2 Sep 1945

Caroline Islands
  • At Truk Atoll, Caroline Islands, USS Portland (with USS Ralph Talbot as escort) received aboard Lieutenant General Shunzaburo Magikura of the Japanese Imperial Army, Vice Admiral Chuichi Hara of the Japanese Imperial Navy, Rear Admiral Aritaka Aihara of the Japanese Imperial Navy and head of the Eastern Branch of the Japanese South Seas Government and their aides. Together, they surrendered all islands and territories under their commands to Vice Admiral George Murray, acting on behalf of Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz. Immediately following the signing of the surrender documents, Portland departed Truk bound for Guam. ww2dbase [Japan's Surrender | Ralph Talbot | Portland | Truk | DS]
Dutch East Indies
  • The Anglo-Dutch Civil Affairs Agreement, signed in late Aug 1945, was expanded so that all Japanese-held territories previously belonging to Dutch East Indies, which were now held by the British, to be turned over to the Netherlands Indies Civil Administration. The earlier agreement had only specified the island of Sumatra to be returned to the Dutch. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • President Sukarno swore in his cabinet members during the first session of the Central Indonesian National Committee. ww2dbase [CPC]
French Indochina
  • Ho Chi Minh proclaimed the Democratic Republic of Vietnam at the Botanic Gardens in Hanoi, Tonkin, French Indochina. In the speech, he called on the Allies to recognize the new country. He also noted that, with or without Allied recognition, he would fight against French colonialism. ww2dbase [Hanoi, Tonkin | AC, CPC]
  • Pro-independence Prince Ratanavongsa Phetsarath attempted, but failed, to convince French-leaning Laotian King Sisavang Vong to endorse an unified Laos regardless of their differing views on the independence issue. ww2dbase [Ratanavongsa Phetsarath | Laos | CPC]
  • A large pro-independence demonstration, consisted largely of communists of various factions including the Indochinese Communist Party and the Vanguard Youth, took place in Cochinchina, French Indochina; it was estimated that 300,000 to 1,000,000 people participated. The demonstration was largely peaceful, although a number of violent acts were carried out against French civilians and Vietnamese who had worked with the French. By the day's end, the armed forces of the demonstrating coalition would take control of the city. ww2dbase [Cochinchina | CPC]
  • Japan signed the surrender document aboard USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay, Japan. Later on the same day, the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters issued General Order No. 1 written by US Joint Chiefs of Staff, which instructed Japanese forces on matters of surrender. ww2dbase [Japan's Surrender | Missouri | Tokyo | TH, CPC]
  • Conrad Helfrich signed the Japanese instrument of surrender aboard USS Missouri aboard Tokyo Bay in Japan on behalf of the Netherlands. ww2dbase [Japan's Surrender | Conrad Helfrich | Tokyo | CPC]
  • USS Ancon served as a press release ship for the surrender ceremony in Tokyo Bay, Japan. During the ceremony, she was anchored between USS Missouri and USS South Dakota. ww2dbase [Japan's Surrender | Ancon | Tokyo Bay | CPC]
  • Journalist Wilfred Burchett visited Hiroshima, Japan. ww2dbase [Hiroshima | CPC]
  • Eleven officers and diplomats of the Japanese surrender party crossed the deck of USS Nicholas from the Yokohama Customs House Pier to the USS Lansdowne for transportation to the USS Missouri. Fifty-eight senior US Army officers and 29 senior officers from the Allied nations of China, USSR, Australia, Canada, France, the Netherlands, and New Zealand boarded Nicholas for transportation to Missouri. ww2dbase [Japan's Surrender | Missouri | Lansdowne | Nicholas | Yokohama | DS]
United States Photo(s) dated 2 Sep 1945
Lieutenant General Shunzaburo Mugikura aboard Portland to surrender Truk, Caroline Islands, which is visible in background, 2 Sep 194511th Airborne Division Reconnaissance Battalion honor guards presented arms as Allied represented arrived to board destroyer Buchanan for battleship Missouri, 2 Sep 1945Submarine tender Proteus with submarines of US Navy Submarine Squadron 20, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945Chinese Free Mason members in the victory parade, De la Gauchetière Street, Montreal, Canada, 2 Sep 1945
See all photos dated 2 Sep 1945

2 Sep 1945 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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