14 Jun 1944
  • Shokaku arrived at Guimaras. ww2dbase [Shokaku | CPC]
  • American troops captured Carentan, France. ww2dbase [Normandy Campaign, Phase 1 | TH]
  • USS Tunny passed through Balintang Channel, Philippine Islands. ww2dbase [Tunny | CPC]
  • Light carrier Ryuho arrived at Guimaras, Philippine Islands. ww2dbase [Ryuho | CPC]
  • Destroyers USS Nicholas, USS Hopewell, USS O'Bannon, and USS Taylor were detached from the submarine hunter-killer group centered around escort carrier USS Hoggatt Bay. ww2dbase [Nicholas | DS]
Atlantic Ocean Australia Finland
  • Finnish troops failed a counterattack against the recent Soviet offensive; Soviet troops pursued the withdrawing Finns and breached the Vammelsuu-Taipale defensive line in Finland. ww2dbase [Battle of Tali-Ihantala and Battle of Vuosalmi | CPC]
  • Company commander Matthew Urban found his men pinned down by Germans in Normandie, France. With a bazooka, exposing himself to enemy fire, he destroyed two German tanks, allowing his men to counterattack and eventually overtake the Germans. He was wounded twice later on the same days and was forced to evacuate. ww2dbase [Matthew Urban | Basse-Normandie | JR]
  • The USAAF 306th Bomb Group flying from RAF Thurleigh launched a bombing raid against the airfield at Brétigny-sur-Orge, France. ww2dbase [Bombing of Cities in France and Low Countries | RAF Thurleigh | Brétigny-sur-Orge | DS]
Hawaii Italy Japan Mariana Islands Pacific Ocean
  • The US submarine Golet became missing; she was believed to be sunk by Japanese naval vessels off Honshu, Japan. ww2dbase [Golet | AC]
  • USS Archerfish arrived at her assigned lifeguard station. ww2dbase [Archerfish | CPC]
  • USS Rasher attacked a Japanese convoy with 5 torpedoes in the Celebes Sea at 1003 hours, claiming 5 hits, 1 sinking, and 2 ships damaged. The ship that sank was Koan Maru, whose captain remained on the bridge and went down with the ship. ww2dbase [Rasher | Stewart | Celebes Sea | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 14 Jun 1944
Sherman BARV vehicle towing a disabled Bedford truck, Normandy, France, 14 Jun 1944USS Bainbridge refueling from USS Hancock in the Atlantic Ocean, 14 Jun 1944US Navy officers on the bridge of the captured U-505, 14 Jun 1944, Cdr Earl Trosino, Capt Daniel Gallery, and Lt(jg) Albert David. The U-505 was captured by Capt Gallery’s hunter group built around the USS GuadalcanalUS Navy photo of the diesel engines aboard the captured U-505, 14 Jun 1944
See all photos dated 14 Jun 1944

14 Jun 1944 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs. Victory in spite of all terrors. Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival."

Winston Churchill

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