23 Apr 1894

  • The construction for the Hubei Arsenal in Hanyang County, Hubei Province, Qing Dynasty China was completed. ww2dbase [Hanyang Arsenal | Hanyang, Hubei | CPC]
14 Jun 1894

  • Hanyang Arsenal in Hubei County, Hubei Province, Qing Dynasty China suffered an accidental fire that nearly destroyed the entire complex. ww2dbase [Hanyang Arsenal | Hanyang, Hubei | CPC]
26 Oct 1911

  • Haichou fired on revolutionary forces at Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. ww2dbase [Haichou | Wuhan, Hubei | CPC]
28 Oct 1911

  • Haichou fired on revolutionary forces at Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. ww2dbase [Haichou | Wuhan, Hubei | CPC]
  • Haichen fired on revolutionary forces at Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. ww2dbase [Haichen | Wuhan, Hubei | CPC]
14 Nov 1911

  • At Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, Captain Huang Zhongying of protected cruiser Haichou switched sides in the Chinese revolution, declaring support for the revolutionaries. ww2dbase [Haichou | Wuhan, Hubei | CPC]
20 Nov 1911

  • Haichou fired on the Qing troop concentration at the railroad station at Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, destroying 5 trains and killing many. ww2dbase [Haichou | Wuhan, Hubei | CPC]
5 Sep 1926

  • USS Stewart was fired upon by Chinese Nationalist guns near Hakou, Hubei Province, China, slightly injuring two sailors. ww2dbase [Stewart | Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
10 Sep 1926

  • USS Stewart was fired upon by Chinese Nationalist small arms and artillery near Hakou, Hubei Province, China; the Americans returned fire with small arms and one 4-inch shell and forced the Chinese to cease fire. ww2dbase [Stewart | Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
5 Sep 1931

2 Oct 1931

  • Charles Lindbergh's Lockheed Sirius floatplane was flipped by strong current at Hankou, Hubei Province, China a it was being hoisted off of HMS Hermes. A boat from the carrier rescued Lindbergh and his wife. ww2dbase [Hermes | Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
20 May 1937

Photo(s) dated 20 May 1937
Hubei Province Chairman Huang Shaohong, Nationalist Party military instructor General Jiang Fangzhen (courtesy name Baili), and Italian Finance Minister Alberto De Stefani at Hankou, Hubei Province, China, 20 May 1937
24 Nov 1937

  • River gunboat USS Guam arrived at Hankou, Hubei Province, China to protect American interests in the temporary Chinese capital. ww2dbase [Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
28 Nov 1937

12 Jan 1938

  • Chen Cheng was named the head of the political bureau of the Nationalist military and the commander-in-chief of the Wuhan garrison in Hubei, China. ww2dbase [Chen Cheng | Wuhan, Hubei | CPC]
18 Feb 1938

  • Liu Zhesheng, flying an I-16 fighter, shot down two Japanese A5M fighters near Hankou, Hubei Province, China; both victories were shared with fellow pilots. ww2dbase [Liu Zhesheng | Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
28 Feb 1938

26 Apr 1938

  • Cen Zeliu and wingman Lieutenant Chu Chun-chiu, flying I-15bis fighters, gave chase to the Japanese G3M bomber (Lieutenant Commander Jiro Tokui) which had just conducted a single-plane bombing mission on Xiaogan Airfield near Wuhan, Hubei, China. They shot down the bomber six miles northeast of the airfield. ww2dbase [Cen Zeliu | Wuhan, Hubei | CPC]
29 Apr 1938

  • Japanese aircraft attacked Wuhan, Hubei, China; Chinese fighters shot down 21 Japanese aircraft at cost of only 12 aircraft lost. ww2dbase [Battle of Wuhan | Wuhan, Hubei | CPC]
  • Mao Yingchu, flying an I-15bis fighter, engaged Japanese A5M fighters over Hankou, Hubei Province, China. His aircraft spun out of control, taking him out of the combat zone; he was able to regain control at the altitude of 1,000 feet. ww2dbase [Mao Yingchu | Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
  • Zhu Jiaxun, flying an I-15bis fighter, claimed a Japanese G3M bomber southeast of Wuchang, Hubei Province, China. ww2dbase [Zhu Jiaxun | Wuchang, Hubei | CPC]
  • Cen Zeliu, flying an I-15bis fighter, shot down a Japanese G3M bomber over Hankou, Hubei Province, China. ww2dbase [Cen Zeliu | Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
19 May 1938

  • Two B-10 (pilots Xu Huansheng and Tong Yanbo) and one He 111A (pilot Chen Yifan) bombers of Chinese Air Force took off from Hankou, Hubei Province, China for a leaflet mission over Kumamoto, Fukuoka, and other southern Japanese cities. The leaflets detailed atrocities commited by Japanese troops in China. This was Chinese Air Force's first mission over foreign territory. All three aircraft evaded Japanese air defenses and returned to Hankou safely. ww2dbase [Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
31 May 1938

  • Luo Yingde, flying an I-16 fighter, claimed a Japanese A5M fighter over Lake Hou near Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. His victim might had been Petty Officer 3rd Class Yoshimi Minami, which was forced down by heavy damage during that battle. ww2dbase [Luo Yingde | Wuhan, Hubei | CPC]
  • Liu Zhesheng, flying an I-16 fighter, shared the credit for the downing of a Japanese A5M fighter over Hankou, Hubei Province, China. ww2dbase [Liu Zhesheng | Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
11 Jun 1938

3 Aug 1938

  • Zhu Jiaxun, flying a Gladiator fighter, shot down a Japanese A5M fighter over Hankou, Hubei Province, China. ww2dbase [Zhu Jiaxun | Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
  • Arthur Chin, flying a Gladiator fighter and leading a group of seven Gladiator fighters of Chinese 28th Pursuit Squadron, drove off the two Japanese A5M fighters that were giving chase to Lieutenant Clifford Louie and Lieutenant Fan Xinmin over Hankou, Hubei Province, China. Shortly after, Chin was hit by three A5M fighters diving on him unexpectedly; he was saved by a piece of armor plating installed behind his seat by his mechanic the previous night, which was salvaged from a wrecked I-15bis fighter. Noticing that his fighter was heavily damaged, he rammed into a Japanese fighter, sending both fighters spiraling downard. Chin was able to clear the fighter and descended using a parachute. ww2dbase [Arthur Chin | Hankou, Hubei | CPC]
28 Aug 1938

  • Chinese troops recaptured Taihu County, Anhui, China. In Hubei Province, elements of the Japanese 2nd Army Group captured Liuan. ww2dbase [Battle of Wuhan | Liuan, Hubei | CPC]
6 Sep 1938

16 Sep 1938

4 Oct 1938

Photo(s) dated 4 Oct 1938
Japanese Type 94 Te-Ke tankettes and infantry advancing toward Wuhan near Naxi, Yangxin County, Hubei Province, China, 4 Oct 1938
6 Oct 1938

  • Japanese troops resumed the offensive in the Dabie Mountains region of Hubei, China after being bogged down by Chinese troops for more than a month. ww2dbase [Battle of Wuhan | Hubei | CPC]
22 Oct 1938

26 Oct 1938

  • Japanese troops captured undefended Wuchang and Hankou (now districts of the city of Wuhan) in Hubei, China. ww2dbase [Battle of Wuhan | Wuhan, Hubei | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 26 Oct 1938
Japanese troops in the suburbs of Hankou (now part of Wuhan), Hubei Province, China, late Oct 1938Japanese soldier entering Hankou, Hubei Province, China, 26 Oct 1938
27 Oct 1938

Photo(s) dated 27 Oct 1938
Japanese troops celebrating the capture of Wuhan at the Wuhan military headquarteres, Hubei, China, 27 Oct 1938
12 Mar 1939

  • Japanese troops began advancing from Hubei Province, China toward Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China. ww2dbase [Battle of Nanchang | Hubei | CPC]
7 May 1939

8 May 1939

  • The Japanese advance in Hubei Province, China was briefly halted by a counterattack conducted by 31st Army Group of the Chinese 5th War Area and the 2nd Army Group of the Chinese 1st War Area. ww2dbase [Battle of Suixian-Zaoyang | Hubei | CPC]
15 May 1939

  • Japanese troops in Hubei Province, China began to falter from the Chinese counteroffensive which began a week prior. ww2dbase [Battle of Suixian-Zaoyang | Hubei | CPC]
19 May 1939

23 May 1939

13 Sep 1939

  • Yasuji Okamura moved his command center for Japanese 11th Army to Xianning, Hubei Province, China in preparation for the upcoming attack on Changsha in the neighboring Hunan Province. ww2dbase [Yasuji Okamura | Xianning, Hubei | CPC]
1 May 1940

8 May 1940

Photo(s) dated 8 May 1940
Troops of 6th Infantry Regiment of Japanese 3rd Division crossing the Bai River north of Yichang, Hubei, China, 8 May 1940
31 May 1940

Photo(s) dated 31 May 1940
Troops of the Japanese 18th Infantry Regiment at the west bank of the Han River, Battle of Zaoyang-Yichang, Hubei, China, 31 May 1940; note Type 11 light machine gunsJapanese troops crossing the Han River, Hubei, China, 31 May 1940
6 Jun 1940

Photo(s) dated 6 Jun 1940
Soldiers of the Ikeda Detachment of Japanese 13th Division crossing a tributary of the Han River south of Shayang County, Hubei, China, 6 Jun 1940
23 Nov 1940

  • Japanese 11th Army began to prepare for an offensive in Hubei Province, China. The army was organized into five groups under the overall command of Lieutenant General Waichiro Sonobe. ww2dbase [Battle of Han River | Hubei | CPC]
25 Nov 1940

27 Nov 1940

  • Chinese 27th, 31st, and 44th Divisions counterattacked against the Japanese offensive in Hubei Province, China. ww2dbase [Battle of Han River | Hubei | CPC]
28 Nov 1940

  • Lieutenant General Waichiro Sonobe ordered the Japanese 11th Army to fall back in Hubei Province, China. ww2dbase [Battle of Han River | Hubei | CPC]
30 Nov 1940

  • In Hubei Province, China, Chinese troops halted the offensive launched by the Japanese 11th Army five days prior. ww2dbase [Battle of Han River | Hubei | CPC]
3 May 1943

  • The headquarters of the Japanese 11th Army was moved to Shashi, Jingzhou, Hubei Province, China in preparation for a planned offensive. ww2dbase [Battle of Exi | Jingzhou, Hubei | CPC]
16 May 1943

17 May 1943

18 May 1943

22 May 1943

  • Japanese troops launched an attack toward the region west of Yidu, Hubei Province, China. ww2dbase [Battle of Exi | Yidu, Hubei | CPC]
24 May 1943

  • Japanese 39th Division completed the crossing of the Yangtze River near Pianyan, Hubei Province, China. ww2dbase [Battle of Exi | Pianyan, Hubei | CPC]
25 May 1943

  • Chinese 86th Corps, having held the Japanese 39th Division attack at the shore of the Yangtze River since the previous day, fell back toward Pianyan, Hubei Province, China. Earlier in the afternoon, Chiang Kaishek had personally telephoned area commander Wu Qiwei, stressing the importance of holding Pianyan. ww2dbase [Battle of Exi | Pianyan, Hubei | CPC]
26 May 1943

  • At dawn, a 4,500-strong Japanese force attacked toward Pianyan, Hubei Province, China, but the force was quickly attacked and surrounded by elements of Chinese 5th and 18th Divisions; by the time the Japanese were able to extract themselves after dark, the force had suffered 3,000 casualties. ww2dbase [Battle of Exi | Pianyan, Hubei | CPC]
31 May 1943

  • Zang Xilan, flying a P-40E fighter, shot down a Ki-44 aircraft that was pursuing the P-40E fighter flown by Lieutenant Colonel John R. Alison of 75th Fighter Squadron of USAAF 23rd Fighter Group. They were both escorting a group of B-24 bombers attacking Jingmen, Hubei Province, China. ww2dbase [Zang Xilan | Jingmen, Hubei | CPC]
1 Jun 1943

  • US aircraft attacked Japanese troop transports near Yichang, Hubei Province, China, sinking several vessels and drowning a number of Japanese troops in the Yangtze River. ww2dbase [Battle of Exi | Yichang, Hubei | CPC]
14 Dec 1943

  • Zhou Zhikai, flying a P-40E Warhawk fighter, was killed when he failed a crash landing attempt. He had been pursued and damaged by two Ki-44 aircraft of Japanese 85th Sentai over Xiaogan Airfield near Wuhan, Hubei, China. ww2dbase [Zhou Zhikai | Wuhan, Hubei | CPC]
9 Mar 1944

  • 18 B-25 bombers of the Chinese-American Composite Wing escorted by 24 P-40 fighters attacked a foundry and floating docks at Huangshi, Hubei, China. Japanese fighters of 9th and 25th Sentai rose to intercept, shooting down 2 P-40 fighters. ww2dbase [Huangshi, Hubei | CPC]
24 Aug 1944

  • Zang Xilan, flying a P-40N fighter, led 13 other P-40N fighters from Enshi Airfield in Hubei Province, China to strafe river traffic on the Yangtze River. He shot down two Japanese aircraft and destroyed several small boats. ww2dbase [Zang Xilan | Enshi, Hubei | CPC]
29 Aug 1944

  • 13 P-40 fighters of the 3rd Fighter Group of the Chinese-American Composite Wing attacked Japanese shipping and dock facilities at Shayang, Hubei, China; in the return flight, 21 Japanese fighters intercepted the formation near Jiayu, Hubei, China; 1 Chinese fighter and 7 Japanese fighters were shot down in the engagement. One of the Chinese victories was scored by Tan Kun, flying a P-40N fighter, shooting down one Ki-43 or Ki-84 aircraft. ww2dbase [Tan Kun | Shayang, Hubei | CPC]
27 Oct 1944

  • Wang Guangfu, flying a P-40N fighter, participated in a surprise second raid of the second day on Jingmen Airfield in Hubei Province, China which had already been struck hours earlier. He shot down a fleeing Ki-48 aircraft and three Ki-43 aircraft (one of which was shared with Lieutenant Heyward Paxton). ww2dbase [Wang Guangfu | Jingmen, Hubei | CPC]
20 Nov 1944

  • Gao Youxin, leading seven P-40 Warhawk fighters, was shot down by anti-aircraft fire over Jianjiang County, Hubei Province, China. He would spend the next 40-some days attempting to return to friendly lines. ww2dbase [Gao Youxin | Jianjiang, Hubei | CPC]
23 Dec 1944

  • While leading 16 Mustang fighters of 118th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron back from an attack on the Wuchang-Hankou ferry terminals in Hubei Province, China, Lieutenant Colonel Edward McComas strafed the Japanese airfields at Wuchang and Erdaokou, destroying (in less than an hour) five Ki-43 fighters in the air and another two Japanese aircraft on the ground. ww2dbase [Wuhan, Hubei | AC]
5 Jan 1945

  • 28 P-40N and P-51D fighters of the US 14th Air Force and Chinese-American Composite Wing (Provisional) from Laohekou, Hubei, China attacked the Japanese airfield at Wuhan in the same province, destroying 50 Japanese aircraft in the air and on the ground. One Chinese fighter was shot down. Two of the Chinese victories was scored by Tan Kun, flying a P-40N fighter, against one Ki-43 aircraft and one Ki-44 aircraft at 1400 hours. ww2dbase [Tan Kun | Laohekou, Hubei | CPC]
20 Apr 1945

  • Chinese and American agents of the Sino-American Special Technical Cooperative Organization (SACO) destroyed a Japanese supply train near Wuchang, Hubei Province, China with 50 pounds of TNT. ww2dbase [Wuchang, Hubei | CPC]
9 Sep 1945

Photo(s) dated 9 Sep 1945
Members of the Taiwanese Association of Hankou, Hubei Province, China celebrating WW2 victory, Aug-Sep 1945
13 Nov 1945

  • Liu Yuzhang and his troops were landed at Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, China by ships of the US 7th Fleet. ww2dbase [Liu Yuzhang | Qinhuangdao, Hubei | CPC]
1 Jul 1947


Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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