23 Jun 1941

  • Adolf Hitler arrived for the first time at his new secret Wolfsschanze (English: The Wolf's Lair) headquarters, which had been constructed in the Masurian woods near Rastenburg, Germany (now Ketrzyn, Poland). ww2dbase [Adolf Hitler | Rastenburg, Ostpreußen | AC]
25 Aug 1941

8 Feb 1942

  • In Germany, Albert Speer was appointed the Minister of Armaments and Munitions to succeed Fritz Todt who was killed when his aircraft exploded shortly after take off near Rastenburg, Ostpreußen (East Prussia), Germany. ww2dbase [Fritz Todt | Albert Speer | Rastenburg, Ostpreußen | AC]
28 Jun 1942

  • Hans-Joachim Marseille received Swords for his Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross medal from Adolf Hitler at Wolfsschanze near Rastenburg, East Prussia, Germany. He also received Oak Leaves for his Knight's Cross, an award he had won earlier in this month. ww2dbase [Hans-Joachim Marseille | Rastenburg, Ostpreußen | CPC]
31 Oct 1942

  • As Adolf Hitler was confident that Stalingrad, Russia would soon be under German control, he departed the Wehrwolf headquarters near of Vinnytsia, Ukraine and moved to the Wolfsschanze headquarters in Rastenburg, Germany (now Ketrzyn, Poland). ww2dbase [Battle of Stalingrad | Rastenburg, Ostpreußen | CPC]
7 Nov 1942

  • Adolf Hitler departed the Wolfsschanze headquarters at Rastenburg, Ostpreußen, Germany (now Ketrzyn, Poland) for München, traveling aboard his private train Amerika. ww2dbase [Adolf Hitler | Rastenburg, Ostpreußen | CPC]
6 Feb 1943

  • Adolf Hitler met with Erich von Manstein at Rastenberg, East Prussia, Germany. The Field Marshal had been flown 900 miles from Donetsk, Ukraine to the Führer's Wolfsschanze headquarters in Hitler's personal Focke-Wulf Fw200 V3 "Immelmann III". At the four hour conference, only five days after the surrender at Stalingrad, Russia, the Army Group South commander persuaded Hitler to allow him to retreat to the River Mius. ww2dbase [Erich von Manstein | Rastenburg, Ostpreußen | AC]
31 Mar 1943

7 Jul 1943

26 Jul 1943

  • Joseph Goebbels traveled to Rastenburg, East Prussia, Germany to coordinate some news regarding the capture of Benito Mussolini. In the evening, he noted in his diary the details of the devastation of Hamburg, Germany by Allied bombing. ww2dbase [Joseph Goebbels | Rastenburg, Ostpreußen | CPC]
22 Sep 1943

  • Heinrich Prinz zu Sayn-Wittgenstein was presented Oak Leaves to his Knight's Cross by Adolf Hitler at Wolfsschanze near Rastenburg, East Prussia, Germany. ww2dbase [Heinrich | Rastenburg, Ostpreußen | CPC]
15 Jul 1944

  • Claus von Stauffenberg met with Adolf Hitler at Rastenburg, East Prussia, Germany at 1300 hours. General Friedrich Olbricht activated Valkyrie in Berlin, Germany two hours prior to the meeting, expecting his troops to be in position to seize key positions in the capital at about the same moment Hitler was to be killed by a bomb that Stauffenberg brought into the meeting. Hitler departed the meeting early unexpectedly, and Olbricht hastily called off the operation, announcing that the troop movement was simply a drill. ww2dbase [July Plot | Rastenburg, Ostpreußen | CPC]
28 Jul 1944

Photo(s) dated 28 Jul 1944
Adolf Hitler showing Benito Mussolini the wreckage after the unsuccessful assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler, Wolfsschanze, Rastenburg, Germany, late Jul 1944, photo 1 of 2Adolf Hitler showing Benito Mussolini the wreckage after the unsuccessful assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler, Wolfsschanze, Rastenburg, Germany, late Jul 1944, photo 2 of 2

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"Goddam it, you'll never get the Purple Heart hiding in a foxhole! Follow me!"

Captain Henry P. Jim Crowe, Guadalcanal, 13 Jan 1943

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