a complete history of his wartime deeds?
91. John says:
7 Jun 2016 10:23:46 AM

Great Uncle was a pilot on a torpedo bomber, wine MIA off the Bunker Hill in Nov of 1944 over Manilla Harbor. Would appreciate if anyone remembers him.
Ens James Isaac Hawkins
92. Guy Nasuti says:
8 Jul 2016 08:05:00 PM

Hello everyone,
I am a historian with the Navy History and Heritage Command (NHHC) in Washington DC. I am currently researching and writing a ship's history of USS Bunker Hill (CV-17) for inclusion in our Dictionary of Naval Fighting Ships (DANFS). I will unfortunately never be able to tell the story of every brave sailor, airman, and Marine that served aboard, but if anyone has any information they can provide me such as a diary, journal, letter, or other primary source material, especially concerning the sinking of the battleship Yamato and/or the kamikaze strikes and aftermath, I would be very grateful. Veterans especially, I am hoping to hear from you about your experiences onboard Bunker Hill! Please contact me at guy.nasuti@navy.mil or guy.nasuti@gmail.com.
93. Jackie Evans says:
27 Jul 2016 07:42:31 PM

I have information on Radioman, Barney Garland Neal, killed on the USS Bunker Hill in 1945 that includes photos, his Purple Heart, sympathy letters from President Truman and Cpt. H.L. Meadow, Commander, Cemetery information, birth dates/city. As the Uncle I never met but is the reason I joined the Navy, I would love to get his name and particulars added. Would someone please contact me for this information? Thank you!
94. Bruce King says:
6 Aug 2016 06:03:51 PM

My Dad served aboard when the ship was commissioned and sailed to the Pacific. He left the ship when she returned for maintenance and repair in November of 1944.His name was John Edward King ,Fire Controlman First Class.The Greatest Generation!! GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS
95. Guy Nasuti says:
7 Sep 2016 12:31:40 PM

Hi Jackie Evans,

Do you have an email address that would be easier to contact you at?

96. Sammy Jackson says:
31 Oct 2016 10:35:57 AM

43Films is looking for survivors of the May 11 Kamikaze attacks to be interviewed for a new film on the USS Bunker Hill. We look forward to hearing from you.
97. Howard A. Johnson says:
11 Nov 2016 02:49:43 PM

My father William C. Johnson was on the U.S.S Bunker Hill, sadly he passed away in October of 1964. I was hoping to find out if any survivors are still alive today. I would be nice to get the chance to hear their experience that day. if anyone knows of any living survivors please contact me,
98. Angela Loftin says:
3 Dec 2016 01:58:16 PM

Mr. Johnson my father in law was on the USS Bunker Hill and survived the attack. He was interviewed on KLTV 7 news of Tyler Tx. by Joan Hallmark. He never talked about the war but was honored with a flag and metals at the 65th anniversary to his wife. We lost him 2013 and he was a man of honor. The interview was the most I had ever heard talk about the war. Maybe it will be helpful.
99. Angela Loftin says:
3 Dec 2016 02:06:21 PM

I'm sorry his name was D.Darryl Loftin survivor May 11 Kamikaze attacks.
100. Charlotte Henson says:
7 Dec 2016 07:37:18 PM

My husbands great uncle was on was on that ship he is 100 yrs old this year.
101. Stephen Sherry says:
14 Dec 2016 02:59:16 PM

I used to work with a fellow from 1976 to 1982, who said her served on the USS Bunker Hill. His name was Ernest Alonzo Findley, Sr. of Viewtown, Va., and died at the age 84 in 2010. He was born on February 21, 1926 in Elbert, W.Va, and lied about his age to enlist in the US Navy. "He was too young". He received the Presidential Unit Citation and eleven silver stars for his service. Nice man, very talented too. Anyone know of him. I can not find him on any google search for the ship manifest or books on the Bunker Hill. Just love to know more. God Bless America and all who served at Pearl Habor and after!
102. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
14 Dec 2016 04:06:01 PM

Mr. Sherry (above):
Muster Rolls for USS Bunker Hill list Seaman 2nd class Ernest A Findley as a plank-owner in May 1943 and the Oct 1945 Muster Roll still lists him as part of the crew, by this time as a Boatswain’s Mate 2nd class. Bunker Hill (and all members of her crew & attached air group) indeed were awarded a Presidential Unit Citation but 11 Silver Stars sounds a little high - Bunker Hill (and all members of her crew & attached air groups) earned 11 Battle Stars in WWII, which is still pretty impressive.
103. Anoymous says:
6 Jan 2017 05:20:00 PM

I spoke with a man today who was on the USS Bunker Hill.How amazing it was to listen to this Hero! I say hero because I feel like all war veterans are our Heroes!! What an honor it was to speak with this man.He lied about his age and joined the Navy at 16. Hope he doesn't mind me telling his name but it was James Farr. Mr Farr it was truly an honor to speak with you!
May God Bless all Veterans!
Ben watts
104. Pamela Williams Rider says:
15 Jan 2017 06:47:27 PM

My Father was on the USS Bunkerhill
During Okinawa. His name is Davis Haynes Williams. I have researched and would love to know more about his service. Please get in touch with any information about my dad. He was a survivor.
105. john marinelli says:
3 Feb 2017 07:05:24 PM

i was on the bunker hill cv17 1943 tolate 1946 iwas in the engine rm at the time fwd eng rm with comd carmicheal
106. john marinelli says:
4 Feb 2017 09:13:25 PM

i was stationed in the fwd engine rm manning the throttle for engine speed in knots from the bridge
107. John regan says:
6 Apr 2017 05:05:15 PM

My father was Lawrence Regan, Dubuque Iowa, born in Waukon Iowa. Shipfitter, 1943-April of 1945. Thank You John for your service, and Pamela for your Fathers Service
108. David Ouellette says:
11 May 2017 06:36:42 PM

My Father Leo Ouellette served on the Bunker Hill when it was hit by the Kamikazes. He served in the boiler rooms, he was a Fireman 1st Class. If you knew him John Marinelli please contact me at Damareda@aol.com
109. Angela says:
29 May 2017 11:16:06 AM

My great-uncle, Raymond Barnes, was on the USS Bunker Hill when it was shot down on May 11, 1945. His body was never recovered. Can anyone tell me about him? My grandfather never talked about him and I'm curious to find out anything I can. My email is DisneyTravelGirl@gmail.com. Thank you.
110. Steven Whiteman says:
29 May 2017 12:28:52 PM

Clayton Vencil Whiteman 84th Torpedo/Bomber group.
MIA April 7th 1945.
111. Hugo W. Schroeder, Jr. says:
21 Jun 2017 09:05:31 AM

I have a relative, Dr. Paul Gerhardt Schroeder, who is said to have served on the Bunker Hill as a flight surgeon, and to have died in the Kamikazi attack on May 15, 1945 as he tended the wounded. I wonder if anyone has a list of casualities and can verify this information for me.
112. Bill Toms says:
26 Jun 2017 08:53:37 AM

My Uncle Harvey C. Toms was killed when the Bunker Hill was attacked. His body was bever recovered. He was 19 yrs old. This had a devastating effect on my family that is still felt today
113. Kaye says:
5 Aug 2017 04:01:21 AM

My father was one of the survivors on USS Bunker Hill CV-17 May 11, 1945, but came back a change man, never to be the same again!
114. Kaye says:
5 Aug 2017 05:19:46 AM

Hugo W. Schroeder, Jr.

This may help you find your relative Dr. Paul Gerhardt Schroeder.

I found this book on eBay with group photo’s that are amazingly clear, so you might want to take a look.
eBay item number: 251202839116
This is one that you can enter his information in with a side note to see if anybody remembers him although, as I’m sure you know there’s not many left.
USS Bunker Hill (CV 17) Crew List
There’s a ReUnion website that you may want to check out.
Try calling the Veteran’s Administration to see if they can find him
Find A Grave Memorial# 56121701 that shows one of the names of a Paul G. Schroeder
Honolulu County
Hawaii, USA
Courts of the Missing WWII

Hope this helps!
115. Larry Roberts says:
19 Aug 2017 04:47:42 PM

My Dad, Maj. Ed Roberts USMC, was squadron commander of VMF 221 flying off the USS Bunker Hill during the Okinawa campaign. Would appreciate hearing from anyone who served with him. My email is "ljrarch@att.net. Thank You!
116. Anonymous says:
21 Aug 2017 10:27:36 PM

I am looking for info on Herbert rentz hoos looking find any info on living relatives.... Use bunker hill cv17 uses seattle
117. john marinelli says:
16 Sep 2017 07:21:26 PM

looking for anyone who was in the fwd engine rm with me
118. Paul Espinosa says:
19 Sep 2017 03:54:07 AM

Looking for anybody that knew my father he served on the uss bunker hill a gunner during world war 2
His name was joe espinosa
119. david smith says:
9 Oct 2017 11:04:49 AM

My name is David Smith. My father was Eugene Norman Smith. I believe he was a gunnery Sargent or captain. If anyone knew him please provide any information you can about his time aboard.

120. Mindy Burgin says:
21 Oct 2017 05:51:18 AM

Mydad Ralph Burgin was a navigator on the USS Bunker Hill. If anyone knew him please provide info. thank you.
121. Lee W. says:
29 Oct 2017 04:47:01 PM

In the early 1970's, the Bunker Hill was familiar sight in San Diego. She was tied up at North Island and some of her spaces were used as classrooms.
122. Anonymous says:
27 Nov 2017 04:41:21 PM

in 1945, I was six years old. one weekend day, my in-Navy father brought me to see the just-returned Bunker Hill. When asked, a young officer attempted to tell us about 'that day'. Instead; he broke into tears. To this very day, I still remember the carnage...and his tears
123. Dan says:
25 Mar 2018 10:55:00 PM

My grandfather served on the Bunker Hill from Jan to June 1945. He was a US Marine James D. Fisher and was part of VMF 221.
124. john marinelli says:
19 May 2018 06:47:44 PM

i was on the bunker hill cv17 on may 11 1945 when we got hit i was in the engine maning the no one engine i am trying to locate old friends who was in the no 1 engine rm with me i am now 93yrs old
125. Guy Nasuti says:
21 May 2018 11:27:19 AM

Mr. Marinelli,

I don't know if you're on Facebook or not, but there is a USS Bunker Hill (CV-17) page on there with some veterans and their family members. You may have better luck on there.
126. Bill Toms says:
28 May 2018 05:28:53 AM

My uncle Harvey Charles Toms was killed and MIA after the attack on the Bunker Hill.
127. A Clemenzi says:
19 Jun 2018 03:44:50 PM

My late grandfather Anthony Clemenzi was deployed onboard this ship. He was not onboard during the attack. Is there a list of crew members that anyone knows of? I want to learn more about my grandfather's ship.
128. Herman Lawson says:
21 Jun 2018 03:25:30 PM

Seeing if my uncle was on the ship and he did live after the bombing and was a radio person.
129. Anonymous says:
22 Sep 2018 08:50:19 AM

My great-grandfather Fred Hamel was on the USS Bunker Hill when the kamikaze occurred. He survived.
130. john marinelli says:
5 Oct 2018 04:34:24 PM

i was in the engine during the hit my battle station
131. john marinelli says:
7 Oct 2018 03:43:56 PM

i was on the bunker hill cv17
132. Gary Cooke says:
29 Oct 2018 09:02:08 PM

My uncle, Fred Marvin Cox, USMC, served on board USS Bunker Hill as an anti-aircraft gunner who survived and also served in Korea.
133. Craig kratz says:
29 Nov 2018 12:38:32 PM

My dad Donald was on the US Bunker hill when it was hit I have alot of photos from that day
134. Stanley Mudge says:
6 Dec 2018 07:39:20 PM

My father was on Bunker Hill during war and was a tail gunner on TBM.
135. Rick Rice says:
15 Dec 2018 01:05:58 PM

My Father, LCDR O.G.Rice, Retired 1968, Point Mugu NAS, during the war he sat radioman/gunner on SB2C Dauntless Dive Bombers. He didn’t talk a lot about the war, and I’m looking for any more details about his and any other airmen or crew aboard that fateful ship.
136. Anonymous says:
20 Feb 2019 06:25:49 AM

My great grandfather was aboard that ship when it got hit, he passed away last year
137. Ken Anderson says:
20 Feb 2019 12:07:20 PM

My uncle, Oliver Mitchell Plumb, was a AMM 2c. He's listed as MIA on May 25, 1945. I'm trying to find which ship he was serving on at the time of his death. A couple of data bases list name/rank/serial #/date of death, but not his ship. I am wondering if he was on the Bunker Hill when it was hit (May 11, 1945) and they could not find or identify his body, but declared him MIA two weeks later. Does my mom need to request his personnel records to find this info? Many thanks.
138. Cari Hasten says:
13 May 2019 09:45:17 AM

My grandfather James Ellerson Hastings Sr. Served in the Navy & served on the USS Bunker Hill when it was bombed by 2 Kamakazi planes on May 11, 1945. He was my only grandfather I had the honor of knowing. I was young when he passed away at the age of 76 after battling ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) in December 1996 & in 1999 to honor him I named my daughter after him (a promise I made to him the afternoon prior to his death). I learned more about him from him during the year before his death. He didn’t like to talk about himself, never boasted or complained but after he passed away one of the things he gifted me with in his will was a service medal from the Navy, pristine still in the Navy velour box. He never told me or my dad (his only son) about receiving it. If anyone knows how I can find out any information on this & him in the Navy please contact me.My dad (his son) will be 81 this year. I framed a picture of the USS Bunker Hill & it’s crew & it says Thank You to all of our men & women who have fought & still fight for our freedom. At bottom under small picture of my grandfather,in his navy uniform, holding my dad as a toddler. Under it small plaque says In Honor Of James Ellerson Hastings : United States Navy. It’s going to be hung up in our local VFW here in the upcoming months & his rank or any other info I can get would really mean a lot.
139. Lee W. says:
21 May 2019 12:37:39 PM

I did my boot camp and “A” school at the Naval training center in San Diego in 1971. I can remember seeing the Bunker Hill tied up at North Island where she served as a training facility. The silhouette of her island and 5” gun mounts is burned into my mind.
140. Anonymous says:
9 Jul 2019 07:35:00 PM

My great grandfather, Norman Keith Jones was upon the USS Bunker Hill CV17. I have a photo of him and his former seamen, I was just wondering if any one knew any information about him or his experiences. I was three years old when he passed away and would juat like to know more. I know he was on when it was bombed i have new articles from our local paper saying he wrote home to his mother saying he was okay etc. So please any information or photos you have would be wonderful
141. john marinelli says:
17 Aug 2019 07:55:26 PM

looking for men who was in the engine rm with me
142. Anonymous says:
4 Sep 2019 05:46:50 PM

Hi, I found a picture of the ship in my grandfathers things. The picture was dated May 24,1943, I think the day it was commissioned. Trying to narrow it down between the U.S.S. Wasp and the U.S.S Bunker. His name was Charles Wyatt Smythe and my have gone by Wyatt. I do know he was a gunner. He may of served around 1944.
143. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
4 Sep 2019 09:12:02 PM

Anonymous (above):
24 May 1943 was the commissioning of the USS Bunker Hill, Wasp was commissioned exactly 6 months later, both at Quincy, Mass. Muster Rolls do not list Charles Smythe on either ship. In all of the WWII searchable Muster Rolls at Fold3.com, Charles Wyatt Smythe, Jr. appears only once, on the rolls of the cruiser USS Quincy where he is listed as being transferred off the ship on 25 Nov 1940 at Norfolk, Va. for a training assignment. That record lists his service number as 400 81 73 and that he enlisted on 16 Sep 1940 at Springfield, Mass. My only other thought is that if he was a gunner on an aircraft carrier, is it possible he was an aircraft gunner? If so, he may have been listed on the rosters of the Air Group and not necessarily the ship. These records were not kept in a uniform manner throughout the fleet so it is not terribly surprising that his name would not pop up in a search of Muster Rolls. My best advice (as always) would to request a copy of his service record. See https://ww2db.com/faq/#3.
144. Anonymous says:
13 Oct 2019 05:24:12 PM

Hi David
Thank you for the info! I actually have the same information that you found. I finally sent off a request to get his military records. There seems to be nothing on hm (my grandfather). On a good note I did find some pictures of him at a 90 Day wonder School.
Sorry for the late response.
145. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
14 Oct 2019 04:22:29 PM

Jenn (above):
Ahh... “90-Day wonder school.” That explains why he was not mentioned in the Muster Rolls. Muster Rolls only list Navy enlisted personnel, they do not list Navy officers or members of the Marine detachment (if the ship had one). Navy officers are listed monthly in the opening pages of that month’s Deck Logs, which are available from the National Archives but not available online as far as I know.
146. Anonymous says:
18 Nov 2019 06:32:09 PM

My Uncle who has since passed Johnny Haas served on the Bunker Hill but I don’t know what his job was during his time
147. Beckie says:
26 Dec 2019 05:16:13 AM

My father was in the Navy in the Pacific and his ship was sent to the USS Bunker Hill to help evacuate the dead and wounded off the ship. He would never talk about the war. We only have a few pictures and a couple newspaper articles left. All of his items were donated in 1995 to the Eldred WWII Museum in Eldred, PA.
148. Raymond Avis says:
14 Feb 2020 07:33:14 PM

I live in Framingham, Ma. and a fighter piolet last name Carter was in the Ready Room being briefed for a mission where one of the Japanese kamikaze planes hit the ship and he was killed.
29 Jul 2020 09:45:46 AM

My father norman zimmerman was a gunners mate second class when hit by Kamakazi did anyone know him thanks
150. Joe Samuelson says:
18 Jan 2021 05:42:35 AM

My uncle whom I never meet was killed on May 11 attack his name was joseph david samuelson he was a storekeeper,any info on him would be appreciated

151. Patricia Cervenak Albani says:
6 Feb 2021 09:18:55 PM

My father, S1C Albert M. Cervenak was KIA on 11 May 1945 when kamikaze attacked the USS Bunker Hill. I was 3 years old.
8 Sep 2021 07:50:40 AM

153. Rick J Trammell says:
30 Sep 2021 01:13:14 PM

My father, John Thomas Bathe, Jack, served on the USS Bunker Hill after lying about his age to enlist in the Navy. He spoke very little of the war except to talk about some special assignments such as taking an Admiral from ship to ship one day in the South Pacific. He did speak of working a gun post and of Kamikaze attacks, fighting fires, etc. He was my everything and I lost him when he was only 59 years old in 1985. I wish I could have had more time with him, but alas the asbestos fires took him at such a young age from lung cancer.. I would love to hear anything or see anything anyone has about the crew and stories of the Bunker Hill 1943-1947.
154. Anonymous says:
3 Oct 2021 10:47:10 PM

I have a diary from my great grandfather detailing his time on the ship as well as notes right up until the point it was struck by the kamikazi
155. Terry L Tucker says:
16 Oct 2021 10:36:46 AM

My father severed on the Bunker Hill. I do know he was aboard when she was struck by the Kamikaze attacks. He died of lung cancer at 49 years old. I think he was a gunners mate. Would like to find any other info available. terry 4069 @gmail
156. Anonymous says:
28 Oct 2021 01:27:10 PM

My father served on the Bunker Hill. He also was aboard when the Kamikaze attacks happen. He was on deck and was sprayed with shrapnel and blown into the water from the flight deck. After 4 hours he was finally picked up...as the sharks were coming in and feeding off sailors in the water. His guardian angel applied for reassignment. Sorry Terry, that you lost your father so young.
157. Charles Brown says:
9 Feb 2022 06:40:43 PM

My father served on USS Bunker Hill during WWII electrician mate James H Brown
158. Anonymous says:
21 Apr 2022 10:08:18 AM

My Dad was on the USS Bunker Hill during war time. His name was George Danks... anyone know him him? My email is healnlove@aol.com
159. Anonymous says:
2 Aug 2022 05:12:15 PM

I was in front of a Publix in Orange Beach Alabama. I saw a gentleman come out with his groceries and notice he had on his veteran service cap for WWII and Korea. I approached him and asked if I could help and after he secured his supplies we spoke for a brief moment. It was raining but we were under the hatch door of his SUV and I told him that I had seen his service cap and just wanted to thank him for his service. I asked him what branch of service he was in and he said the Navy.
He said he served on the USS Bunker Hill during WWII and Korea. I spoke of my father in law being on the USS Chicago. I thank him again for his service, shook his hand, and we exchanged names. I was honored to have met a great american, Serviceman, Sailor, and honored veteran Lee Barns. God Bless you sir and the service to your country.
160. Evelyn wolfson says:
17 Sep 2022 02:34:37 PM

My husband served on the Uss Bunker Hill until chosen to attend Harvard college in 1944. He had already left the ship when It was torpedoed about a year later and the gunner who replaced him was lost.
161. frederick l hastings says:
23 Jun 2023 01:25:49 PM

162. Wallace L Stadtfeld says:
18 May 2024 05:05:07 AM

My father Joseph R Stadtfeld was an officer on the Bunker Hill. He was in charge of the signaling just off the side of the bridge. He spoke only 3 times about the Okinawa experience and there wasn't a dry eye in the house. He was a boxer on board and the champion of the ship. Yet the most kindest man you would ever meet. He became a great man and even greater man when he married my mom. From Pittsburgh PA
163. Mr. Wayne Robert Murphy says:
22 Sep 2024 08:58:38 AM

Good day, I am from Sydney, Australia. I am 60 years of age, and I served in the Royal Australian Navy from 9 January 1980 to 3 January 1995. Could you please tell me if USS BUNKER HILL (CV-17) was a Short or Long Hull ESSEX-class Aircraft Carrier? Thank you. Wayne Murphy, Sydney, Australia.
164. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
22 Sep 2024 02:50:18 PM

Wayne Murphy (above):
USS Bunker Hill (CV17) was a short-hull Essex-class carrier. The entire question of Short-hull vs. Long-hull has grown larger than it ever needed to be. The Navy never paid any attention to the distinction and simply called them all Essex-class. The length differences amounted to only 16 feet, less than 2% of the total length, to allow room for additional anti-aircraft mounts on the bow and the stern. The Long-hull vs. Short-hull distinction is largely a post-war invention created by model makers who paid closer attention to such details than the Navy did.
165. Paige Dalton says:
21 Mar 2025 05:13:40 PM

Looking for any information about my great uncle LTJG Ralph L Burgin who served in WWII. Did anyone's relatives know/mention him?

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Aircraft Carrier Bunker Hill (CV-17) Photo Gallery
Essex-class aircraft carrier USS Bunker Hill just after launching at the Fore River yards, Quincy, Massachusetts, United States, Dec 11, 1942. Note K-class airship from Airship Patrol Squadron ZP-11 overhead.
See all 37 photographs of Aircraft Carrier Bunker Hill (CV-17)

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"Since peace is now beyond hope, we can but fight to the end."

Chiang Kaishek, 31 Jul 1937

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