27 Feb 1875


27 Feb 1875 Interactive Map

27 Feb 1877
27 Feb 1890

27 Feb 1917
  • One day after the 4th Company of the Pavlovsky Regiment of the Russian Imperial Guard mutinied, other reserve guards units joined the revolution in Petrograd, Russia. Defying orders to surrender their arms the mutineers wrecked the police barracks and by noon several public buildings were in flames and there was outbreaks of sporadic shooting throughout the city. ww2dbase [AC]
27 Feb 1918

  • Settsu departed Mako, Hoko Prefecture, Taiwan to patrol the Chinese coast. ww2dbase [Settsu | Mako, Hoko | CPC]
27 Feb 1919

United States Photo(s) dated 27 Feb 1919
Launching of submarine S-35, San Francisco, California, United States, 27 Feb 1919

27 Feb 1919 Interactive Map

27 Feb 1925
  • A rally in Munich, Germany proclaimed the relaunching of the Nazi Party. ww2dbase [CPC]
27 Feb 1932

27 Feb 1933

Germany Photo(s) dated 27 Feb 1933
The Reichstag building on fire, Berlin, Germany, 27 Feb 1933

27 Feb 1933 Interactive Map

27 Feb 1934
  • The "Law for the Organic Reconstruction of Germany's Economic System" established a national structure of chambers under Albert Pietzsch's Reich Economic Chamber (Reichswirtschaftskammer). All previous economic associations were abolished to be replaced by six national chambers representing industry, commerce, handicraft, banking, insurance and energy supply. ww2dbase [AC]
27 Feb 1936

  • Fleet escort ship F2 was commissioned into service. ww2dbase [F2 | CPC]
27 Feb 1938

  • The US 2nd Marine Brigade headquarters and the US 6th Marine Regiment departed Shanghai, China. The US 4th Marine Regiment remained in Shanghai as the only American military unit there. ww2dbase [Shanghai | CPC]
27 Feb 1939
  • The British Admiralty approved William Reed's sketch design for a coastal escort vessel requested during the previous month. ww2dbase [Flower-class | AC]
  • The British and French governments recognised General Francisco Franco's regime in Spain. ww2dbase [The Spanish Civil War | AC]
27 Feb 1940
  • Soviet troops launched a pincer movement intended at surrounding Viipuri, Finland; at 1900 hours, Finnish Army Lieutenant General Erik Heinrichs ordered his troops to fall back from the defensive positions on the V-line and withdraw into Viipuri. Meanwhile, the government of Finland requested assistance from Norway and Sweden for the war against Russia, but Norway and Sweden continued to express that they were neutral in the conflict and could not assist Finland. On the same day, 300 Finnish children were evacuated to Stockholm, Sweden. ww2dbase [The Winter War | CPC]
United States
27 Feb 1941
  • During the night, 30 British Wellington bombers from Wyton in Cambridgeshire, Marham in Norfolk, and Stradishall in Suffolk attacked battleship Tirpitz. The 26 aircraft that arrived attacked and reported success, though the actual results were questionable. ww2dbase [Tirpitz | CPC]
  • Norwegian tanker Sandefjord, captured by German cruiser Admiral Scheer in the Atlantic Ocean on 18 Jan 1941, arrived in France with the cargo of 11,000 tons of crude oil. She was to be renamed Monsun and pressed into German service. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • Before dawn, Italian torpedo boats Lupo and Lince landed 240 troops on the Greek island of Kastelorizo near Turkey, then bombarded British positions after daybreak, killing 3 and wounding 7. The action was commenced to counter the British Operation Abstention. British destroyers HMS Decoy and HMS Hereward, instead of counterattacking the Italian torpedo boats, departed for Egypt. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • New Zealand cruiser HMNZS Leander sank Italian armed merchant cruiser Ramb I 200 miles west of the Maldives in the Indian Ocean; 113 survivors were picked up by HMNZS Leander and taken to Addu Atoll, Maldives. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • British minesweeping trawler HMT Remillo hit a mine and sank in the Humber Estuary, England, United Kingdom, killing 17. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • Italian submarine Bianchi British ship Baltistan west of Ireland; 51 were killed, 18 survived. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • German submarine U-47 sank British ship Holmelea west of Ireland overnight; 27 were killed, 11 survived. ww2dbase [U-47 | CPC]
  • German battlecruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau refueld from tankers Ermland and Friedrich Breme 1,000 miles west of the Azores. They also transferred 180 prisoners taken from Allied ships sunk on 22 Feb. ww2dbase [Scharnhorst | CPC]
  • The former US Ambassador to France made a public announcement in which he accused the United States of not doing nearly enough or working fast enough in the present international crisis. ww2dbase [AC]
  • German submarine U-48 landed master Thomas Llewellyn Bradford and chief officer Alfred Hodder of British steam merchant ship Nailsea Lass, sunk by the submarine three days prior, at Saint-Nazaire, France. The two were later taken to the German prisoner of war camp Marlag und Milag Nord. ww2dbase [Saint-Nazaire, Pays de la Loire | HM]
Germany Taiwan
  • Vice Admiral Koki Yamamoto was named the commanding officer of the Mako naval port at Pescadores islands, Taiwan. ww2dbase [Mako Guard District | Mako, Hoko | CPC]
United States
  • The Bell XFL Airabonita prototype was returned to the US Navy at Naval Air Station Anacostia in Washington DC for further testing. ww2dbase [XFL Airabonita | CPC]

27 Feb 1941 Interactive Map

27 Feb 1942
  • Operation Biting: Elements of the newly-formed British 1st Parachute Brigade dropped on Bruneval, near Le Havre, and stole a German radar unit under the noses of the defenders, losing only three men in the process. Escaping by sea the paratroopers brought the equipment back to England where scintists were able to unravel secrets of the radar which had been playing a significant role in the success of night fighters against British bombers. ww2dbase [AC]
  • US submarine S-39 landed on Chebia Island in search for the 40 British refugees from Singapore rumored to be located there; none of them were found. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • Nisshin was commissioned into service. ww2dbase [Nisshin | CPC]
  • HMS Manchester completed her repairs at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • A Japanese force landed on northeastern Mindoro in the Philippine Islands. ww2dbase [Invasion of the Philippine Islands | CPC]
  • Six 1st American Volunteer Group pilots arrived at Accra, Gold Coast, British West Africa by C-53 transport aircraft to pick up newly delivered P-40E fighters for use in China. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • The Spanish Torino motorised division operating in southern Russia beat off massed Soviet infantry and cavalry attacks. The fighting ended with more than 700 Russian dead spread across the battlefield. ww2dbase [AC]
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
  • HMS Indomitable departed Port Sudan, British East Africa, escorted by Australian destroyers Napier and Nestor. ww2dbase [Indomitable | Port Sudan | CPC]
Atlantic Ocean
  • German submarine U-156 sank British collier Macgregor with the deck gun 20 miles north of the Dominican Republic at 1035 hours; 1 was killed, 30 survived. ww2dbase [Second Happy Time | CPC]
  • Leonardo da Vinci sighted Latvian freighter Everasma, detached from Allied Convoy TAW-12 and sailing toward Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in the Atlantic Ocean at 1955 hours. ww2dbase [Second Happy Time | Leonardo da Vinci | CPC]
Caroline Islands
  • Japanese hospital ship Hikawa Maru arrived at Truk, Caroline Islands. ww2dbase [Hikawa Maru | Truk | CPC]
  • Tenryu completed her anti-aircraft weaponry refitting at Truk, Caroline Islands. ww2dbase [Tenryu | Truk | CPC]
  • HMS Eagle departed Gibraltar with 15 Spitfire fighters on the flight deck to be delivered to Malta. ww2dbase [Eagle | CPC]
Indian Ocean
  • American seaplane tender USS Langley with 32 P-40 fighters aboard, en route to Java, was sunk by Japanese Navy land-based aircraft. On the same day, at the Battle of the Java Sea, Japanese cruisers Haguro and Nachi sank Dutch cruisers HNLMS Java and De Ruyter along with destroyer HNLMS Kortenaer and two other Dutch destroyers with Type 93 torpedoes without any Japanese losses. ww2dbase [Dutch East Indies Campaign, Java | Haguro | Nachi | Type 93 | TH]
Japan Libya
  • Hans-Joachim Marseille shot down two P-40 fighters, his 51st and 52nd kill, near Ain el Gazala, Libya. His victims were Sergeant Roger Jennings and Pilot Officer Richard Hart. ww2dbase [Hans-Joachim Marseille | Gazala | CPC]
Pacific Ocean
  • At the Battle of the Java Sea, Nachi launched scouting missions with her two floatplanes. She was surprised by the Allied Striking Force in the evening, but was able to escape without damage. ww2dbase [Dutch East Indies Campaign, Java | Nachi | Java Sea | CPC]
United Kingdom
  • Blackburn B-37 torpedo-strike fighter took its maiden flight with Flight Lieutenant Arthur Thompson in the cockpit. ww2dbase [Firebrand | AC]
United States Photo(s) dated 27 Feb 1942
Seaplane tender Langley being abandoned after being damaged by Japanese bombs, south of Java, 27 Feb 1942; destroyer Edsall by LangleyBurning tanker SS R.P. Resor off the coast of New Jersey, United States after being torpedoed by German submarine U-578. Resor burned for 46 hours after being torpedoed before grounding off Barnegat Light.

27 Feb 1942 Interactive Map

27 Feb 1943
  • Jews in Berlin, Germany who were previously allowed to remain there due to their positions in the armaments industry were deported to Auschwitz Concentration Camp. Meanwhile, the Rosenstrasse protest began in Berlin by women who had married Jewish men. ww2dbase [Discovery of Concentration Camps and the Holocaust | CPC]
  • Karl von Le Suire stepped down as the commanding officer of German 46th Infantry Division. ww2dbase [Karl von Le Suire | CPC]
  • Francis Gabreski was assigned to 61st Fighter Squadron of USAAF 56th Fighter Group, flying the P-47 Thunderbolt aircraft. ww2dbase [Francis Gabreski | CPC]
Atlantic Ocean
  • A lifeboat containing survivors of Dutch steam merchant ship Madoera, damaged by German submarine U-653 three days prior, was discovered. The 6 white survivors were picked up and later brought to La Pallice, France, but the 29 non-white sailors were left adrift. ww2dbase [HM]
  • Alpino Bagnolini sighted a periscope in the Atlantic Ocean at 1053 hours; she turned away. ww2dbase [Alpino Bagnolini | CPC]
France Hawaii Japan Russia
  • Allied convoy JW-53 arrived at the Kola Inlet near Murmansk, Russia. ww2dbase [Arctic Convoys | Murmansk | CPC]
United Kingdom
  • Dilly Knox passed away from lymphoma in Britain. ww2dbase [Dilly Knox | AC]
US Pacific Islands
  • USS Wahoo arrived at Midway Atoll, refueled, and then departed for her fourth war patrol. ww2dbase [Midway Bases | Wahoo | Midway | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 27 Feb 1943
Three A-20B Havoc attack aircraft, probably of 47th Bomb Group, US 12th Air Force, over Tunisia, 27 Feb 1943HMS Cumberland (left), HMS Obdurate (second from left), HMS Belfast (third from left), and HMS Faulknor (right) in the Kola Inlet near Murmansk, Russia, 27-28 Feb 1943

27 Feb 1943 Interactive Map

27 Feb 1944
  • USS Cod sank a Japanese merchant ship by torpedo. ww2dbase [Cod | CPC]
Australian New Guinea British Western Pacific Territories French Syria and Lebanon
  • Lebanon declared war on Germany and Japan. ww2dbase [Lebanon | CPC]
  • Adolf Hitler ordered the name Hummel to be dropped from the official designation of the SdKfz 165 self-propelled gun as the bumble bee was not deemed to be fiersome enough of an animal mascot for a fighting vehicle. ww2dbase [SdKfz 165 Hummel | CPC]
Hawaii Japan Pacific Ocean
  • USS Grayback sank freighter Ceylon Maru, hitting her with 1 of 2 torpedoes. She was sunk by the subsequent depth charging by aircraft and anti-submarine craft 100 kilometers southeast of Okinawa, Japan. ww2dbase [Grayback | Philippine Sea | CPC]
  • The Soviet troops responsible for deporting the population of Khaibakh village in Chechnya in southern Russia could not complete their assignment due to a heavy snowstorm. Instead, Colonel Mikheil Gveshiani of the NKVD ordered the troops to force the entire population of 700 into a large stable, lock the doors, and set the stable on fire. ww2dbase [Deportation of Caucasian, Altaic, and Turkish Peoples | Khaibakh, Chechen-Ingush | CPC]
United States Photo(s) dated 27 Feb 1944
Japanese landing ship No. 149 loading a Type 95 Ha-Go light tank, Nasake Island, Kure, Japan, 27 Feb 1944Japanese landing ship No. 149 unloading a Type 3 Ka-Chi amphibious tank, Nasake Island, Kure, Japan, 27 Feb 1944

27 Feb 1944 Interactive Map

27 Feb 1945
  • USS Hoe fired 2 torpedoes at periscope depth at a Japanese freighter; both torpedoes missed. ww2dbase [Hoe | CPC]
  • Friedrich Hüffmeier was made the military governor of the Channel Islands, succeeding Rudolf von Schmettow. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • Admiral Louis Mountbatten, on the advice of Colonel Colin Mackenzie (Head of Force 136) and Colonel John G. Coughlin (Head of OSS at SEAC) overruled General Oliver Leese's announcement that the Burmese Anti-Fascist Organisation (which included Communists) would not be armed or employed, since it was felt, at SEAC, that the Allied armies would need all the help they could get from the Burmese Nationalists during the drive on Rangoon. ww2dbase [Louis Mountbatten | AC]
  • USS Bailey departed San Pedro Bay as an escort for a convoy bound for Mindoro, Philippines. ww2dbase [Bailey | DS]
  • The 6,501-ton US freighter Nashaba, from Southend, England, United Kingdom bound for Ghent, Belgium, was separated from convoy TAM 91 after the convoy ran into a force 8 gale. She struck a mine in the Schelde Estuary and sank. One crewman was killed in the explosion. The convoy was scattered in a force 8 gale that hit the North Sea. ww2dbase [Schelde Estuary | HM]
French Syria and Lebanon
  • Lebanon declared Independence from France and declared war on Germany and Japan. ww2dbase [CPC]
Germany Guam
  • USS Sunfish arrived at Apra, Guam, Mariana Islands, ending her tenth war patrol. ww2dbase [Sunfish (Gato-class) | Apra | CPC]
Hawaii Marshall Islands
  • Lieutenant General Millard F. Harmon, Commanding General, USAAF Air Forces, Pacific Area, arrived at Kwajalein, Marshall Islands, refueled, and took off for Oahu, US Territory of Hawaii. The C-87 transport aircraft would never be seen again. An extensive coordinated search by all services ensued for the next 20 days but failed to locate any trace of the missing plane or its passengers. Brigadier General James Roy Andersen was also lost in this accident the aircraft. ww2dbase [Kwajalein | HM]
  • After 10 days of close support for the landings at Mariveles, Bataan Peninsula, and Corregidor Island in Manila Bay, destroyer USS Saufley sailed from Subic Bay, Luzon, Philippines bound for Mangarin Bay, Mindoro, Philippines. ww2dbase [Saufley | Subic Bay, Luzon | DS]
  • King Mihai I of Romania appointed a Communist government. ww2dbase [TH]
  • Soviet Deputy Commissar for Foreign Affairs Andrei Vyshinsky, sent to Bucharest, Romania by Joseph Stalin, forced King Mihai I to appoint Petru Groza as the new prime minister. ww2dbase [Mihai I | Bucharest | CPC]
United Kingdom United States Photo(s) dated 27 Feb 1945
M4 Sherman

27 Feb 1945 Interactive Map

27 Feb 1946
  • Marblehead was sold for scrap. ww2dbase [Marblehead | CPC]
  • Allied repatriation ship Hikawa Maru arrived at Uraga, Japan and disembarked personnel. ww2dbase [Hikawa Maru | Uraga, Kanagawa | CPC]
  • Prince Naruhiko was interviewed by the Yomiuri-Hochi newspaper. ww2dbase [Naruhiko | CPC]
United States
  • USS Alabama departed San Pedro, California, United States for Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton, Washington, United States. ww2dbase [Alabama | San Pedro, California | CPC]
27 Feb 1950

Photo(s) dated 27 Feb 1950
Construction equipment outside the White House during major renovation, Washington DC, United States, 27 Feb 1950

27 Feb 1950 Interactive Map

27 Feb 1959

27 Feb 1960

United States
27 Feb 1967
  • Gordon Robertson became the commanding officer of USS Hornet, relieving Van Eason, Jr. ww2dbase [Hornet (Essex-class) | CPC]
27 Feb 1979

  • The Communist Party of Shanghai, China exonerated Chen Changjie. ww2dbase [Chen Changjie | Shanghai | CPC]
27 Feb 2003

  • Wang Picheng passed away from heart and kidney failure in Taiwan. ww2dbase [Wang Picheng | CPC]

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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